AP World History Welcome Parents! Debra Cave, B.S., M.Ed.
AP World History College-level Global events and trends Historical Thinking Skills Thematic Comparative “Periodization” Change & Continuity Balanced Coverage
Historical Thinking Skills Historical Arguments from historical evidence Chronological Reasoning Comparison and Contextualization Historical Interpretation and Synthesis
Historical Periodization Period Title Date Range Weight 1 Technological & Environmental Transformations To c. 600 BCE 5% 2 Organization & Reorganization of Human Societies c. 600 BCE to 600 BCE 15% 3 Regional & Trans-regional Interactions c. 600 CE – 1450 20% 4 Global Interactions c. 1450-1750 5 Industrialization & Global Integration c. 1750-1900 6 Accelerating Global Change & Realignments c. 1900 - Present
Theme One Interaction between humans & the environment demography & disease migration settlement patterns technology Example: Period 4: 1450-1750 Increasing Global Interactions Changes and Continuities in the Atlantic World due to the Columbian Exchange
Theme Two Interaction of cultures religions beliefs systems philosophies ideologies science and technology arts and architecture Example: Period 2, 600 BCE-600 CE, Organization and Reorganization of Human Society Cultural Diffusion on the Silk Roads; Buddhism, sillk
Theme Three State-building, expansion & conflict Forms of governance Empires, nations Nationalism, revolts, revolutions Example: Period 5 Industrialization and Global Integration Japan’s vs. China’s Reaction to Western Industrialization
Theme Four Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems agricultural and pastoral production trade and commerce labor systems industrialization capitalism and socialism Example: Period 3 Regional and Trans-regional interactions Serfdom, Slavery
Theme Five Development and transformation of social structures gender roles & relations family & kinship racial/ethnic constructions social/economic classes Example: Period 6, Accelerating Global Change and Realignments Changing Role of Women
Habits of Mind Constructing/evaluating arguments; analyzing POV and context. Assessing continuity/change over time and over different world regions. Understanding diversity of interpretation Seeing global patterns; connecting local developments to global processes. Comparing within and among societies. Exploring the relevance of world history to contemporary developments.
Section I: 70 Multiple Choice (55 min) The Exam May 15, 2014. Section I: 70 Multiple Choice (55 min) Section II: Free Response (130 min) A. DBQ (50 min) B. Change Over Time (40 min) C. Comparison Essay (40 min)
Assignments Unit Tests (100 pts) Quizzes (25 pts) Essays (50 pts) Homework (25 pts) Debates/Seminars/ /Presentations (25-50 pts) Research Papers/Projects (100-200 pts) Class Participation (varies)
What do I expect from students? Be Prepared Be realistic Accept challenge Self advocate Give their best effort
What can you expect from me? High standards Fair and reasonable Support Flexible Accessible
Contact debra.cave@apsva.us
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How You Can Help Get a Review Book Discuss global issues Play devil’s advocate Read/discuss history Watch/critique historical films Contact me