Mission Strategy Organization How Supports a Gospel Movement Mission Strategy Organization What’s Been Accomplished Objectives
Churches and Ministries United to Proclaim the Gospel in Word and Deed Jesus prayed believers would be one John 17:21 (NIV) 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. Churches and Ministries United to Proclaim the Gospel in Word and Deed …Vision Help Churches and Ministries Collaborate for Prayer, Outreach and Service. …Mission …Goals …Objectives
In Collaborations of Outreach and Service Gospel Movement In Collaborations of Outreach and Service Celebrate and Accelerate What God is Already Doing. Initiate What God Could Do. Roles: Inspire → Promote → Co-sponsor → Sponsor → Initiate/Manage. …Strategy
How is Organized? What Resources Has It Used or Not Used? Volunteers Pastors/Leaders Meet Monthly Planning Team Meets Monthly Contact Management System/Email List …Organization
Collaborations to Support the Gospel What’s Been Accomplished? 1 Collaborations to Support the Gospel What’s Been Accomplished? 1 Kettle Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army. Restored Fulton Park in New London – 9 churches, 97 people. CityFest Festival in Fulton Park supported by 13 churches, attended by 1,200 people, with 90 acceptances. …Actions
Collaborations to Support the Gospel What’s Been Accomplished? 2 Collaborations to Support the Gospel What’s Been Accomplished? 2 “Love 146” training of staff in hotels and motels to recognize and report possible Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation. Police Chaplain on call to police 24/7 in Norwich and Waterford. Promoted National Day of Prayer in 17 locations. Tutoring and Mentoring freshmen in New London High School. Churches contributed and youth assembled 8 picnic tables for New London High School. …Actions
Collaborations to Support the Gospel What Has Been Accomplished? 3 Collaborations to Support the Gospel What Has Been Accomplished? 3 Outreach Teams do Prayer Walking and Needs Assessment in New London. Five churches held united Sunday worship service for 1,100 (est.) in Norwich. 20 baptisms. Multi-church Vacation Bible School for children, youth and adults for five nights in Fulton Park. Twelve pastors teach spiritual strengthening and career skills for the unemployed. …Actions
Collaborations to Support the Gospel Collaborations to Support the Gospel What Has Been Accomplished? 4 Four churches combine to serve Thanksgiving. Sponsored a “Bridging the Gap” Resource Fair and Celebration for residents of shelters and recovery houses. Churches partner in God's Closet Free Food and God's Closet Free Clothing. …Actions
…Actions Collaborations to Support the Gospel Collaborations to Support the Gospel What Is Planned in Next Few Months? 4 Pastors/Leaders Dinner March 27, 2017 “Arise” Prayer Meeting for all Believers April 28 Employment and Bible Training to Restore Lighthouse Inn in New London …Actions
Collaborations to Support the Gospel Collaborations to Support the Gospel Objectives for the next two years … 1 Grow from 30 participating churches to 54. Worship teams go into sober houses, shelters, and halfway houses. Work&Learn course for employment inside recovery houses and shelters. …Objectives
Collaborations to Support the Gospel Collaborations to Support the Gospel Objectives for the next two years … 2 36 mentors assist all incoming freshmen in New London High School. Expand Police Chaplaincy 24/7 to two more cities. Additional churches combine for united worship service, as in Norwich. Promote National Day of Prayer on May 4 in 17 locations. …Objectives
Collaborations to Support the Gospel Collaborations to Support the Gospel Objectives for the next two years … 3 Organize Youth Work Camp in the summer of 2018. Explore and start Adoption Foster Care ministry. …Objectives Questions Going Forward How to assure pastoral leadership and guidance Would incorporation with a board of pastors facilitate this? 2. How much focus on collaborative events vs. collaborative ministries of presence 3. How to engage more churches, rural and urban, large and small, in collaboration Double the invitation list from 80 to 160?