Campus wide Ticketing Tool for UC Berkeley Sprint Review #3 Incident Management 2– February 24, 2014 A joint project of Campus Shared Services & Information Services & Technology
Agenda About this Sprint Key Decisions Metrics Categories Sprint Review Demo Next Steps Upcoming Project Dates For More Information Sprint Stories
About this Sprint February 4 – February 19 Key Developments: Incident Management February 4 – February 19 Key Developments: Categories Self-Service Portal Email Communications
Key Decisions Incident Management Allowing users to regulate amount of emails postponed (customization required) Emails received go to Caller module Service Requests will be received in Incident Management until Service Catalog can be built out further
Metrics 140 points 70 stories # of changes:
Categories Service Interruption Service Request Information Request Outage Performance Error Security Service Request Information Request How To Feedback SPAM
Sprint Review - Demo Incident Management Scott Hall, Developer
Next Steps Service Request – New Standard Computer Complete hiring of developers Conduct Production Test with small customer group Plan & Develop trainings for staff and customers
Upcoming Project Dates Deliver production ready tool to CSS-IT – End of February Production Test – First half March One more development cycle – Second half March CSS-IT begins migration off of Footprints – Early April
For more information Project Wiki
Sprint Stories As a customer, I can choose Impact level of my request As a user, when I search for a person's name for the beneficiary field, I want to search by last name As a tech, I can see tickets that I am assigned to so that I can be more efficient with tracking my tickets. As a tech, I can organize my tickets multiple ways, by date, assigned to, assigned to me but no action taken etc As a tech, I want to escalate a ticket to L4 for all Gold Issues As a tech, I want to be able to do a KB look up to see if the solution for a issue is available in the kb As a tech, I want to be able to record all actions taken in a ticket As a tech, I want to be able to escalate a ticket to a campus partner As a tech, I want to be able to escalate ticket to a vendor As a tech, I want to be able to change the status of a ticket to 'resolved', after a solution has been provided for the issue As a tech, I want to be able to put a ticket on 'waiting for customer' status when im waiting for a customer to respond As a tech, i want to be able to reopen a ticket that is in resolved status for less than 3 business days. As a tech, I want a ticket in resolved status to 'close' automatically 5 business days after resolution was provided and customer hasnt responded to confirm resolution.
Sprint Stories As a supervisor, I want to know if a ticket is gold issue ticket As a tech, I should be able to change the priority of a ticket if it is a gold ticket As a tech, I should be able to select a business service when creating a new incident management ticket As a tech, I should be able to select a category when creating a new incident management ticket As a tech, a newly created or generated incident ticket will always have 'new' as the status of the incident ticket. As a tech, I should be able to select a status from the drop down based on the state of the ticket As a tech, I should be able to capture resolution of a incident ticket before status is changed to resolved. As a tech, I want to know if an incident ticket was generated via email, phone or the web. As a tech, I should basic customer information auto populated in an incident ticket generated via email As a customer, I should basic customer information auto populated in an incident ticket generated via web form/ portal As a customer, I should be able to submit an incident request via the self service portal As a customer, I should be able to select a business service for an incident ticket submitted via the self service portal As a customer, I should be able to select a category when submitting an incident via self service portal As a customer, I should be able to create an incident ticket via the self service portal by using my CalNet ID As a customer, i should be able to see my primary phone number, email and auto populated when i create an incident ticket
Sprint Stories As a customer, i should get a message saying my incident ticket has been successfully submitted after I click the submit button on the self service form. As a customer, i should receive an email acknowledgement stating that my incident has been assigned to the correct group and someone will contact them for tickets submitted via self service portal As a customer, I want to receive an email acknowledgement with my incident ticket number after submitting a incident ticket via self service portal As a customer, I should be able to see all current incident tickets with me as a caller in the self service portal As a customer, I should have read access to incident tickets opened by me so i can track them through the self service portal As a customer, I should be able to see a summary of my incident tickets to understand the status of the incident ticket in the self service portal As a customer, If can receive email notifications every time there is a change in status to incident tickets opened by me As a customer, I will receive a email notification when my incident ticket has been closed. As a customer, I should be able to see incident ticket that are in closed status 30days from the date of ticket closed in the self service portal. As a customer, I want to see a clearly define service catalog which helps me in submitting a correct incident management ticket. As a customer, I should be able to see incident tickets that were requested on my behalf in the self service portal As a customer, I want to be able to track incident tickets in the self service portal where I am the on the watch list
Sprint Stories As a customer, the incident tickets i see in the self service portal should have only the minimal information in the ticket. It should not contain the tech work notes or internal work notes. As a customer, I want my incident ticket submitted via self service portal to be assigned to the correct assignment group based on the category and business services As a customer, I should receive a message "fields required" when I try submitting an incident ticket via self service portal with required fields missing information As a customer, I should be able to track my incident tickets by how it was submitted eg, email, phone, portal As a customer, I want to send an email to CSS-IT email and have my incident ticket submitted As a customer, I should receive an email acknowledgement after sending the email that the email was successfully delivered As a customer, I should receive a email acknowledgement that a SN incident ticket was submitted and a ticket number was generated. The ticket number will also be attached to the email As a tech, When I receive an incident ticket opened via email I should be able to see the email addresss auto populated As a tech, I should be able to see that the category and business services pre populated for incident tickets submitted via email. As a tech, I want to be able to see a short description in an incident ticket submitted via email As a tech, I want to change the priority of an incident submitted via email As a tech, I want to change the category and business services of an incident ticket submitted via email
Sprint Stories As a customer, I want an incident ticket submitted via email to be assigned to the correct assignment group As a tech, I should be able to make changes to customer phone number, email address, calnet for incident tickets opened via email As a tech, I should be able to see the subject line from an email transferred to the short description of an incident ticket for tickets submitted via email As a tech, I want to see the body of the email transferred to the additional comments section of an incident ticket for tickets submitted via email As a tech, I should be able to attach a KB article to an incident management ticket. As a tech, I should be able to attach files to an incident ticket. As a customer, I should be able to attach files to an incident ticket opened via self service portal As a tech, I should be able to see the attachment file in an email attached to an incident ticket submitted via email As a customer, I should not have access to delete a file attached to an incident ticket after it was submitted. As a tech, I should be able to download any files attached to an incident ticket As a SN Admin, I should be able to see an audit trail for attachments downloaded by a tech for security purposes As a tech, I can track routing of tickets to based on assignment teams so i know who to follow up with Need to remove student id from the contact list, since it falls under dpl2 data As a gold customer, incident tickets submitted gets auto escalated to L4 team As a tech, I want to be able to see all open tickets so i can assign tickets to myself As a tech, I should be able to open child tickets to assign to escalation teams or track escalations to teams outside of ServiceNow As a tech, I should be able to capture all phone calls using the Service desk call feature in service now