Online Reputation A guide for children aged 7+ Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
What is an Online Reputation? How other people think or feel about you because of what they see about you online. Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
Online Reputation When you do anything online you leave a 'digital footprint'- Information about you that other people can see by simply searching for your name If you use the internet a lot you may leave behind a lot of details about you like photos, videos, comments, your address or other contacts details. Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
Why should I care what information about me is online? Online Reputation Why should I care what information about me is online? Personal information, including photos or videos may end up in the wrong hands. A hacker or cyberbully could use your information to pretend to be you. They may do things that could get you in trouble, like sign up to things using your email address, write comments as if they are you or post photos of you without your permission using your social media accounts Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
How could my personal information being on the internet affect me? Online Reputation How could my personal information being on the internet affect me? Your school, future employer or any clubs you belong to may find your language, photos or videos offensive or unsuitable: You could be suspended or expelled from school You could be dismissed from a job in the future If you are a part of any clubs or hobbies they may not want you as a member anymore Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
What could my digital footprint reveal about me? Online Reputation What could my digital footprint reveal about me? Depending on your security settings all kinds of information could be publicly available, including: Your link to family members Photos of you Videos of you Things you have looked at Memberships/subscription you have to sites Posts you have published on your own social media accounts Comments you have made on other people’s social media accounts Name Address School Telephone number Home address Descriptions of you from sites you are a member of Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
Why does my online reputation matter to me? Like a tattoo, your online reputation can be long-lasting and is usually permanent. Can you see a situation where it could have a negative impact on your life now or in the future? Friends Family Impact School Career Wrong /bad impressions of you Breaking rules set at home resulting in punishment Getting in trouble or even expelled Stop you from getting an interview or job You may experience cyberbullying Putting yourself or your family in danger Teachers may form wrong or bad impressions of you Dismissal from a future job You may become the cyberbully (with or without realising it) Affecting your family’s reputation with friends, co-workers or employers Teachers may report you to your parents Impact on your relationship with co-workers or clients Remember: It’s not just you and your friends who can see what you post! Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
What can I do to protect my online reputation? The internet can be a useful resource and a lot of fun but always apply some common sense and some basic steps to protect yourself THINK Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it disrespectful to someone else? How does it make me look? Could it be misunderstood? Is anger causing me to write something I will later regret? Is there a chance I might not always feel this way? Who else can see this? Will it get me into trouble? Anything you view or search for is usually available for all to see Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
What can I do to protect my online reputation? The internet can be a useful resource and a lot of fun but always apply some common sense and some basic steps to protect yourself ACT Set strong privacy settings and passwords Delete any past comments, photos or videos you have since realised you don’t want public Do not share your passwords Use a search engine like Google to find your name – delete anything you don’t want public If you don’t know how to remove information or change your privacy settings, ask an adult Only visit pages you're happy for ANYONE to know about– your history is always recorded Parents and schools monitor internet use. Only post what you're happy for them to see! Copyright © 2017 Norton Symantec
Have fun!... But stay safe online Online Reputation Have fun!... But stay safe online Copyright © 2017 Norton™ Symantec