DCS 101 Revised MARCH 2017
DCS. DCS stands for Defense Collaboration Services DCS DCS stands for Defense Collaboration Services. This system enables communication among the non-secure internet networks and secure internet networks. Its capability includes: web conferencing, session management, text messaging, application sharing/broadcasting, audio, presence and awareness, voting/polling, video, multiple sessions, recording and instant messaging. DCS creates an avenue for our TSWF team members to securely communicate with members located on base who use secure computer/networks. Our team utilizes DCS mainly for training TSWF AIM forms to end users and CST’s.
DCS To begin hosting a DCS you will need these 3 items in place: A CAC card A CAC card reader A government email address
DCS Once you have the three aforementioned items in place you can begin. To be a host, someone from the TSWF team will need to give you administration rights within DCS. This will be done using your military email address. After you have been given administration rights and set up on the DCS site, follow these steps: Plug your CAC reader into the USB port in your computer Slide your CAC card into the CAC reader, chip side up and first. A green light should flash demonstrating the card is being read Click on this link to go to the DCS Home Page: http://www.disa.mil/Enterprise-Services/Applications/Defense-Collaboration-Services
DCS The DCS home page should look like this. From this page click on the purple ‘USE NOW’ button
DCS A window will appear asking you to select a certificate to authenticate yourself. Please always choose your DOD EMAIL address as the Issuer. Then select ‘OK’.
DCS Next you will be asked to enter your PIN number. This PIN is usually 6-8 digits. Enter your PIN and click ‘OK’.
DCS After your PIN is approved, the page below on the LEFT will appear. Don’t click anything on that page until the page on the RIGHT appears a few seconds after. The page on the RIGHT requires you to consent to the DCS website conditions. Please click on the button at the bottom of the page ‘I Accept’.
DCS Once terms have been accepted this page is now the main page displayed. Please click on ‘LAUNCH HOME PAGE’ to continue.
DCS You might be asked to enter your PIN one more time after that last step. If so please enter your PIN again and follow the instructions. This page will be the next to appear. Please read the US Department of Defense Warning Statement and proceed by clicking on the blue ‘Accept’ button.
DCS Here displayed is what your DCS home page will look like. Below your name and military email address is ‘My Reservations’. These Reservations are portals to different types of meetings which you are able to Host (If someone has given you admin rights to host). Here are 3 different existing reservations; if you are new to DCS you most likely will have zero existing reservations. To create a new reservation, click on ‘Create a new reservation’ on the right hand side.
DCS To create a new reservation you will need to name it then add a description. For the example below, if you wanted to create a ‘reservation’ for a monthly TSWAG meeting through DCS, name the reservation ‘TSWAG MONTHLY MEETING’. Next, you have the choice to name the URL which the reservation will create. If you do not chose to customize the name, DCS will create a link for you with random numbers and letters. The last area to fill out is the description. Then click on the button ‘Create’.
DCS After your reservation is created, you will be taken directly to the portal of that reservation. Within the portal is all the vital information about the reservation. Displayed below is the title, the description, the web conference URL and who the administrator of this reservation is.
DCS To make another person an admin for your Reservation, click on the red ‘Admin’ tab along the top tabs.
DCS Then click on Admissions
DCS Here enter in their military email address. Click ‘Search’. After you find them, add them as an admin.
DCS Now we are ready to begin the actual DCS session. Click on the ‘Home’ tab along the top of the screen. This will take you back to the TSWAG MONTHLY MEETING home portal. Then click on the button ‘Start’ on the right side under Web Conference.
DCS A window will appear to set the Meeting Options. Make sure to check the box next to Record Meeting and Audio. This will allow permissions to record the meeting and to use the built in audio speakers within the DCS. Lastly make sure the Anticipated number of participants is set to 100 just to be safe; this way, if you have a large audience, no one will be unable to join. After your options are set, click on ‘Done, start the meeting!’.
DCS Two more windows will pop up as you enter into the DCS session. One window is to allow the session to use the camera and microphone, the other window is to allow information from the DCS onto your computer. This last permission is important especially if you record the meeting, the content is then downloaded to your computer. Click ‘Allow” for both.
DCS Here is the DCS conference page. Your meeting is now running! To begin, make sure all users are able to enter the meeting. Click on the icon of the wrench. A window will appear with options. Click on ‘accept all users’. Then click on ‘Ok’.
DCS To record the meeting click on the ‘Not Recording’ button with the camera icon next to it. A window will appear to confirm you want to record. Click on the ‘Yes’ button to insure you want to record. Then the icon will switch to say ‘Recording’.
DCS To enable audio through the DCS, click on the headphones icon in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Then click ‘Allow’ on the first box that pops up. Click on ‘Join Audio’ on the second box that appears. These permissions allow the audio functions within DCS to be enabled. You can now communicate with other participants of DCS who have enabled their audio functions.
DCS Another function within DCS is the Webcam. This functionality is rarely used but important to know how to utilize. To start sharing your webcam, click on the webcam icon along the top left hand side of the screen. A box will appear displaying the webcam preview. If the picture is clear and looks presentable, click on the ‘Start Sharing’ button to allow others to see you via your webcam.
DCS Three icons at the bottom left of the screen are vital for presenting content during your meeting. Below is an explanation of all three. This icon allows any documents which have been uploaded into the presentation dialog window to be downloaded onto your computer This icon allows the presenter to download any content that is in the presentation window This icon is where files from your computer are added to the presentation dialog window
DCS The icon that is farthest to the right of the three, allow files from your computer to be uploaded to the presentation window. When you click on that icon, the big box highlighted in red below, is displayed. Here click on ‘Select File’ to chose a file from your computer you wish to have displayed into the DCS presentation.
DCS Here you chose a file from your computer, whether it be a slide deck/powerpoint, word document, PDF, Excel sheet, ect and click ‘Open’.
DCS The file name will now faintly appear in the grey box. Click on ‘Upload’ next to load it in the system. The ‘Progress’ bar will turn blue as the file is uploading. Once it has uploaded completely this screen will disappear and the home screen will be visible again.
DCS Now you will see the document you uploaded into the system is now displayed. There is no limit to how many pages can be uploaded. To increase the size of the display, use the tools highlighted in red below to alter the appearance.
DCS Another way to present content during a DCS is to share your desktop so the audience can see everything on your computer. You can also make someone else the presenter so they can share their desktop. Along the top of the screen, on the left hand side, there is an icon of a computer monitor. Click the icon and a box will appear which says ‘Desktop Sharing: Presenter’s Preview’. This box will show you what the audience is seeing on their end from your screen. You will need to make sure you have the latest version of Java installed.
DCS If you are the administrator of the DCS, you have the capability to allow someone else to present their screen during the DCS session. The image to the far left is what your ‘Users’ screen will look like if you are the presenter. The screen in the middle shows how hovering over the icon next to the persons name you want to present, will show a blurb saying ‘Change presenter’. Click on that icon to change that person to the presenter. The screen to the far right now shows what it looks like when that person can now present. This new presenter can now share their screen. They cannot however load documents into the presentation dialog window. That function is solely for the administrator.
DCS An incredibly helpful function within the DCS is the capability to chat with the other participants. On the right hand side of the screen you will see a ‘Chat Window’. To send a message to all participants of the DCS start typing in the free text box below with the blinking cursor. Then hit send.
DCS If you need to send a private message to someone on DCS click on the tab across the top inside of the Chat Window, labeled ‘Options’. Then select the individual participant you wish to chat with. Next a chat window will appear, and there you can type up your message.
DCS After the DCS is complete and the session has been exited out, you will be directed to the main page of that specific reservation. The recording of your meeting will automatically terminate once the meeting is exited out of. To retrieve the recording of your meeting, click on the ‘Recordings’ tab along the top. Then click on ‘Download’ next to the appropriate meeting time and date. This will save a file to your computer and you can retrieve the audio and video file from your session.
DCS Thank you! For any Questions please email Merilee.Mcelveen@ehrts.com