Back to School Inservice August 7, 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Back to School Inservice August 7, 2017 WebKIDSS Back to School Inservice August 7, 2017

Back to school checklist WebKIDSS Changes Reminders

Logging in Do not Google or search for WebKIDSS Go to the BCSBC Website; click on the WebKIDSS link

Click on “I agree”

Enter your user name and password Click on the Login button

If you forget your password click on the link to have a new password emailed to your primary email address.

Read the log in notification

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “I have read this notification button”

Main Menu Functions

Most of you will be automatically logged in to the provider group Most of you will be automatically logged in to the provider group. Change the group drop box to the BC business group to access the entering form and the referral form. Select Enter Data into Forms.

Select the applicable form Select the applicable form. The entering form is used for students entering Butler County from another district in Kansas or out of state. The referral form is used for new referrals (students without a current IEP)

Back on the main menu and back to the provider group Back on the main menu and back to the provider group. Select which student records you want to access by clicking on the Which IEP Records drop box.

Use the tabs across the top of the page for your first selection then select from the buttons below the tabs. The program will always default back to the student tab. From the student tab you can Edit IEP Students, Locate a Student Record, use the IEP meeting view, edit progress reports, check IEP records for verifications, enter forms data and check forms for verifications.

A closer look at the IEP meeting view: Click on the IEP Meeting View button then enter the student’s name exactly as it is entered in WebKIDSS or enter the student’s KSDE KIDS ID#.

Click on Edit record:

This allows to you display the student’s IEP on a screen during the meeting without the risk of inadvertently breaching confidentiality by accidently moving to the next student record.

Back on the Main Menu

A closer look at Progress Report data: The only way to enter progress report data is from the Edit IEP Progress Report data button under the student tab on the main menu. Click on the Edit IEP Progress Report button then select the student’s name from the student drop box. You can display the progress report by clicking on the display progress report button. You can display the goals by clicking on the display all goals button.

You can navigate through the progress report page using the goal drop box to select the applicable goal and the next and previous buttons to select the applicable benchmark.

Enter comments in the top most field, enter the “Y” or “N” in the status field to indicate progress towards the goal. Enter the status date. Click save when you are done.

The print tabs allows you to print lists or one click reports

To print a one click report, click on the one click report option then select your report from the list.

Scroll down to the admin print functions to print a blank IEP, form or team checklist

The Medicaid tab allows you to log single student data, group data or verify COTA/PTA entries. Only those of you who are responsible for entering Medicaid data will have the Medicaid tab.

To view a logon report after it is no longer visible on the main menu click on the logon report tab then select the applicable report button. The (No-Click) report is a list of IEPs due within the next 30 days.

Click on the filed documents tab to display a filed document, file a progress report or display images. These functions can also be done from the student entry pages.

Click on the User tab to access your user profile Click on the User tab to access your user profile. This is where you will change your password and verify your email address. Click on Edit User Profile.

Back to School Checklist: Updating your user profile Back to School Checklist: Updating your user profile. This is where you can change your password. Also important to make sure your email address is current and correct.

Click on the document library to access WebKIDSS Instructional material. It’s a good idea to create a folder on your computer labeled “Document Library”. Download the material in the document library for quick and easy access at any time.

Select a subfolder

Click on the download button to download the document Click on the download button to download the document. Save it in a folder on your computer for easy access.

Back to School Checklist Updating Student Files – Steps 1-5 Must be completed by August 28th

Click on Edit IEP Students and check the list to make sure all the students on the list are students you will be serving.

If you are missing students: Find out where the student received service last year. If the student is currently a Butler County special ed. student e-mail Jane ( and request access to the file. If the student is coming from outside of Butler County COMPLETE THE ENTERING FORM (change group drop box at the top of the main menu to BC Business group; select “enter data into forms”) and follow the instructions on the entering form. If you will be faxing the IEP please use a cover sheet. If you do not have access to a fax machine you can scan and e-mail the IEP to Jane.  

Steps 1-5 must be completed no later than August 28th! If you have students on your list who should not be on your list you need to find out where the student went. If the student transferred to another Butler County school the exit form is NOT required. E-mail Jane with the name of the new building AND the new provider. The student cannot be removed from your list without both the new building name and the new provider name. If the student has left Butler County you need to complete the exit form and EMAIL THE FORM TO JANE. This must be done within 10 days of the first day of school. If you don’t know where the student is you need to wait until the student has missed 10 consecutive school days (or until you find out where the student has enrolled) and then complete the exit form AND EMAIL THE FORM TO JANE. Steps 1-5 must be completed no later than August 28th!

EXITS For students who no longer receive special ed. Service in Butler County you must complete the exit form and notify Jane of the exit. Exit forms should be completed and filed within 10 days of the last day of service or within 10 days of the first day of school if the student doesn’t return for the new school year.

Exits Click on the function drop box and select “enter IEP forms data”

Exits Select the Exit form:

Exits Complete the form, save the form, file the form and email the form to Jane. Jane will notify you when the exit process has been completed, submitted to KSDE and the file will be archived.


Back to School Checklist Steps 6 – 8 Must be completed by Sept. 8th

Check Student Demographics

Check Parent Data

Check School Data

If any of the information is incorrect in WebKIDSS contact Jane Miller ( If the information is incorrect on the building list contact the school secretary. The school secretary will need to submit a new record to KSDE.

Go to the Anticipated Services Chart Review the IEP. Pay special attention to the service chart. If the IEP/service chart has missing or inaccurate data you will need to do an amendment asap. Corrections can NOT be made to the service chart without doing an amendment (with the exception of building/provider names). Amendments are required if service data was not duplicated for the current school year or if the service was duplicated with an error.   Repeat steps 6-8 for EVERY student on your list. Steps 6-8 must be completed no later than Sept. 8th

Additional Requirements for Pre-school and Kindergarten Students For Kindergarten Students – E-mail Jane and let her know which kindergarten students attend all day and which students attend ½ day. Update K-Time (see next step).   K-Time (students 5 or younger on December 1) For ALL students age 5 or younger on December 1 verify K-time (this includes Kindergarten students, EC students and walk-in speech students). If K-time needs to be added or changed, complete the k-time form (function drop box; enter forms data) and then e-mail Jane with the student’s name. Jane will update the anticipated services page per the k-time form. Early Childhood providers – Send a list of peer models to Jane ( include the student’s full legal name, date of birth, parent data (for parent one), building information and grade. OWS (students age 3-6 and not yet in Kindergarten) Be sure an OWS entry or organizational entry has been entered on the KSDE website for all students ages 3-6 who are not yet in kindergarten. For students who are 6 years old or have entered kindergarten be sure the OWS exit summary has been entered. For students who have moved to another district be sure to enter the OWS organizational entry/exit data.

Dates to Remember September 1 , 2017 – Exit forms for students who did not return must be completed and Jane must be notified that the exit form has been completed and filed. This applies to all students who did not return within 10 days of the first day of school.   September 8, 2017 – All items on the back to school WebKIDSS list should be complete. If you have new students entering after 9/8/17 the WebKIDSS files must be entered and accurate by 9/15/17. April 1, 2018 – Start scheduling transition meetings for students who will be moving to a new program (EC –K; Elementary – Middle; Middle – HS; etc.). Write a new IEP or do an amendment (be sure to use a CURRENT date if doing an amendment; do not post-date or pre-date the amendment record). Include services for the 2017-18 and the 2018-19 school year. Be sure to update service data, building names and provider names in the 2018-19 service lines. April 30, 2018 – All annual reviews and amendments should be complete. You may continue to work on new referrals and IEPs for students entering from other agencies. May 1, 2018 – Annual reviews and amendments done after May 1 will need to be complete on WebKIDSS and ready to lock one day after the meeting date. May 11, 2018 - All files will lock. If you need an extension contact Jane. May 31, 2018 – Progress reports must be completed.

Within 5 school days of any IEP meeting or amendment – all data must be updated on WebKIDSS and the process completed page must be signed. It is recommend that you check your WebKIDSS roster every month. Make sure all dates are current and accurate and all student names are accurate. If someone is missing or if someone needs to be removed let Jane know asap.

Entry Screen Changes The IEP, IEP 2, TIP and Prog Rpt buttons are printing buttons.

To print an IEP: Click on the IEP button. A new window will open with a list of verifications. Print the list of verifications. You can use this as a checklist at the meeting to make sure all issues are addressed prior to signing the IEP. Click on Print document with verifications.

The “print” button prints the list of verifications The “print” button prints the list of verifications. The “print document with verifications” button prints the IEP.

Complete the parameters for printing the IEP then click on display.

To print the IEP click on the print button To print the IEP click on the print button. To print the IEP in a language other than English click on the select language drop box. The KIDSS button will close the display window.

To print in a language other than English click on the select language drop box then select the applicable language.

The IEP will now display and print in the language you selected:

To print the IEP click on the “print” button To print the IEP click on the “print” button. Notice the “print” button is now displayed in the language you selected. You don’t have to be able to read the word, you just need to remember where the print button is located.

When you are done printing be sure to click on the “show original” button to go back to the English display.

Failure to go back to the original “English Display” will cause the entire IEP to display in the alternate language.

Additional changes on the Demographics Page...

The county of residence has been moved up to the student data section from the parent address section. The county of residence is required and it should be the county where the student resides. Please note that the language of the student and language of the parent are also required fields and should not be left blank.

The parent data section has been changed so that it reads horizontally instead of vertically. The “consent date” is the date consent was given to use electronic correspondence. This date would probably be available on enrollment records.

Crossover Date Because of the significant changes to the IEP it was necessary to implement a “crossover” date. When viewing IEPs all IEPs written PRIOR to 8/1/17 will have the old layout and will print with the old layout. All IEPs written on or after 8/1/17 will have the new layout and will print with the new layout. Amendments will have the layout that applies to the IEP date. Example: IEP date is 4/30/17 (prior to the crossover date); IEP is amended on 9/15/17 (after the crossover date). The layout will be the old layout, and will print with the old layout, since the IEP date is prior to the crossover date. The new layout will not appear until the annual review is done.

Crossover Date If you are printing the one click accommodations report (main menu, print, one click reports, accommodations list) you will need to print both the old and new version of the list if you have students with IEPs before and after the crossover date.

The next set of changes involve the PLAAFPs pages The next set of changes involve the PLAAFPs pages. The PLAAFPs have been separated into several pages. This allows for multiple users to work on the PLAAFPs at the same time. The first page in the PLAAFPs is the General Intelligence page. This is the only page with the insert fixed text option. When using the insert fixed text option be sure to follow the instructions.

The remainder of the PLAAFPs pages will be generated based on the student’s grade and exceptionality. If the student’s grade is P3, P4, P5 or P6 the following PLAAFPs pages will appear in the layout:

If the student is in grade KG - 12 the following PLAAFPs pages will appear in the layout:

If the student is Gifted ONLY the following PLAAFPs pages will appear in the layout:

Each of the PLAAFPs pages will start with a basic question: Answer the question using the yes/no drop box. If the answer is no, the program will automatically remove the majority of the rest of the questions on the page. Some pages will have a few additional questions. Answer the questions as applicable to the student’s needs.

If the answer to the first question on the page is yes you will be prompted to answer additional questions. Answer all questions as applicable. Enter the strengths and needs Be sure to include parent concerns and/or comments. If the parent does not have any comments enter “no concerns” in the parent comment text box. Enter the student’s current performance. Identify the impact of the exceptionality.

At the bottom of each PLAAFPs page, if you have answered “yes” to the first question on the page, you will indicate how the need will be met: Check as many as apply -

If the need will be met by Accommodations, Modifications, Support for School Personnel, Supplementary Aids/Supports, Assistive Technology or Behavior be sure to complete that area/page of the IEP.

If the need will be met by a Goal, check the box and click “save” If the need will be met by a Goal, check the box and click “save”. You will now have the option to enter a goal. Enter only the goal(s) applicable to the PLAAFPs page where you are currently working.

After clicking on the “new” button the goals fields will appear After clicking on the “new” button the goals fields will appear. Enter the goal, the common core, the baseline, indicate how progress will be measured and the provider responsible for the goal. Checkboxes at the bottom can also be used. The checkboxes are for internal use only and will not print on the IEP.

Common core links are available at the top of all PLAAFPs pages Common core links are available at the top of all PLAAFPs pages. Click on the common core button and then the applicable link.

Be sure to indicate how you will be linking progress reports Be sure to indicate how you will be linking progress reports. If you will not be using benchmarks be sure to select the option to link progress reports to the goal. If you WILL be using benchmarks be sure to select the option to link progress reports to the benchmarks.

To enter a benchmark start by indicating that the goal has benchmarks by selecting the option to link the progress reports to the Benchmarks then click save.

Click on the “new” button and the fields for entering a benchmark will appear.

Complete each of the PLAAFPs pages in the same manner: Answer the yes/no question at the top of the page. Complete the text box fields making sure to address all questions as applicable. Indicate how the need will be met. Complete applicable pages in regards to how the need will be met. Enter goals/benchmarks if the need will be met by a goal. Remember – there is not a goals page in the layout. Goals must be entered on the appropriate PLAAFPs page.

Accommodations/Modifications/Supplementary Support: Answer the yes/no question at the top of the page:

If the answer is “no” copy and paste the statement in the prompts box into the comments box.

If the answer is “yes” click the “new” button.

Complete each field of the accommodations line Complete each field of the accommodations line. Note that the start and end dates will pre-populate based on the IEP date. The dates can be adjusted if necessary.

Anticipated Services page Reminders: There are no changes to the service chart this year. Always a good idea to do a verification check when writing an IEP or an amendment. Use the Calendar button to view first and last day of school as well as no school days. Use the Building button to view total class minutes and total building minutes by grade level

Anticipated Services page Reminders: There are no changes to the service chart this year. Duplicate all will duplicate all services EXACTLY as they are. Use with caution. In most cases you want to duplicate all for next year. Duplicate ALL for Next Year will duplicate all services for next year with dates of services for next year. You can change the building, provider and service data as applicable.

Anticipated Services page Reminders: There are no changes to the service chart this year. Display Service/Setting Code Descriptions will display a list of all service and setting codes with their definitions:

Anticipated Services page Reminders: There are no changes to the service chart this year. Complete ALL fields in the service line. The only exception is the provider name should be left blank ONLY FOR K-TIME. ALL other fields are required. Be sure to indicate the primary attend building and the primary provider.

Anticipated Services page Reminders: There are no changes to the service chart this year. Be sure to duplicate lines for next year and updated service data, building data and provider data as applicable.

The Process Completed Page The Process completed page is not a copy of the signature page. The Process completed page is a communication tool used to let us know that all providers (and the school psych) have completed the IEP or amendment process and the file is complete, ready to be locked and submitted to KSDE. Never sign the process completed page PRIOR to the meeting date. Never sign the process completed page for someone else.

The Process Completed Page All current providers listed on the service chart need to enter their name on the process completed page when their portion of the IEP or amendment is complete. Files should be complete and ready to lock within 5 days of the IEP date. The final document in WebKIDSS should read EXACTLY like the document that was signed/agreed upon by the IEP team. You can not make any changes in the IEP entry screens that were not included in the signed document. See the guideline for entering dates document in the documents library if you need to change the IEP date or amendment date.

Be sure to read the instructions and the checklist at the top of the Process completed page.

The Process Completed Page If the IEP is a new referral or if there is a need for the school psych to sign the process completed page check the box indicating the school psych needs to sign the process completed page.

Parent Contact Log The parent contact log is completely optional. If you want to keep track of parent contact data click the “new” button and enter the contact information. The page will not print with the IEP.

Dates Log The Dates log is completely optional. If you want to keep track of significant dates data click the “new” button and enter the dates information. The page will not print with the IEP.

Questions regarding WebKIDSS: Email Jane: HAVE A GREAT YEAR!! Questions regarding WebKIDSS: Email Jane: