Medicine May 9, 2014
Upcoming Events Housestaff graduation banquet: June 13, 2014 Medicine Social Event (Club Med(icine)): May 15, 2014 Grand Rounds: June 27, 2014: narcotic prescribing (note: new CME requirements for VT license)
Medical Student Summer Research Six students have been awarded summer research fellowships to work with faculty in Medicine: Murtaza Bhamal with Dr. Leib Nazey Gulec with Dr. Lundblad Sarah Kelso with Dr. Rincon and Libman Jacqueline Wade with Dr. Rincon Marie Leman with Drs. Dittus and O’Brien Tristan McKnight with Dr. Weiss
Mentorship Awards
Transitions Mark Levine MD, FACP Professor of Medicine Vice Chair for Education Residency Program Director 1992-2014 DIO and Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education 2014
Education Leadership Dermatology: Program Director: Dr. Pierson Medical students: Inpatient clerkship: Dr. Polish Outpatient clerkship: Dr. O’Brien Acting internship: Dr. Levine Fellows: Cardiology: Dr. Capeless (EP: Dr. Capeless Interv: Dr. Watkins) Dermatology: Dr. Goldman Endocrine: Dr. Marney GI: Dr. Ferrentino Heme-Onc: Dr. Sprague ID: Dr. Pierce Nephrology: Dr. Segal Pulmonary/Critical Care: Dr. Kaminsky Rheumatology: Dr. Libman
Medicine Residency Leadership Program Director: Mark Pasanen MD FACP Associate Program Director: Mary Ramundo MD Associate Program Director: TBA
Department of Medicine Faculty Meeting Frederick Morin, md, dean May 9, 2014
Major changes in our environment Incentive Based Budgeting for UVM Restriction of Federal research funding Development of Fletcher Allen Partners/ UVM Health Network
Incentive Based Budgeting/ Resource Center Management Full income and expense passed down to the Colleges Neither Research nor PhD education able to develop a margin Undergraduate, professional masters and on line courses are able to
Restrictions on Federal Research Funding Has affected our research mission Diversify our research portfolio Corporations and Foundations Philanthropy
Development of Health Care Networks e.g. UVM Health Network Best outcome for a population at lowest costs Preventative & Primary Care Teamwork with other providers Technology Population science Risk of the academic enterprise being on the outside looking in
C-Change Survey Results University of Vermont College of Medicine DOM May 9, 2014
Rationale Approach We have limited resources Focus efforts on things that matter Build buy-in and support for change & FD Approach Validated survey instrument National norms available L Pololi as an expert and consultant
Survey ran 6 weeks from 11/4/2013-12/20/13 31% in first week
UVM COM Factor analysis N=24 Institutions as comparators
UVM COM Factor analysis N=24 Institutions as comparators
UVM COM Factor analysis N=24 Institutions as comparators
Conclusions In general, there are few major/unique issues. Perhaps: “Cup is half full” Gender mismatch(gap) on perceptions Gap is less than Nat Aver Basic Science faculty are less “happy” Funding outlook? Low leadership aspirations Opportunity for FD Faculty( esp. adm.) desire(need) more mentoring Opportunity to effect positive change
Next Steps Prepare an executive summary for dissemination Schedule general faculty meetings Meet with other groups(e.g. today) Develop a COM Faculty Development Plan Leadership training Mentoring program(s)