Grado Comparativo del adjetivo y adverbio Comparativo de superioridad
Adjetivos o adverbios monosilábicos ( CORTOS) o de 2 sílabas Agregan “er” + “than” Eg. These bones are smaller than the ulna Estos huesos son mas cortos que el cúbito
long: …………….. than large: ……………. than big: ………………. than We work faster than you ………………………………………… They came later long: …………….. than large: ……………. than big: ………………. than
Adjetivos o adverbios con dos o mas sílabas (largos) se antepone “more” More intelligent than ……………………………………………. They are more interested in …. ……………………………………………
Grado Superlativo Adjetivos cortos the biggest the shortest ……………………….. the largest …………………………. the fastest ………………………….
Adjetivos o adverbios Largos the most the most careful the most difficult ………………….. the most intelligent ……………………
Formas irregulares Good better than the best ……………………………………………. Bad worse than the worst …………………………………………… Much many more than the most Little few less than the least
INFERIORIDAD Para el comparativo en vez de “er” o “more” Usamos “less” He is less intelligent than me …………………………………………. Para el superlativo en vez de “est” o “most” Usamos “least” He is the least intelligent
IGUALDAD Para expresar igualdad usamos “as” ………… “as” He is as intelligent as his brother Completar información del cuadernillo pag. 27, 28 y 29