WVASFAA Fall Conference October 20, 2016 **Updated** Banner Seasons WVASFAA Fall Conference October 20, 2016 **Updated**
What’s New With DL?
Edit Code 219 New in 8.28. COD Edit Code 219 (correction). Award Amount > Sum of disbursements. Displays on the RLADLOR edit/reject window. Use the amount to synchronize Banner. Determine if need to resubmit changes.
Edit Code 220 Warning. Disbursement amount is zero for a term within the loan period. “You might need a shorter loan period.”
Fee Changes Added functionality to update RLRDFEE. RLPDLFC – find, lock, cancel, and re-establish loans. Has ‘audit’ and ‘update’ modes. Make sure all disbursements have been sent to COD and loaded back into Banner. Update spring-only loans before you use RLPDLFC so they won’t get canceled.
More about RLPDLFC Sets disbursements to zero to cancel. Locks origination records on RLADLOR. Run again to reactivate the loan. Banner will use the appropriate fee from RLRDFEE and disbursement date based on today’s date (sysdate).
What’s New with Pell?
Coming up for 1718 New max amount for 1718: $5920 Pell Schedules for Banner will be delivered in patch the week of October 24th. The patch can be applied even if your database is not on 8.28.
2017-2018 EDE
1718 Dataload delivered in 8.28. New Forms: RNANA18, RNAPR18, RNASL18, RNAVR18, RNIMS18. New Processes: RCPTP18, RCRTP18, RNPFM18.
Comment Code 399 Indicates significant differences between 1617 and 1718 ISIRs. See GEN-16-14. 1617 and 1718 should be the same since they used the same year’s tax information. Approximately 10,000 ISIRs were reprocessed and pushed to schools in message class IGSG18op on October 18th.
What to do with 399 Population selection to identify them. Can use the population to build a batch posting rule. Post a requirement to RRAAREQ. Update other fields in Banner.
Documentation The newest User Guide is 8.28. The newest COD Handbook is dated April 2016. The newest Release Guide is 8.28.
Banner XE Transformed Financial Aid forms will be delivered November 30th. Support of Banner 8 will continue until the end of 2017. Upgrades will work differently. WVNET staff continue to test multiple setups.
Your Turn! What’s on your mind?
Discussion Notes We like to provide plenty of time for discussion, so here are some notes from that discussion….
Financial Aid History With the change to filing the FAFSA earlier, it’s been suggested that requesting new financial aid history (FAH) in the spring might be a way to catch any adjustments to outstanding loan balances. You could also use the information to inform students of their debt before they receive their next disbursement. Whatever you decide to use the information for, following are the steps to getting it into Banner.
FAH – Step 1 Prior to requesting the FAH file, you should decide which students you want to update. This could be all students with one of your loan funds, just ones with originated loans, all students, etc. After creating the population selection…. Now for Step 1: Run RNRTMAC to create your request using ‘H’ for the ‘Request Type to Create’ parameter. You can view/add records on RNATMNT.
FAH – Step 2 Run RNRTMNT to extract the records you just created. This creates the TRNINFIN file that you transmit to NSLDS. You will immediately get back the TRNINFOP file to acknowledge your submission and alert you of any errors. The next file returned to you will be the FAHEXTOP response file that you’ll load into Banner.
FAH – Step 3 The last step is to import the FAHEXTOP and/or TRNINFOP files into Banner using RNRTMNI. Note that you will be asked to select whether you want the new record to be the current one - ‘Load FAH Record as Current Record?’ parameter. Most likely, you will want to load them as current. The FAH records will have ‘FAH’ as their INFC code. **We normally see EDE, ISIR, or MANUAL.
SULA Determining a student’s SULA status was discussed. While we would like to catch them all prior to originating a new loan, it’s more convenient and accurate to submit it to COD and let them alert you to an issue. Where can you see the SULA? The SULA tab on RLADLOR and the RPASSUI form are updated regularly with COD data.
Entrance Counseling If you are having issues with getting student records to update when CRECMYOP is loaded, check to see if the student has a COD record in ‘sent’ status. While a Direct Loan record is in ‘sent’ status, it is essentially locked to any further updates. For this reason, you should load any incoming CRAA, CRDL, or CRPG files (to get those records out of ‘sent’ status) before loading other types of COD files.
Questions? I can be reached at 304-293-5192 ext 269 Or Send me email at dianne@mail.wvnet.edu