Great Job Listing! How To Land the Interview with Allan Freedman
Tonight’s Goals How to Land the Interview Understand Hiring Manager’s Perspective How to Apply to Get the Interview Read a Job Posting Do Research Build a Resume Write a Cover Letter Next Steps
Allan Freedman, MS, SHRM-SCP Chief Operating Officer, National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy Society of Human Resource Management – Senior Certified Professional MS in Business, Finance, Johns Hopkins University BS in Business, University of Maryland Board Member, DC Chapter, International Dyslexia Association Facilitator, 40Plus of Washington Fired Four Times in my Career… Been here, Done this.
An Attractive Job Posting
Email the Resume!!!
AND… Nothing but Crickets
What we feel is the companies response to our resume…
And How the Hiring Manager Perceive Resumes Submitted for a Job Opening…
How Do We Get Noticed, and Land the Interview?
Steps to Getting to the Top of the Resume Pile Don’t Waste Time - Is this a good job you can do? Do your Research Do you Really Want to Apply? Dissect the Job Listing Create a Resume that will get you Noticed! How to get to the top of the pile Use your Network Who do you know? Don’t forget the last step…
Filtering Job Listings – My Process Visit Job Listings LinkedIn Job Board Hill Jobs - Nonprofit Jobs - ASAE Job Board - Print or Check Job Listings that Look Promising Get a coffee, edit your LinkedIn profile, take the dog for a walk Review the short list – any possible winners? Now time to work the process to land interviews
Time for Research Can I Support the Mission? Is it a Good Employer? Can they Afford Me? Any Deal Breakers?
990 Tax Return - 2014
990 Tax Return - 2014
“IT’S A GO” Time to Apply To Cover or not to Cover? Build a Resume that Makes the Cut To Cover or not to Cover?
Build a Resume that is Aspirin to the Pain
Evidence in a Resume
Create the “Pain Relief” Resume One or Two Pages Targeted Information – You are the answer to their search Catch ‘em Quickly – Top of the Fold Direct Profile Statements 40Plus Success Bites – illustrate success and skills
The Last Step Speaking from personal experience there is a feeling that when you send in the perfect application for the perfect job you deserve to take a break and see how it works out. STOP IT! The only good reasons to deviate from a well-designed job search plan is a) because you landed a new job; b) a family emergency; or c) hospitalization. Otherwise you have to keep going, most importantly because the job you were really meant to have may have been just around the corner from the job application you just submitted and you can’t afford to miss it.
Time Check 40Plus Class
Time for Networking!
LinkedIn – Easy Bake Networking
LinkedIn – ASIS Employees
LinkedIn – Connections
Time Check 40Plus Class
Preparing for the Interview
Google News Search
Google News Search Article
Google News Search Article
Peter O’Neil, CEO, Twitter Feed
LinkedIn – Peter O’Neil, CEO