Go to College. Get Ahead! Dual Credit Information Session Parent Orientation
WHAT IS DUAL CREDIT? Dual Credit is the process by which a high school student enrolls in a college course and receives simultaneous credit for the course from the college and the high school.
DUAL CREDIT COURSE BENEFITS Understand what it takes to be successful in college Experience college before leaving high school Save time and money earning a college degree or certificate Reduction in the repetition of courses between high school and college curricula DUAL CREDIT COURSE BENEFITS
GENERAL INFORMATION Students who take dual credit courses are beginning their college career. This is a serious commitment and should only be entered into by those who are ready to be committed to college-level work. Students and parents should discuss the level of commitment needed in regards to their high school course load and extra-curricular activities. Students will be taught by a Lee College instructor on the high school campus or online.
STUDY TIPS AND INFORMATION The average study time for a college course is 2-3 hours per hour of class time. Some classes will require more study time. It is better to overestimate time required.
CONSEQUENCES OF DROPPING A DUAL CREDIT COURSE Withdrawals remain on the college transcript (this deadline is established by Lee College) Texas 6 Drop Rule - 6 drops allowed through completion of a student’s bachelor’s degree May impact financial aid eligibility in the future
Course Options for Crosby High School Remember!! It is important that the student choose a class that is within their intended college major! Prior to graduation, it is the student’s responsibility to request that the college transcript be sent from Lee College to the university of their choice. Crosby High School students take courses on the high school and online. Students can take a variety of courses, including (but not limited to) English, college algebra, government, sociology/psychology, Instrumentation, art appreciation, art history, and biology.
Understanding Your Degree Plan
1. Turn in the Dual Credit request form to the College and Career Counselor in the Next Level Center. 2. Submit the Lee College application and pass the TSI (or submit exemptions). 3. Registration forms will be processed by Lee College. 4. Make payment by deadline and purchase books (if necessary). ENROLLMENT PROCESS Steps in order to be eligible to receive high school credit for a Dual Credit course
AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE STUDENT INFORMATION TO PARENTS FERPA-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act FERPA Form must be signed BY THE STUDENT if a parent wants access to student grades and other college information.
Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine (Required for New College Students) All new students taking classes on any Lee College campus must comply with a new law to support awareness and prevention of the deadly bacterial meningitis disease. There are deadlines for getting the shot or seeking an exemption.
ACCESS SERVICES Because Dual Credit courses are college level and taught by college approved instructors, students under Section 504 of Special Education must contact the Lee College Access Center in order to be considered for accommodations in courses. The phone number for the Lee College Access Center is 281-425-6217.
TUITION $100 per course per semester plus the cost of books. This is a discounted rate for Dual Enrollment courses. (It is typically $739.00 for general students) Scholarships are available!! http://www.lee.edu/foundation/scholarships-for-students/
TSI IMPLEMENTATION FOR 9TH/10TH GRADE 10th grade 9TH grade Fall - TSI prep course TSI test - NOV Passing scores take EDUC 1200 in spring (2 college hours). 10th grade Take TSI test May 17, 2017, must pass to enroll in courses. Retake at Lee until June 7 TSI All students must pass to enroll in dual credit courses
11th/12th GRADE Interested students will complete a Lee College application on February 22, 7:30 am at CHS. TSI testing April 12, 7:30am – Writing April 19, 7:30am – Reading & Math
Earn an associate’s degree and high school diploma at the same time. Modified Early College Academy Enrolled in San Jacinto College courses in the morning 7am – 10:00am. Enrolled in CHS classes in the afternoon. Earn an associate’s degree and high school diploma at the same time. Full-time College Part-time HS MECA Classes are taken on SJC North campus. Transportation is provided to/from CHS.
Associates of Arts Degree MECA Incoming JUNIORS only Must successfully complete Pre-AP Algebra II by end of sophomore year (which means Alg I in MS) Requires some summer course work TSI required – testing will be scheduled through CHS Application to San Jacinto College – completed at CHS MECA application Associates of Arts Degree 62 hours
Associates of Arts Degree MECA Students will need to research their intended 4-yr college to make sure all courses transfer into degree plan. MECA students will typically apply to college at FIRST-TIME FRESHMEN and must meet all freshmen admission requirements, including SAT/ACT scores. Associates of Arts Degree 62 hours
Out of District
Career & Technical Courses San Jacinto College & Lee College Students earn hours toward a career certification Industry Recognized Certifications Technical Certificate Program Associate’s Degree Enrolled in CHS courses in the morning. Enrolled in San Jacinto College classes in the afternoon. Transportation provided to/from SJC. Lee College courses at CHS campus
DUAL TECHNICAL COURSES OFFERED Air Conditioning/Heating Electrical Technology Auto Collision Repair Engineering Design Graphics Cosmetology Maritime/Logistics Criminal Justice Welding Technology Culinary Arts – Pastry Chef Diesel Technology Pharmacy Technician (jrs. & returning only) Emergency Medical Tech (seniors only) Medical Assisting (jrs. & returning only) Analytical Instrumentation – at CHS
TUITION and Other COSTS Crosby ISD covers the cost of tuition and textbooks for all CTE students. Students are responsible for class supplies. REQUEST FORMS AVAILABLE FROM COUNSLEORS ON COURSE REGISTRATION DAY
Questions? Parent Orientation
GET INFO from NEXT LEVEL CENTER Alice Hoy College/Career Counselor ahoy@crosbyisd.org 281-328-9237 x1812 Marvin Nash College/Career Adviser mnash@crosbyisd.org 281-328-9237 x1840 REMIND 101 – text @cisdccr to 81010 Download REMIND app