Madhav Prasad Koirala, Ph.D. Health & Safety Concern of Workers of Building Material Producing Industries in Nepal Madhav Prasad Koirala, Ph.D. President , Nepal Engineering Professionals’ Association(NEPA), Constituents Member of Confederation of Nepalese Professionals(CONEP)
Nepal has an area of 147,181 Square Kilometers out of it About 35% area of the country is Himalaya About 42% area of the country is Hill About 23% area of the country is Terai
World Highest Mt. Everest & 8 mountains among the highest 10 in the world is with this country. Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha is in this Country.
According to officials of the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE), A total of 527,814 individuals had left the country for jobs in the fiscal year 2013-14. (Source: The Himalayan, July 19, 2015) However it is estimated more than 600,000 are working out of the country and same number of workers are working in different industries inside Nepal.
Health and safety of Workers in Construction Material Producing Industries Why Health and safety for Workers? To maintain environmentally friendly. To save the expense of insurance and treatment for the workers. Ultimately, enhance productivity of industry..
The ILO estimates that about one million children aged 5 - 17 are engaged in small-scale mining and quarrying activities worldwide. These children work under dangerous conditions and go without access to schools, health clinics, and other basic necessities. (WORLD OF WORK, NO. 54, AUGUST 2005)
Most of the work places, requiring more physical work and labor. No safety and preventive measures, No workers have proper understanding of exposure to hazards and minimize them. Immediate and strong interventions at all levels including the government, employers and the employees. (Joshi, Shrestha & Vaidya ,2011),
It is identify that musculoskeletal disorders and injuries remains prevalent in brick kilns of Nepal and catering physical, organizational and cognitive ergonomics needs will ensure good work practices and better health of workers.(Joshi et all,2013)
Physiological changes is rapid in Teenager Women and hence required separate Shelter As Per own Culture menstruation period the need separate shelter
Diseases Skin diseases are widely reported. About 25% and more of all the occupational skin diseases. Inclusions in the skin, periungal erosions, diffuse eczematous lesions and cutaneous infections.
No PPE Why is Personal Protective Equipment(PPE), protects the lungs, eg from breathing in contaminated air the head and feet, eg from falling materials the eyes, eg from flying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids the skin, eg from contact with corrosive materials the body, eg from extremes of heat or cold
. The airborne dust generated contains high percentages of free silica, both in total dust accumulated during respiration, that may lead to occupational diseases silicosis if exposure is prolonged and the concentration of dust is high. From the legal point of view, if any accidents occurred, accident affected families must be provided all types of help if necessary in order to save themselves from the exploitation of the employers.
Health & Safety is prime need of workers, working on construction materials producing industries? Respect of fundamental human rights Protection of wages Employment security, Working condition, labour Market and social aspect, industrial relation etc
Occupational accidents by country in the Other Asian Island region Economically Active Population Total Employment Estimated number of Fatal Accidents Fatality Rate Non- Fatal Accidents,<_3days Accident Rate Lower Limit 0.19% Upper Limit 0.1% Average India 458720000 419560000 48176 11.5 25355777 48175977 36765877 8763 Nepal 11000000 3293 29.9 1733079 3292850 2512964 22845 China 708218102 699771000 73615 10.5 38744649 73614834 56179742 8028 Source :(Hamalainen, et al, 2006)
Accidents in the establishments in 1997/98–2003/2004 Particulars 1997/98 19998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 Number of establishments 4192 4 4284 4274 4296 3617 3630 3473 No. of workers 385960 387200 392421 394541 359373 307536 306430 No. of accidents 39 42 55 37 46 36 83 Fatal 21 7 15 6 Serious 2 18 23 17 16 Minor 14 12 60 Man day loss 190 632 613 282 623 976 991 Source :(Vaidy, nd)
Overview of World Over 1 Million Work-Related Fatalities Each Year 600,000 lives would be saved every year if available health & safety practices and appropriate information were used every year, 250 million accidents occur causing absence from work, the equivalent of 685,000 accidents every day, 475 every minute, 8 every second; (ILO,1999 Press Release)
Over 1 Million Work-Related Fatalities Each Year 600,000 lives would be saved every year if available health & safety practices and appropriate information were used every year, 250 million accidents occur causing absence from work, the equivalent of 685,000 accidents every day, 475 every minute, 8 every second; (ILO,1999 Press Release)
Working children suffer 12 million occupational accidents. 12,000 of them are fatal; 3,000 people are killed by work every day, 2 every minute; (ILO,12 April,1999 Press Release)
Result Misunderstanding Health and Safety is for Workers. When workers get confidents, moral become high and enhance the productivity, efficiency, quality of entire industry By establishing good ergonomic work environment is the important aspect of industrial development. The safety and health provisions under the Labor Act, 2048 (1992), and ILO 155 need to implement
The inspection and regulation of labor offices is not sufficiently for establishing a sound health and safety condition in Nepalese industries. sufficient research, development and recording of OSH issues and their proper management is the current need of the country for establishing safe, environment friendly, and hazard free work and workplace in industrial sector.
Thank You! And Red Salute!!!