Myositis Isabelle Delgado Per. 5
What Is It? Myositis is the inflammation of the muscles caused primarily by infection, injury, medicines, disease, or exercise. Although there are a myriad of symptoms, the most visually obvious is a rash on the hands, face, back, and chest.
Types of Myositis There are 5 types of Myositis: Dermatomyositis Juvenile Dermatomyositis Inclusion-Body Myositis Polymyositis Orbital Myositis
Dermatomyositis (DM) It predominantly affects women, and first appears in the form of a rash anywhere from the face to the back, chest, elbows, knees, and hands. It progresses to scaly, dry skin, tiredness, and pain when getting up. Weakness in the hips, neck back, and shoulders follows. Difficulty swallowing and changes in the voice occur, and then calcium buildup.
Juvenile Myositis (JM) While very similar to Dermatomyositis, this version affects children 18 or younger, but is fairly rare. It can first appear in a rash, then progress into muscle weakness or pain, or both symptoms can show up at the same time. Since children are weaker, in addition to Dermatomyositis symptoms, they also have difficulty lifting their heads, arms, or standing.
Inclusion-Body Myositis (IBM) Unlike Dermatomyositis, IBM affects more men than women, and typically occurs after age 50. Symptoms include muscle weakness in the hands, thighs, forearms, below the knees, and throat, frequent falling (tripping or otherwise), and difficulty gripping and swallowing.
Polymyositis (PM) Like Dermatomyositis, PM affects more women than men, but unlike every Myositis explained earlier, is first marked by the muscle weakness, not rash. PM’s symptoms include muscle weakness (concentrated towards the center of the body), difficulty swallowing and getting up after falling, and skin thickening in the hands.
Orbital Myositis Although extremely rare, Orbital Myositis is muscular inflammation surrounding the eyes. This specific strain is also related to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus Erythematosus, Crohn’s Disease, and Diabetes Mellitus. Signs include bulging or droopy eyes, limited movement in the eyes, and redness or swelling surrounding the eyes, as well as double vision.
Treatment There are multitudes of prescription medications available to aid treating Myositis, but more importantly treatment involves physical therapy and exercise to combat the destruction of muscle.
Questions (Easy) What is the most common visual symptom of Myositis? Hair Loss Tooth Decay Rash Rapid Fingernail Growth
Questions (Intermediate) Does Myositis affect children often? No, it affects children fairly rarely. No, it never occurs in children. Yes, it occurs frequently. Yes, almost every child contracts it.
Questions (Hard) What type of Myositis is the only type to occur most frequently in men? Dermatomyositis Polymyositis Orbital Myositis Inclusion-Body Myositis
Bibliography Shiel, William C., Jr., MD, FACP, FACR. "Lupus Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis & Pictures." MedicineNet. N.p., 2 Aug. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. Administrator. "Types of Myositis - TMA - The Myositis Association." Types of Myositis - TMA - The Myositis Association. N.p., Jan. 2015. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Department of Dermatology." Dermatomyositis | Dermatology. Carver College of Medicine, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Dermatomyositis." Dermatomyositis. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. "Inclusion-Body Myositis (IBM) - Diagnosis | Muscular Dystrophy Association." Muscular Dystrophy Association. Muscular Dystrophy Association, 07 Jan. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. Cunliffe, Tim. "Dermatomyositis (including Polymyositis)." Dermatomyositis (and Polymyositis) | Primary Care Dermatology Society | UK. Primary Care Dermatology Society, 21 Apr. 2015. Web. 12 Dec. 2016. Doan, Andrew, MD, PhD. " ." Orbital Myositis (inflammatory Pseudotumor). Online Ophthalmic Atlas. Univeristy of Iowa Healthcare, 2 Aug. 2008. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.