Rolesville High School RAMS Welcome class of 2019 Rolesville High School RAMS
Student Services Department Dean of Students: Mr. K. Douglas Counselor (A-F): Mr. S. Purvis Counselor (G-M): Ms. P. Lucas Counselor (N-Z): Ms. J. Harris Counselor (9th A-Z): Ms. J. Arnold SAP Counselor: Ms. D. Hendrix
Student Services Student Services is located on the 2nd floor, between the Media Center and the Cafeteria. Information about Student Services can be found on the RHS webpage.
How Do I See My Counselor when I have Questions/Concerns ? Stop by Student Services before class, during Lunch, or after school and fill out a “Student Request To See A Counselor Form”. The counselor will review the form and you will be seen. You can also email your grade level counselor from your Wake County student email address.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS You need 26 credits to graduate from Rolesville High School.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English I English II English III English IV ENGLISH-4 Credits English I English II English III English IV
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS MATH-4 Credits Common Core Math I Common Core Math II Common Core Math III 4th Math Course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans. It is recommended by colleges for a student to take a math class in the senior year.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Science-3 Credits Earth Science/Environmental Science Biology Physical Science-includes Chemistry or Physics
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Social Studies-4 Credits World History American History I American History II Civics and Economics
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SECOND LANGUAGE It is not required for graduation, but a MINIMUM of 2 credits are required for admission to the UNC Public University System.
What Does It Take To Be Promoted To The 11th Grade? A minimum of 12 credits including: -ENGLISH II -One credit in Math, One Credit in Science, One Credit in Social Studies and -(2) additional courses
Grading Scale A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F= less than 60
Quality Points Quality Points Grade Standard Honors AP A 4 4.5 5 B 3 3.5 C 2 2.5 D 1 1.5 F
What Is RIGOR?
What Is AN AP Course? AP enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. AP provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit.
Why Take AP Courses. ExPectations of AP Courses ** Why Take AP Courses ** ExPectations of AP Courses ** Preparing For AP Courses ( discussions) ** AP Exams ***Check with colleges for required ap scores AP Courses
Registration Dates February 1-28: Preregistration (students selected Courses) March 14: Students will enter courses into Powerschool Late March-Early April: Course Selection Verification March 31: Deadline to submit application for a course May 19: AP contracts are due July 15: Last day to drop an ap course
Moving Forward to 11th grade Continue taking courses for high school requirements and college admissions Start researching colleges Think/research careers Attend college fairs Talk to college representatives when they come to school
Cont. Begin visiting colleges Prepare to take the ACT offered to all juniors Start taking the Sat Make sure you understand college admission requirements Prepare a college resume
Cont. Participate in sports, clubs and volunteer in the community Have conferences with your counselor (student, Parent, and counselor) to discuss courses and preparing for post graduation
resources Students received their Pre-act and Psat (if taken) scores in December. If you Have questions, please contact your child’s counselor .
Events March 14, 2017 (4:30-7:30 pm) greater Raleigh national college fair at the Raleigh convention center. March 30, 2017 rhs career fair
Career Services Career Services is located on the 3rd floor, Room 3508. Information about Career Services can be found on the RHS webpage. Sign up on Mrs. McPherson’s door or in Student Services for an appointment!
Career Planning Services available to YOU! Career assessments College searching and job hunting tips Mock interviews Resume writing Interactions with strong and supportive Business Alliance Military exploration Opportunities to participate in: Job Shadowing Career and College Fairs Internship and Volunteer Experiences Apprenticeships
CTE Support Services Services available to YOU! Learning styles inventory assessments Test taking tips Study skills and organization tips Extra help in a CTE class Ms. Key is located on the second floor in office 2703.
What is CCP? The Career and College Promise Program (CCP) is a dual enrollment program designed to provide eligible NC high school students an opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school. CCP is a state-mandated program administered by Wake Tech.
To find out more or to participate…register to attend an info session at
North wake college and career academy Rising 10th and 11th graders Apply at Deadline is March 10th Offer honors and ap courses Several different career pathways
Questions? QUESTIONS? Questions? Questions????
CLASS OF 2019 Once a RAM, Always a RAM!