Work it out……. Tango.hotel.echo Tango.hotel.echo.oscart.romeo.yankee Bravo.yankee Lima.echo.mike.alpha.india.tango.romeo.echo India.sierra Kilo.november.oscar.whisky.november Alpha.sierra
Today we are learning non religious views about the creation of the universe We are learning this so we can compare and contrast atheistic and religious views about our world
Stephen Hawking
Who is Stephen Hawking???? Get into groups of four Around the room are facts about Stephen Hawking One of your group must get up and discover a fact and then share this with the group Each person must go twice First group to accurate record all of the 8 facts wins!!
Exam C Question Explain why some people do not believe that the universe was created by God 4x RE needed to gain full marks 1 X RE - Firstly 1 X RE – Secondly 1 X RE – Thirdly 1 X RE – Finally
Plenary Give me 5……
Who is Stephen Hawking? Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous physicists in the world. He is especially known as an expert on the nature of the universe He is an expert on black holes and what might be on the other side of them He is disabled and suffers from motor neurone disease
Who is Stephen Hawking???? He has a computer controlled voice box which allows him to communicate He is an atheist meaning that he does not believe in the existence of God Hawking believes that there are an infinite number of universes and not just this one that we live in He has written a number of best selling books on science and the origin of the universe
Did God create the universe? The following is an excerpt from a film called “Did God create universe?” written by Hawking` (Run from 25 mins 11 secs until end) At certain points we will stop the film and make notes on a mind map
Something out of nothing…. For some people the idea of creation ex nihilo is a difficult one But just watch this……
Quantum physics Quantum physics is the study of atoms and their particles In ‘normal’ physics (such as the study of the universe or cosmology as it is called) things are predictable But in quantum physics things are very unpredictable Particles can ‘blink’ in and out of existence and they do this all the time
Similarities and differences Catholic View Stephen Hawking The universe was created out of nothing The universe came into existence out of nothing (just like atomic particles can do) God has existed for all time (eternal) Time did not exist before big bang The universe could not have existed without God The universe created itself God is outside time and space (transcendent) Nothing can exist outside of time and space because the universe is the only reality There will be an end of time in the universe The universe will cease to expand and then contract and time will run backwards God will judge the living and the dead The universe will shrink to its original size and then might explode once again
Success criteria I can state some key facts about Professor Stephen Hawking I can begin to explain what Stephen Hawking thinks about the start of the universe I can compare his account and identify similarities and differences with the Catholic view I can evaluate two Big Bang theories, one with a divine creator (Le Maitre) and one without (Hawking)