Added value of participating in a COST action - SMARTCATS Axel Coussement, Alessandro Parente
The SMARTCATs COST action Addressing the grand challenge of matching the most promising Smart Energy Carriers with advanced energy conversion technologies Timeline: Approved in November 2014 , started on June 1st 2015 until March 5th 2019 Action Chair: Dr. Mara de Joannon, IRC-CNR Naples, Italy Co-chair: Dr. George Skevis, CERTH Thessaloniki, Grece
SMARTCATS security environment cost SMARTCTAS advocates the use of smart energy carriers in flexible, efficient and clean technologies, towards a secure, affordable and sustainable energy scenario SMARTCATS security cost environment efficiency pollution control flexibility
Action work plan WG1: SEC gas phase: from experiments to kinetic models Leader: Frédérique Battin-Leclerc-LRGP-CNRS, France WG2: Chemistry for control of by-products in SEC conversion Leader: Marìa Alzueta Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain WG5: Integration of fundamental knowledge towards technology application of SEC Leader: Alessandro Parente Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium WG3: Chemical and optical diagnostics for SEC conversion monitoring Leader: Stefan Voss Technische Universität Freiberg, Germany WG4: Standard definition for data collection and mining towards a virtual chemistry of SEC Edward S. Blurock Malmö University, Sweden
25 participating countries and 75 entities COST Member states and Cooperating countries Academic/research centers and companies International Partner Countries in the near future + Representatives for FWB: Alessandro Parente and Axel Coussement
20 companies, SMEs and industry
Networking tools # STSMs 15 involved countries 13 ECI Budget €25.420 Workshops, meetings, conferences First Annual Meeting and SECs for Power, Industry and Engines Workshop (26 August 2015 - 28 August 2015, CERTH Conference Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece) WG4 Workshop, April 5 - April 6, School of Engineering, University Federico II, Napoli Training schools SMARTCATs Training School on Analysis, uncertainty quantification, validation, optimization and reduction of detailed combustion mechanism for practical use of Smart Energy Carriers, July 4 - July 7, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Short Terms Scientific Missions # STSMs 15 involved countries 13 ECI Budget €25.420
An appropriate action structure ensures to meet the COST objectives under H2020 Working groups (WG) leaders/vice leaders Short Training Scientific Missions (STSM) program manager Early Stage investigator and Gender-Balance Advisory Committee Industrial advisory committee
The added value of participating to SMARTCTAS To expand/build a credible research network To start/reinforce cooperation with industry and SMEs, through the STMS instrument To maximise research output through joint papers and research programmes
A COST Action exposes to a number of world-class collaborations Durable network of scientists meeting on a regular basis Durable exchange of scientific ideas (the SMARTEST FUEL to a scientist) Credible research network and new research ideas, with beneficial effects on research grant applications! PI: A. Parente, ULB
A COST Action exposes to fruitful collaborations with industry and SMEs Opportunity to reduce the gap between industry and academia Understand the industry needs and share research developments with potentially interested actors Expose he early career investigator entrepreneurship principles Establish/reinforce collaboration with industry with common research outcomes (also via STMS) 5 common publication 1 common patent 1 EUROSTAR application 1 common publication Cooperation in 2 research projects 3 common publication Cooperation in 1 research projects
A COST Action allows to maximise the academic research output Naturally promotes the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge among partners (meetings and STMS) Ideal framework for training (STSM & Schools) particularly for early career investigators Ideal basis to promote joint publications and grant proposals 2 research proposals in preparation 2 ULB schools with the support of SMARTCATS
Thank you for your attention Axel Coussement, Alessandro Parente,