Trend on Japanese Students & JAOS Overview December 7, 2016 Tatsu Hoshino Executive Secretary, JAOS
Japan – General Background Population – 127.5 million GDP per capita - $36,194 USD (2014) World’s 3rd largest economy Significant downturn in the economy for the last 20 years but signs of recovery 2016/9/9
Brighter future ahead!? Japan – Economy and globalization Budget for new stadium is US$1.7 billion Total budget : US$30 billion 2016/9/9
Number of JP students in higher education inst. abroad 57,501 in 2012, 60,138 in 2013, 55,350 in 2014 Hit the bottom in 2011 and made 60,138in 2012 but decreased again in 2013 for degree studies. These figures do not include language studies. USA China Taiwan UK Australia Germany France Korea Canada New Zealand others 2016/9/9
JP university students going to study abroad Majority is just shorter than one year period 2016/9/9
High School students 平成25年度に海外研修に行った生徒(高校が把握している数) ・Short term study: on the sharp rise ・Long term study: increasing 平成25年度に海外研修に行った生徒(高校が把握している数) 3ヶ月以上:3,897人。3ヶ月未満;38,152人(2年連続増加) 特に3か月未満は8000人近くも大幅増加(前年29,953人) Longer than 3 months Shorter than 3 months USA AUS Y2013 Y2013 2016/9/9
43.7% of high school students wish to study abroad About 60% of parents want their children to study abroad 文部科学省の調査統計「平成25年度高等学校等における国際交流等の状況について」 日本政策金融公庫の調査「教育費負担の実態調査結果」(平成 26 年度) 2016/9/9
Gov. Budget for Globalization of JP universities Gov. Budget(FY2016) Gov. Budget for Globalization of JP universities US$120 million US$350 million 2016/9/9
Japan – Government policy on study abroad 2016/9/9
Gov. Budget for Globalization of JP universities 文科省の掲げる人材養成戦略が安倍政権の『成長戦略』に組み込まれ、一気に増加 US$127 million 2016/9/9
New Campaign and Scholarship MEXT let campaign aiming double the number of study abroad students. The Study Abroad Strategic Promotion task force has been formed. SNS, events, promotions. Supporters: corporations, media, athletes, pop stars, and so on. Scholarship: government & corporations & individuals joint effort Target: 180,000 in 2020 2012 2020 College & Uni 60,000 120,000 High School 30,000 2016/9/9
Japan – Government policy on study abroad 2016/9/9
Expecting More Growth Globalization Government Corporations Japan – Globalization means Growth Expecting More Growth Corporations Needs for GHR Government Well over US$150 mil budget injection Target: 180,000 students in 2020 Universities ↓ High Schools Elementary Schools Kids English exam change Tokyo Olympic Globalization Foreign tourist 2015: 19,737,000 Target 2020: 40,000,000 2016/9/9
Following wind for Study Abroad agencies Market size of study abroad agent business in Japan US$220 million expected for 2015 2016/9/9
Japanese Study abroad market - UNIQUE Japan – Study Abroad Trends Japanese Study abroad market - UNIQUE Language Study & Working Holiday Under graduate Master Language Study is the main stream Not many students seek degrees overseas 2016/9/9
Gigantic Language Business Market Japan – English Business in Japan Gigantic Language Business Market Total: 825.9 bil. JPY (about US$8.2 billion) Language School Materials Testing E-learning 2013 808.9 bil JPY 2014 825.9 bil JPY +2.1 point (YOY) Expect to grow more! Study Abroad Agency Business: US$220 million 2016/9/9
Number of JP students for ELT sector in major destinations Philippines 35,000? Stats by DOT UK (weeks) 2016/9/9
Survey conducted in JAOS members in April, 2016 JP students sent by JAOS members in 2014 About 65,000 2016/9/9
JAOS Stats:Destinatons Top 5 countries (US, AZ, CA, UK, NZ ) accounts for 80% of total number. Philippines is now 6th destination. Not many JAOS students go to China and Taiwan though number of students who go to Taiwan is on the rise. US CA AZ NZ Fiji UK FR other PH KR SG TW CN other
JAOS Stats:Study Purpose Short term language study accounts for 51.9%. Language studies including other non-academic studies (Internship and working holiday) accounts for nearly 80%. About 20% go to K-12 schools. HE is less than 5%. Language (less than 3 months) Language (longer than 3 months) Vocational studies Non-degree study at universities Undergraduate この高等教育機関への留学の数字(合計2,063人)が文科省の統計との重複の可能性がある数字 Graduate K-12 (not including Summer study) Other (Volunteer, internship, Working Holiday)
JAOS Stats: Study purpose/destination US CA AZ NZ US: Language vs non-language is 50 : 50 CA, UK: About 70% language + 20% K-12 AZ, NZ: K-12 is popular PH, FJ: 90+% is language FJ UK FR Other ER PH KR SG TW CN Other Asia other Language(less than 3 months) Language(more than 3 months) Vocational study Degree study K-12 Internship/Working Holiday
Total number of JP students in abroad (JAOS estimation) 文部科学省「日本人の海外留学者数」(海外高等教育機関への留学の数字) 55,350人(2013年) JAOS統計(留学事業者の数字) 64,988人(2014年度) *語学留学が多い。中高留学、専門学校留学も含む JASSO「協定等に基づく日本人学生留学状況調査」(国内大学等の数字) 52,132人 (2014年度) 55,350 JP students in HE by MEXT Total JP students About 170,000 (JAOS estimation) JAOS share About 40% 52,132 JP students on JP university program 64,988 JP students through JAOS
Raising Credibility for Study Abroad Industry and JAOS Guideline Work with Gov. Work with industry professionals Counselor training system J-CROSS留学サービス支援機構 文部科学省 厚生労働省 日本認定留学カウンセラー協会(JACSAC) FGER(在外公館等留学担当官ネットワーク) FELCAやGAELA 2016/9/9 Won British Business Award by BCCJ
JAOS Certified Study Abroad Counselor Training Course The course includes the basic and practical knowledge necessary to work as a study abroad counselor, and useful tips for the practicing counselor. The standard study time is approximately 90 hours with three textbooks. The one-month accreditation course materials comprise three textbooks and two DVDs. Supported by US Embassy Canadian Embassy New Zealand Embassy British Council Australian Embassy Campus France JAFSA The DVD features three high school student scenarios, as well as a university student and an adult student. 2016/9/9
Study contents for JAOS counselor course ■Foundation and Practice This volume provides instruction of the fundamental principles and the practice of overseas education counseling. These materials will enable you to gain the knowhow on issues such as what the work of an overseas study counselor involves and how it should be carried out. Chapter 1: What is an overseas study counselor? The work of an overseas study counselor / strengths required by overseas study counselors / counseling skills Chapter 2: What is overseas study counseling? What is required for good overseas study counseling / points related to counseling for different styles of overseas study / points to remember with giving counseling ■Knowledge & Know-how This volume summarizes the essential knowhow and information related to overseas study and the various procedures involved, together with other issues not directly related to overseas study about which you should be aware. The content of this volume will be of assistance not only during your self-study but will also be handy to keep with you after gaining your qualifications. Chapter 1: The fundamentals of overseas study The history of overseas study and educational exchange / current-day overseas study and educational exchange / overseas-study related organizations and international exchange organizations Chapter 2: What you need to know about overseas study procedures Procedures for overseas study at junior and senior high school levels / procedures for overseas study for language learning, university undergraduate and postgraduate studies / procedures required for studying abroad Chapter 3: Additional information Risk management for overseas study / laws and regulations related to overseas study / a career as an overseas study counselor / ways to enhance your counseling ■Three DVDs ■Reference materials This volume provides a compilation of information on overseas study related to the situation in various countries overseas and terminology for the overseas study and the travel industry. Just like volume 2 of the textbook, the content contained in this volume will serve useful as a reference after gaining your qualifications. Chapter 1: Basic information on various countries USA / Canada / United Kingdom / Ireland / Australia / New Zealand / China / Korea / France / Germany / Switzerland / Malaysia / Thailand / Vietnam / Philippines / Singapore / Indonesia Chapter 2: Glossary of terminology for overseas study and the travel industry Terminology for overseas study / terminology for the travel industry Chapter 3: I want to know more! About overseas study How universities started and a portrait of present-day universities Three DVDs contain five overseas study counseling case studies by highly experienced overseas study counselors. 2016/9/9
Japan Association of Certified Study Abroad Counselors (JACSAC) Once they become JAOS certified counselor, they automatically become a member of JACSAC. The mission of JACSAC To assure and improve the quality of Study Abroad counseling among the members so that they could contribute to develop sound Study Abroad industry. The activities of JACSAC 1) To update study abroad related information 2) To provide seminars and training sessions for the members 3) To provide net-working opportunities among members 4) To provide job information including volunteer work at events such as Study Abroad Fair organized government agency 2016/9/9
Study abroad guidebook for high school teachers This project aims to provide a foundation for high school teachers to give overseas study counselling and appropriate guidance to students as well as proper usage of study abroad agencies. [Introduction of contents] Chapter 1 Significance of High School Study Abroad and Mental Preparation for Counseling Chapter 2 High School Study Abroad Basic Knowledge (General Remarks) Chapter 3 High School Study Abroad Basic Knowledge Chapter 4 Practical advice for study abroad counseling Chapter 5 Risk management for study abroad Chapter 6 Globalization of Japan and High School Study Abroad Chapter 7 Advancing to university abroad after graduating in Japan ・ Use of trustworthy study abroad counseling agencies Chapter 8 Accounts of Study Abroad Experiences Chapter 9 Reference Information ・ List of Japan Association of Overseas Studies (JAOS) members Printed on A5 paper 192 pages List price (2,000 yen + tax) 2016/9/9
We are having 25th Anniversary this year! Arigatou! Thank you! JAOS English website: About us Member list Activity report We are having 25th Anniversary this year! For more info contact: 2016/9/9