Enterprising young men (and women) Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Beach in JULY Why IS the sky blue?! Learn how to Learn! What will YOU remember about this class while watching Bikinis or Swim trunks on the beach NEXT July? Learn how to Learn! Why IS the sky blue?! How do the waves form? Looking at stars at night…are “we” alone?? What is the white stuff coming out of that jet up in the sky? Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
JFK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25G1M4EXrQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25G1M4EXrQ&feature=related OBJECTIVES: 4 P’s ECEMO AICR the Sun goes Around the Earth Homework: Find (5) Formulas that govern “ONE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION” Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
“…We choose to go to the moon “…We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency…” President John F. Kennedy visited Rice University campus on September 12, 1962, and delivered a speech in the stadium on the Nation's Space Effort. Kennedy cites scientific progress as evidence that exploration of space is inevitable and argues that the United States should lead the space effort in order to retain a position of leadership on earth. He stated that we explore space not because it is easy but because it is difficult, and that the U.S. should "do it right and do it first before this decade is out," inspiring and engaging the nation in the space race. Although Kennedy was assassinated the following year, on November 22, 1963, his dream of winning the space race was fulfilled on July 20, 1969, when NASA's Apollo XI mission successfully landed the first men on the moon. As astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped off the Lunar Module, he proclaimed "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." His fellow astronaut Edwin Aldrin Jr. also walked on the moon's surface and the two men gathered 47 pounds of lunar surface material for research purposes. Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Excellence Effort Motions Off Track AICR Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 EEMO Excellence Effort Motions Off Track AICR Attentive Insightful Critical Responsible Honors and Warnings Doing your best….or not doing your best 4 “P’s” Punctual Prepared Positive Participate What are the same issues today as they were in 1961? What is different? How do we solve “problems”? Energy Economics Water Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Grading: Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Grading will be based primarily on a 4-point scale. On this scale, a 3.5 - 4 will translate to Excellence, a 3 will translate to High Effort, a 2 will translate to Effort, a 1 will translate to Motions, and a 0 will translate to Off-Track. Anything that is collected (homework, quizzes, exams, projects, papers, etc…) will have a grade associated with it and at the end of each term your grade will be calculated by using these grades. Did Nothing (0.0): Off-Track Be Attentive (1.0): Gather information Motions 65 -Read the question, draw a picture (Would a visualization be helpful?) -Rough Draft -List all relevant information for the assignment -Outline -Write out "possible" formats that include the answer in them Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Be Insightful (2.0): Work to a conclusion First Draft Effort 75 Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Be Insightful (2.0): Work to a conclusion First Draft Effort 75 -"Start with the end in mind": -What does the answer look like? -What process should be used? Be Insightful (3.0): Reach a conclusion Final Draft High-Effort 85 -Work through the entire process to a conclusion and it is correct (no critical check noted) Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Be Critical (3.5): TEST/CHECK your conclusion Excellence 90 Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Be Critical (3.5): TEST/CHECK your conclusion Excellence 90 - (work / results) - Verify Result with a second test or others input - If it does not meet the original standards, fix it - Reach an incorrect conclusion AND realize it. (Ran out of time to correct…) -"Re-read" the question Review the “process” Initiate assistance Be Responsible (4.0): Finalize your results Excellence 95 - 100 Verified conclusion is correct: Teach someone else what you learned Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
“Am I responsible for my own learning?” How have you done these past three weeks? Off Track: I was not responsible for my own learning. I did not learn. I did not do the basic expectations or the assignments: Motions: Someone else was more responsible for my own learning than I. Someone taught me. I did the work assigned, but nothing more. I waited to be told what to do. I did not initiate the learning needed to complete the assignments. Effort: I was responsible for my own learning. I taught myself. I completed the assignments and initiated the learning I needed to do, to complete the assignments. Consistency: I was responsible for my own learning. I am consistent in executing the FOUR-P’s I did extra work or “redid” work that I missed or did not understand. Excellence: I was responsible for my own learning AND intentionally helped others. I taught myself and someone else. I completed the assignments, initiated the learning I needed to do, to complete the assignments. I did extra work or “redid” work that I missed or did not understand. I sought others out to help them with material Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
The FOUR P’s Punctual Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Be on time, for class, with assignments, for appointments. If you are going to miss an appointment or class, YOU have the responsibility to notify the person in charge of that meeting. Off – Track: Not doing it Motions: Someone else holds me accountable and /or responsible Effort: I initiate the actions required Excellence: I do my best and I help others to their best Prepared Do your homework: to the best of your ability. Be prepared to discuss what you DO understand and what you DO NOT understand Bring the necessary tools for the job, pencils, paper, notebooks etc. {cleats, helmet, lax stick etc.} Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Positive Participate Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Bring an “I can do this” attitude and approach to the meeting, class, practice etc. You may have to work harder in some areas than others {and you may have an advantage over others in another area.} Off – Track: Not doing it Motions: Someone else holds me accountable and /or responsible Effort: I initiate the actions required Excellence: I do my best and I help others to their best Participate Classes and practices are not spectator event; you are an active participant in the event. It will be difficult o participate if you have not been able to do the first THREE P’s Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 1 Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Do Now: Write out (type I) 3 reasons Why The Sky is Blue? Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 SEP 11 2015 Do Now: Write out (type I) 3 reasons Why The Sky is Blue? HOMEWORK PRACTICE Glencoe Active Read Pages 5 – 19 Summary Sheet (use page 23 as a guide) Practice-Section Review Problems: Pages 5 – 19 #’s 1 – 23 odd Concept Problems Pages 25 -26 #’s 47, 54, 59, 67, 70, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86 I don't suppose you happen to know Why the sky is blue? It's because the snow Takes out the white. That leaves it clean For the trees and grass to take out the green. Then pears and bananas start to mellow, And bit by bit they take out the yellow. The sunsets, of course, take out the red And pour it into the ocean bed Or behind the mountains in the west. You take all that out and the rest Couldn't be anything else but blue. Look for yourself. You can see it's true John Ciardi Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Metrics and Dimensional Analysis Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Metrics and Dimensional Analysis Objectives: Learn and be able to recognize and utilize three of the fundamental S.I. Units: Kg – m – sec Be able to utilize Dimensional Analysis to verify SI Units in your calculations Be able to do Unit Conversion Homework: 1. Complete Quiz
Metric System Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Metric System All units are multiples of ten {page 6 in Glencoe} DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 All units are multiples of ten {page 6 in Glencoe} Consist of base unit and prefix Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
SI units Internationally agreed upon units {page 6 in Glencoe} DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Internationally agreed upon units {page 6 in Glencoe} All scientists use these to measures Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Dimensional Analysis Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Simple unit conversions; the idea of dimensional analysis Convert 2 feet to inches We need a conversion factor, a relationship between the units Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Dimensional Analysis Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 These both give us a relationship between in. and ft. We use Dimensional Analysis (DA) to cancel units We will RARELY use Non-Metric units Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Dimensional Analysis The units cancel out leaving only DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 The units cancel out leaving only Giving us an answer of 24 in. Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Dimensional Analysis Convert 48 inches to feet. Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Convert 48 inches to feet. Convert 5 days to hours. How many seconds are there in 4 minutes? Convert 27.2 cm to meters. Convert 1 Ms to hr. Convert 147 cm/s to m/s Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Glencoe Active Read Pages 5 – 19 Unit ½ DA SI Sig Dig Lesson 2 Homework Glencoe Active Read Pages 5 – 19 Summary Sheet (use page 23 as a guide) Pages 5 – 19 #’s 1 – (15) {23} odd Page 25 -26 #’s 47, 54, 59, 67, 70, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86 Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Warm up Q: -How many years does it take to “Tick Off” 1 BILLION (109 ) Seconds? Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Three Objectives: Define: Precision and Accuracy And Life in the Universe Review Unit Conversion and Dimensional Analysis IN CLASS: Google Drakes Equation: http://www.space.com/25219-drake-equation.html http://www.pbs.org/lifebeyondearth/listening/drake.html Homework: Come up with YOUR VALUES and complete the Drake Equation If the Earth is 1.496 X 1011 meters from the sun, traveling in a circle around the Sun. How fast is the Earth moving through space? In m/s? In Miles per hour? 100,000 meters per 62miles. 3.600 X 103 seconds/hr
Drakes Equation: Is there life out there? Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Three Drakes Equation = Nint = Nstars * Fpl * Np * Fl * Fil* Fatc Where: Nint = Number of advanced technical civilizations (Capable of radio astronomy) Nstars = Number of Stars in the Galaxy Fpl = Fraction of stars that have planets around them Np = Number of planets “suitable’ for Life to arise Fl = Fraction of Suitable planets that life ACTUALLY arises Fil = Fraction of those planets that life actually arises, that develops into “intelligent life” Fatc = Fraction of a planetary lifetime “Graced” by the Advanced Technical Civilization SETI Drakes Equation http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/origins/drak-flash.html Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Three A DO NOW Q: If the Earth is 1.496 X 1011 meters from the sun, traveling in a circle around the Sun. How fast is the Earth moving through space in m/s? In miles per hour {mph}? 100,000.0 meters per 62 miles. 3.600 X 103 seconds /hr Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Three A Velocity = distance / time Distance = 2πr = 2π {1.496 X 1011 meters} = 9.3996 X 1011 meters Time = 365.26 days = 31.56 X 106 sec Velocity = 9.3996 X 1011 meters / 31.56 X 106 sec = 2.978 3 X 104 meters / sec [2.9783 X 1011 meters / sec] * [3600 sec/hr] *[62 miles/100,000.0 meters] = 6.675 46 X 104 mph Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
IN CLASS Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Three A Split Page Notes Introduction Chapter 1 Read Summary Pg 23 Significant Digits (Pg 7) Scientific Notation Accuracy Vs Precision: Targets pg 12-13 HOMEWORK: Read Study Guide Pg 23 Begin YOUR SUMMARY SHEET Page 24 Problem #’s 31-45 ALL Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation
Warm up: -How many “Intelligent civilizations are “out there”? Physics I Unit ½ Lesson Four Objectives: Review for TEST Define: Precision and Accuracy And Life in the Universe Unit Conversion and Dimensional Analysis Homework / In Class: Come up with YOUR VALUES and complete the Drake Equation. Estimate How far the nearest “Intelligent Civilizations” (IC) would be from Earth IF all the “IC” were “equally distributed throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. Finalize YOUR SUMMARY SHEET Page 26 – 27 Problem #’s 71, 72, 75, 83, 85
Summary Sheet Assessment Homework: Page 51 Write Out the Vocabulary for Chapters 2.1 and Chapter 2.2 Learn the difference between: Distance and Displacement Velocity and Speed What is AVERAGE VELOCITY? Physics I Fall 2015 Unit one half lessons SI Sig Digits Drakes Equation