CP Violation in Particle Physics 违反 CP Violation in Particle Physics
Summary of Lecture 4 K0 and K0 mesons are not mass eigenstates; KS and KL are mass eigenstates KL mesons discovered at Brookhaven Laboratory a K0 will oscillate into a K0 and vice versa neutral K mesons produced in f decay are ~100% “quantum correlated” KS mesons are “regenerated” when a KL passes through matter _ _
My plan for week 2 Done Week 2: Monday: The neutral K meson system: the KS and KL mass eigenstates and K0-K0 mixing. Wednesday: CP violation in KL decays; measurements of CPV parameters; Friday: Superweak or not superweak? Search for direct CP violation in KL decay.
the search for CP violation
Properties of the Mass Matrix -- slide from lecture 4 -- I ignore K0 life-time terms (for now) CPT symmetry requires: CP symmetry says: Let’s not use this condition & assume CP is violated Schrodinger’s equation for energy eigenstates;
Hamiltonian operator with decays 2 H=M - -- G - -- now we will include decays -- Hermitian Mass matrix Decay matrix CPT symmetry: no assumptions about CP Hermiticity:
Schrodinger’s Equation -- allowing for CP violation and including decays -- to conform to the standard notation: Schrodinger’s equation for energy eigenstates;
Solutions for Y(t) eigenvalue equation: eigenvalues eigenstates in terms of the CP eigenstates:
Decay of the KL CP odd CP even CP even CP odd OK OK CP even CP odd If CP is violated: KL contains a CP -even K1 component
Discovery of KL decays to p+p-
“Hint” for KLp+p- ?? a Bubble chamber in a neutral beam at Brookhaven saw some p+p- events neutrons & KL’s KLp+p-events or KLKS via regeneration
AGS Brookhaven’s 2nd HE accelerator -- world’s first strong focusing accelerator, still running, more than 50 years later -- “Inner Mongolia”
BEPC—AGS see the differences?
AGS combined function magnets
Quadrupoles & dipoles dipole Quadrupole
the “inner Mongolia” beam line shielding blocks sweeping magnet AGS accelerator magnets Internal target
The Fitch-Cronin experiment Helium gas all KS have decayed
Spark chamber
Data-taking and analysis
_______ ____________________________
p+ cosq p+p- “invariant mass” M(p+p-)<M(KL) M(p+p-)=M(KL) 5211 KL π+ + π- candidates remeasured on a commercial bubble chamber measuring machine p+p- “invariant mass” M(p+p-)<M(KL) M(p+p-)=M(KL) p+ | q=1o p+p-)>M(KL) cosq
CP is violated!! James Cronin Val Fitch 1980 Nobel Prize for Physics No prizes for Christenson or Turlay
25 year anniversary reunion
Let’s look at e: what we know about p & q definition of e: rewrite e in terms that we know:
Some comments CP is only violated if the off- diagonal terms are different Hermiticity: M21=M12 & G12=G21 CPV only driven by imaginary terms * * Latest numbers: CPV is very small, ~10-3GF2, far from the maximum that is possible (unlike P and C violations)
virtual & on-shell K0--K0 couplings _ 2nd-order quark-level virtual |DS|=2 process “short-distance processes” On-shell pion-induced |DS|=2 process “long-distance processes”
Phase of e (h+-)
K0 -- K0 basis states with CPV _ Solve for K0 and K0 _ Please check this for HW
The CPLEAR experiment
Strangeness-tagging at CPLEAR _ _
Time-dependence of K0(K0)p+p- _ KL(xh+-)
Phase of (h+-) from CPLEAR
Exploit KLKS regeneration Need to know regeneration phase p- p+ p- p+
DM and f(h+-) measured via regeneration
K0 K0 oscillations (mixing);no CPVCPV _ eigenstates start at t=0 with a K0: then, at a later time t: These are the K0 and K0 rates we measure I0 = beam intensity (particles/s) _
K0 K0 in a neutral K beam no CPVCPV _ _ e=2.23 start with ≈75% K0 and ≈25% K0 (fe=400±40) 2Ree= 3.4±0.2x10-3
Neutral Kaon spectrometer @ CERN expanded view of target region
Measurements of 2Ree (circa 1974)
Recent values of K-meson CPV parameters
Summary of Lecture 5 Discovery of KLp+p- decays proved that CP symmetry is violated Measurements consistent with KL=K2+eK1; e= 2.2x10-3 Phase of e consistent with CPV originating from short-distance Mass-Matrix terms Many beautiful, high-statistics measurements of CPV interference effects reported