Chapter 2 Health Care Systems
Health Care Systems Country comparison USA Canada England
2:1 Private Health Care Facilities Growth—one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the United States Employment opportunities—employs over 13 million workers in over 200 careers Expenditures—it is a four-billion-dollar- per-day business and growing (continues)
Private Health Care Facilities (continued) Hospitals General Hospitals-treat a wide range of conditions and ages ex. Jackson Madison Co. General Hospital Specialty- special conditions or age groups ex. St. Jude Government- operated by federal state or government agencies-government service personnel and their families example. Veterans hospitals University- hospital services + research
Long Term Care Facilities Residential Physical and emotional care for those who are unable to care for themselves anymore Ex. Nursing homes Extended Care Facilities Skilled nursing care or rehab to patient who will one day return home Ex. Cane Creek Rehab Hospital Independent living and assisted living Individuals who can partially care for themselves and only need minimal assistance
Medical offices Privately owned or groups Varies from privately owned by one doctor to large corporations that employ multiple doctors Dental Offices Privately owned or groups
Private Health Care Facilities (continued) Emergency care services Laboratories Home health care Hospice agencies Mental health facilities Genetic counseling centers Rehabilitation facilities School Health Services (continues)
2:2 Government Agencies Government services are tax supported World Health Organization (WHO) International agency, United Nations, research and investigates health problems throughout the world U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) Deals with health issues of the USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of USDHHS concerned with causes spread and control of diseases in populations (continues)
Government Agencies (continued) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Regulates food and Drugs sold to the Public Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job related injuries and illnesses
2:3 Voluntary or Nonprofit Agencies Supported by donations, membership fees, fundraisers and grants Health services are provided at national, state, and local levels Examples include the American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, American Red Cross and many more (continues)
Voluntary or Nonprofit Agencies (continued) Organizations focus on specific diseases Educate the public Provide special services Purchase medical equipment Staffed by many health care workers and volunteers
2:4 Health Insurance Plans Health care costs are rising faster than other costs of living Most people rely on health insurance plans to pay for health care costs Without insurance, the cost of an illness can become a financial disaster
Insurance Terminology Deductible Amount that must be paid by the patient for medical services before the insurance policy pays Co-insurance Requires that a specific percent of expenses are shared by the patient and insurance company Co-payment A specific amount of money a patient pays for a service
Types of Insurance Plans Medicare Federal government program that provides health care to individuals over 65 Medigap Health insurance plans that help pay expenses not covered by Medicare Medicaid Medical assistance program that is jointly funded by the federal government and operated by the States Public assistance to underprivileged (continues)
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act Five components Health care access Preventing health care fraud Protects confidentiality of patient information Application and enforcement of group health plan requirements
Average Cost of Procedures Comparison
Activity Within your Group Choose a Country (Every group needs a different Country) You will be researching the type of Health Care System that country has, interesting facts, average costs of procedures in that country, and are the residents of that country satisfied with the Health Care System. You will present your findings to the class in a 2-3 minute presentation.