E-mail: anderk@pcps.us Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Anderson E-mail: anderk@pcps.us Phone: 580 767-8025 2014-2015
2014-2015 3rd Mrs. Anderson General Information Parent communication Daily Agenda E-mail: anderk@pcps.us Phone: 767-8025 Conferences Wednesday Express (graded papers and info. Please return on Thursdays) B. Student Check Out Please go to office to check your children in and out. Thank you for coming. Tonight you will get an overview of what your child will be learning and doing in 4th grade.T 2014-2015 3rd Mrs. Anderson
Classroom Procedures Morning Start Behavior Card System Multiple warnings and chances before cards are drawn Multiple cards = can’t play, but will still be allowed movement. Basic classroom rules (posted)
Reading/ELA Curriculum Language Arts/Reading Harcourt Story Town Reading Series Literature-based instruction Spelling/Word patterns Non-Fiction Writing/Reading Resources Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Series Iopeners Daily Review Harcourt Language Arts grammar BAV Guided Reading/Close Reading Show ABCD on wall
- Take 3 AR each week 80% or higher AR Reader/Math AR - DEAR time every day 12:20-1:00 - Take 3 AR each week 80% or higher - Fall/Spring Goals (set?) - Tunnel Run check Woodlands website for dates - You can sign up to get e-mails on Renaissance Place (AR Quiz, ACC. Math, Math Facts, STAR reading math) - Attached paper will let you monitor your child’s AR goals and tests taken
Homework A. Homework Their daily assignments will be recorded in their agendas each morning; spelling words on Mondays They are to at least read 1 hour and practice math 30 minutes every week. Complete sticker by Friday morning. They can read AR books (Library), magazines, websites etc. To practice math they will need to work on basic fact practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (can use any websites that I have listed on website page. Will only have class homework if they did not finish in class. The weekly homework is the 1 hour of reading and 30 minutes of math.
Grading 1-4 number system Grades will be entered every Friday, you can go to the parent connect on the PCPS website or our Woodlands website. www.pcps.us May or may not be able to view every grade entered, it may just give overall grade at end of 9 weeks on a progress report. Mixture of standards used to teach and assess skills (OK PASS) Show a Student Planner Can communicate to me on the planner Will look at it each day
Math Envision Math Series - Hands on math activities ACC. Math - Math Reading and Writing - I will integrate other math lessons and activities to fill in gaps in our math resources. ACC. Math - Works at the child’s level - You will get the practices/tests with a TOPS report of skills mastered - This is a great resource to help and challenge students. C. Math Games and Activities
Science Science Kits (4 weeks for each kit) - Plants - Butterflies - Animals Science E Studies Newsletter - Newsletter that covers Science standards (two weeks per newsletter)
Social Studies Oklahoma History E Studies Weekly I Openers Non-Fiction sets
Specials Schedule Monday: P.E. 8:20-9:00 Tuesday: Library 8:20-9:00 P.E. 9:00-9:40 Comp. 1:00-1:40 Wednesday: Music 9:00-9:40 Comp. 11:00-11:40 Thursday: Music 9:00-9:40 Friday: ART 11:00-11:40 Comp. 1:00-1:40 Daily: Interventions 10:20-10:50 Lunch: 11:40-12:20 Thank you for coming. Tonight you will get an overview of what your child will be learning and doing in 4th grade.T
Websites for Practice Reading Practice Sites Math Practice Sites www.nationalgeographickids.com www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/Pages/studentlinks/map/reading.htm www.uen.org/core www.kidsastronomy.com www.pcps.us (schools/classroom websites) www.discovereducation.com www.studyone.com www.prepdog.org www.readingtub.com www.bookadventure.com www.funbrain.com www.abcya.com Any site or app that you think have reading value) www.ixl.com/math/grade3 www.mathblasters.com www.multiplication.com www.coolmath4kids.com www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/Pages/studentlinks/map www.studyzone.com www.pcps.us (teacher’s sites) www.artofproblemsolving.com www.mathplayground.com www.abcya.com/kids_math_games.htm www.aplusmath.com (coolmath-games is NOT a practice site, please be aware of the sites and f it s real practice to help your child)