Why Should we Cite our Sources? By: Khine, Isabella, Michael, Jason Websites to Help You Cite What is Plagiarism?
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is when somebody steals ideas or words and uses them as their own words.
It is Important to Cite Your Sources It is important to cite your sources because if you do not, it is plagiarism
Why You Should Not PLAGIARIZE Plagiarism is wrong because it is stealing other peoples ideas and pretending they are your own.
Consequences Of PLAGIARISM In most schools if you commit plagiarism you could get suspended You can also be punished by law
Why is it Important to Cite Your Sources? Plagiarism is an act of fraud It is not right to plagiarize and it is not fair to the original writer
Websites to Help Cite Your Sources Easy Bib- http://easybib.com/ Book- http://ciationmachine.net/ Books and Web- http://www.openc.K12.or.us/citein tro/citeintro.php?Grd=Sec
Websites We Used http://voice.yahoo.com/reasons-not- plagiarize-335686.html http://www.ehow.com/info_8036044_happen s-commit-plagiarism.html htpp://www.indiana.edu/~tandlpub/story.ph p?id9
Websites for the pictures: http://oliveharveycollegelibraryguides.pbworks.com/w/page/ 47192856/Plagiarism http://lib.guides.umd.edu/content.php?pid=138594&sid= 2864793 http://blogs.fit.edu/blog/student-stories/vasudev/zero- tolerance-for-plagiarism/#.UHQrnS7A-So http://www.demotivationalposters.net/plagiarism-copy-cat- demotivational-posters-102744.html http://blog.writingshield.com/