PSAT 8/9 Training
Agenda What is PSAT 8/9? The College Readiness Pathway Basics Coordinating the ReadiStep Program Before the Test On Test Day After the Test
What is PSAT 8/9?
What is PSAT 8/9? Flexible middle grades assessment that provides early feedback Measures skills students need to be on track for college success Provides tools to address skill gaps and improve curriculum Supports transition to high school and high school course planning Offers tools for early college and career exploration Notes: The College Board’s proven college readiness approach puts the right tools and the right information into the hands of educators, providing insightful, grade-appropriate benchmarks and feedback from middle school through high school…. PSAT 8/9 plays a critical role in identifying the skills students need to develop as they transition to high school. It also helps educators make early interventions at critical points in a student’s school career.
A Pathway to Performance College and Career Readiness Expectations for All Students Three integrated assessments – one powerful tool The College Board’s College and Career Readiness Pathway is a series of integrated diagnostic assessments that measures college and career readiness from the eighth through the 12th grades PSAT 8/9 PSAT 10 SAT Talking Points: The foundation of the College Readiness Pathway, three integrated assessments, provides an effective measure of growth/ progress over time, provides diagnostic information, and ultimately a college entrance credential ReadiStep provides early feedback in the middle grades – a baseline for understanding where students are PSAT qualifies students for National Merit, prepares them for the SAT, promotes college planning and opens access to AP – through the AP Potential diagnostic tool – an opportunity to continue to build on the impressive growth in AP over the past five years. And the SAT is the ultimate measure of college and career readiness, a respected college entrance credential and access to scholarship dollars Intervening Early Identifying Opportunity Providing College Access
PSAT 8/9: The First Step Designed to work with PSAT and SAT to Offers feedback as students transition into high school Designed to work with PSAT and SAT to Measure a progression of skills Support skill interventions from middle school through high school Consistent content and format, and reporting Same content areas: reading, writing and mathematics Same skill categories at a grade-appropriate level Aligned to Common Core, state standards and NAEP standards Progression of benchmarks at each level
PSAT 8/9 Assessment Basics Content: Three multiple-choice sections: reading, writing and math No essay or student-produced response questions Administration: Easy-to-administer paper-and-pencil test Given in school, during the school day Test date: Oct. 14, 2015 Section Timing Number of Questions Critical Reading 55 Minutes 42 Questions Writing Skills 30 Minutes 40 Questions Mathematics 60 Minutes 40 calculator, 20 non-calculator) 38 Questions Total 2 hours 45 minutes of testing 120 Questions
Skill Categories Measured Critical Reading Determining the Meaning of Words Author’s Craft Reasoning & Inference Organization & Ideas Mathematics Content Skills Number & Operations Algebra & Functions Geometry & Measurement Data, Statistics & Probability Writing Grammatical Relationships between Words Words & Phrases Used to Modify or Compare Phrases & Clauses Correctly Formed Sentences Relationships of Sentences & Paragraphs Process Skills Problem Solving Representation Reasoning Connections Communication
Before the Test PSAT 8/9 Implementation
Know Your PSAT 8/9 School Code CMS—449130 CTMS—449456 GMS—449721 HMS—449262 OPTIONAL CODE AVID Students—Code 11
Informing Staff, Students & Parents Select and train testing staff One testing assistant is needed in each testing room. Testing assistants may be teachers or members of the administrative, secretarial or clerical staff. Ensure that staff review the Supervisor’s Manual prior to test day. Notify staff, students, and parents about PSAT 8/9 Flyers, presentations, and other support materials are available at or GCISD College Entrance and Readiness exams websites located under Assessment and Accountability Inform students that this is a timed test. Remind students to bring a calculator on test day unless you are providing one for each student.
Informing Staff Select and train testing staff One testing assistant is needed in each testing room. Testing assistants may be teachers or members of the administrative, secretarial or clerical staff. Ensure that staff review the Supervisor’s Manual prior to test day. The WORD-for-WORD instructions begin on page 14 of the Supervisor’s Manual. One student at a time out of the classroom. No mechanical pencils – see manual There is no excuse for not reading the training manual ahead of time.
Setting Up the Testing Rooms Classroom arrangement All students must face the same direction. All chairs must be placed directly behind those in the preceding row. There should be unimpeded access to every student for effective monitoring. There should be a large wall clock that is clearly visible to all students. Have your last class help you re-arrange your desks, the evening before testing, Oct. 13.
On Test Day PAST 8/9 Implementation
On Test Day—Materials Distribution Materials may be picked up beginning at ______________ in ___________. When you come to get your materials, you will count that you have 25 tests and answer documents. When you return your test materials, I will count that you are returning 25 tests and answer documents.
Testing Procedures Admission to the testing room Seat students to ensure they work independently. You should be able to monitor all students from any location in the room. Students should not leave testing room without permission. COLLECT ALL CELL PHONES! Distribution of test materials Hand a test book to each student, one at a time, along each row. Have students write their name on the test book cover. Distribute an answer sheet to each student. Create a seating chart and record absences. Timing of the assessment Allow 20 minutes for students to complete registration information. Most students should have labels – those that do not will have to bubble. Adhere to the timing for each test section.
Testing Procedures Calculators For the math calculator section, students who have large or raised displays should be seated separately from other test- takers. Ensure that only test books, answer sheets, pencils and erasers are on students’ desks during the test. Any other items are prohibited
After the Test Collecting and counting answer sheets Collect answer sheets from each student individually. Do not have them passed to you. Make sure students do not put their answer sheets inside the test books. Count answer sheets and verify that you have one for each student. Collecting and counting test books After accounting for the answer sheets, collect the test books from students individually in the same order in which you distributed them. Count used test books and verify that you have one for each student. Protecting test materials after the test When all test materials have been accounted for, place them where they will not be accessible to the students. Keep test books in secure storage until score reports arrive in December.