WHAT IS HAPPENING AT NORTH Events, performances, academics, policies and decisions affecting your children
HISTORY DAY – MARCH 9TH History Day Competition in Media Center Theme for this year: “Taking a Stand in History” Students have selected topics, researched and created their own exhibits and websites Top students will go on to compete in the district wide history day held here at North on March 25th Students who do well at district will go on to the State competition at the U of M in May North students have advanced to state competition for 5 consecutive years and in 2015 a North student went to nationals in Washington DC
MID-QUARTER PROGRESS Progress grades for this 3rd quarter should be getting mailed out the early part of next week Please remember that these grades are not final and provides a view as to how students are doing at the midway point of the quarter If you do not receive your child’s progress report in the mail by the end of next week please call the office and verify the address we have is correct Any questions about your child’s performance can be directed to his/her advisory teacher
MUSIC CONCERT – MARCH 23RD North High Band and Choir will be featured in a music concert. 6 pm in Auditorium
“SHREK” COMING IN APRIL The hit musical, “Shrek” will be coming to the stage at North High April 20-23 – times TBA North Community Theater including North High students and staff will be producing and performing Talented Kenna Cottman will be choregraphing
MARCH 27TH – VIVA CITY North High and Southwest High will have a combined dance performance at the Viva City Fine Arts Festival on March 27th. Tomorrow, March 3rd will be a rehearsal for the two dance groups
NORTHSIDE CELEBRATION March 18th and 19th The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra together with Sanford Moore and Dennis Spears will be performing the Northside Celebration: a celebration of Northside life through a combination of classical and gospel music here at North High School Auditorium. Both days will host 4:00 pm. performances. Tickets are free but must be reserved in advance online or by telephone.
BOYS BASKETBALL Defending Class A champions, Boys Basketball team clinched the Minneapolis Conference title for the 4th season in a row with a 24-1 record They will host the Twin Cities Games on March 4th. B-squad game: Henry vs St. Paul Humboldt @ 12:00’ North Junior Varsity vs. St. Paul Central @ 1:30 and North Varsity vs. St. Paul Central @ 3:00
GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Lady Polars Junior Varsity won the Twin Cities Championship for the second year in a row last Saturday Their first sectional game will be vs. Hope Academy here at North tonight @ 7:00 p.m. If they win, they will host again on Saturdary, March 4th at 7:00 p.m. –opponent TBN
WRESTLING The Polars have ended their 2016-2017 season. An end of season banquet will be scheduled soon.
TRACK There will be a meeting for all those interested in running track this year on March 13th, right after school in the auditorium
SWITCH TO 7TH PERIOD DAY? North High ILC (Instructional Leadership Committee) is in the midst of discussing a switch to a 7th period day beginning next year. Some benefits to a 7th period day: More class and elective options for students Students will get more variety in their class schedule