Welcome to Back-to-School Night Miss Mejorado
This Presentation will: Inform parents about our classroom policies. Inform parents about what students will be learning in this class. Inform parents on how we can work as a team to better our students education.
Attendance Be at school by 8:00 a.m.(school ends at 2:10 p.m.) Come to school everyday, everyday If absent or late, bring a note the next day.
Homework Homework must be turned in complete. Homework is assigned on a weekly basis. (Due every Monday) Need Help! Homework tutoring every Thursday.
Classroom Rules and Consequences: Be nice and respect others. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 1st time:Verbal Warning 2nd time:Name on board 3rd time:10 minutes time out 4th time:Send to office/Call parent Good Behavior: Prize
Students will learn: Language Arts to read more fluently. new vocabulary. and improve their grammar skills. to write a descriptive narrative. to write a friendly letter. to prepare and present oral presentations.
Students will learn: History-Social Science basic map skills. about different families and cultures. to compare/contrast people, places, things from the past and present. about heroes from long ago and recent past that have made a difference in other’s lives (George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., Ceasar Chavez…)
Students will learn: Math place value: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands. add/subtract two-and three-digit numbers. count money. $ multiply by 2, 5, 10. graphing. Geometry. (shapes)
How can you, as a parent, help better your child’s education. Have them come prepared to school and bring the following items everyday: -Backpack/folder binder -Two or more pencils -Erasers -Sharpener -Homework packet -Decodables -Fluency folder Pg 9
Make sure they complete their homework. Have your child read to you everyday for at least 20 minutes.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Please take some time to walk around the classroom and see what we all have accomplished.
Websites to help your child succeed in school Need a tutor: http://resources.ab.mec.edu/Tutoring/search/index.lasso Afterschool program: http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/Grand_View_EL/LA’sBest.htm