Welcome to 2016 Annual Title I Parent Meeting
What is Title I ? Title I is a federal funded program to assist in the academic achievement of students. Eastern Greene Elementary is a School-wide Title I program, ensuring ALL students receive essential instruction in reading and math. Students receive small group and/or individual interventions to improve reading and math skills throughout the day.
2016-2017 Eastern Greene Elementary School - Parent Compact Title I School-Home compact will be given to you at Parent–Teacher Conferences on Oct. 26 & 27, 2016 2016-2017 Eastern Greene Elementary School - Parent Compact Eastern Greene Elementary and the parents of students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A for No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, agree this compact outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards. This school-parent compact is in effect during school year 2016-2017. Staff Pledge I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability: • Provide a safe and supportive learning environment. • Teach classes with an interesting and challenging curriculum that promotes student achievement. • Motivate my students to learn. • Set high expectations and help every child be successful in meeting the Indiana academic achievement standards. • Communicate frequently and meet annually with families about student progress and the school - parent compact. • Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer, participate, and observe in my classroom. Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community. • Actively participate in collaborative decision making with parents and school colleagues to make our school accessible and welcoming for families. • Respect the school, students, staff and families. Student Pledge • Come to school ready to learn and work hard. • Bring necessary materials, completed assignments and homework. • Know and follow school and class rules. • Communicate regularly with my parents and teachers about school experiences so that they can help me to be successful in school. • Limit my TV watching, video game playing, and internet usage. • Study or read every day after school. • Respect the school, classmates, staff and families. Family/Parent Pledge • Provide a quiet time and place for homework and monitor TV viewing. • Read to my child or encourage my child to read every day (20 minutes K-2, and 30 minutes for grades 3-4). • Ensure that my child attends school every day and gets adequate sleep, regular medical attention and proper nutrition. • Regularly monitor my child's progress in school. • Participate, as appropriate, in decisions about my child’s education. • Attend parent-teacher conferences. • Communicate the importance of education and learning to my child. • Respect the school, staff, students, and families. _________________________Student___________________________Teacher Parent/Guardian________________________________________ ***Please return form to Mrs. Hill, Title I Director / FOCUS The compact is an agreement between parent, student, and school on what we can to do together to be successful! The School-Home compact is also available to view on our school website. www.egreene.k12.in.us
Can I help Eastern Greene Elementary & Title I? YES! Parents are welcome at this school Parents can volunteer in classrooms Parents can volunteer to serve on School-wide planning committees Parents can volunteer to work with small groups on academic skills Parents are their child’s first teacher, we must all work together!
How can I help my student improve… Keeping open communications between home and school is very important Reading with your student every night Making sure they complete their practice work / homework Making school attendance a priority Instill confidence, independence, positive attitudes Be very proud of their efforts Be involved in their education
Student access to tonight: Username: ink6mathse Password: indianamath1
Puffin Academy CloudMosa Inc. The ConnectED games, videos, and online quizzes/tests will open and run in the Puffin Academy App on the tablets. Puffin Academy is a free app on Google Play for Education. It is a browser that lets the educational websites open without have Java Script or whatever pops up when you are trying to open the games/activities.
Enter your Username and Password and click Login to display your Books and Content page.
Click the book to open the Student Center. To Do: Click this to see what the teacher has assigned. My Files: Click to see specific homework or worksheets. Click the book to open the Student Center. Messages: Click for important notes or announcements from the teacher.
Menu Button will show the options Your Student Center lets you open your class information, as well as other materials. home Menu Button will show the options Help: This page has tutorials and user guides to help you understand how to use ConnectED. Click ConnectED to return to your Books and the Content page. click Find your place: Drop down menus guide you to the lesson pages. Click “Chapter” to see all topics and lessons. Resources: The online tools that are connected to the lesson. click Homework: Your latest assignment. Messages: Important notes or announcements from the teacher. My Discussions: Place for students to have online discussion to solve problems collaboratively.
Search for specific topics You will find Games, worksheets, manipulatives, videos, and more under each topic. You will find “reteach” and “enrichment” resources.
Clicking the “Homework” tab under the MENU will bring you to this page Clicking the “Homework” tab under the MENU will bring you to this page. If the teacher assigns specific homework for students to access online the assignment would show up in this box. Clicking the “Notebook” tab under MENU will bring you to an area you can complete written assignments and SAVE your work.
Clicking the “Messages” tab under MENU will send and create messages. Clicking the “HOME” tab under the MENU will return you to the student’s home page—Student Center.
K-4 Reading series. Use the username and password the teacher gave your child. The generic username and password will not work with Wonders. The teacher will need to set up the class and calendar for parent’s to access to current stories and resources.
If you have specific questions, feel free to contact Mrs If you have specific questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Hill at khill@egreene.k12.in.us. Or 812-825-5623 ext. 1127 If you need your student’s username and password, please contact your child’s teacher for that information. You can use the “generic” username and password with the “My Math” program (not “Wonders”), but you will not see assigned homework or messages. However, feel free to use the generic access to look at lessons, tutorials, or reteach/enrichment materials. We appreciate everyone coming to the Title I Annual Parent Meeting. If you have additional questions please stay and we will do our best to answer.
Thank you for coming this evening!