Page 174 ESTAR
The Verb Estar means to be in English. Estar is an IRREGULAR verb.
The Verb ESTAR It does NOT follow the pattern of REGULAR -AR VERBS.
The Verb ESTAR In writing, be sure to use the accent mark on all forms except the yo and nosotros forms. (estoy and estamos)
TO BE (In English) Iam Youare He Sheis It Weare Theyare
ESTAR Yoestoy Túestás Ud. Élestá Ella Nosotros (-as) estamos Vosotros (-as) estáis Uds. Ellos están Ellas
USE OF ESTAR Estar is used to tell location of a person or a thing.
USE OF ESTAR For example: El libro está en la mesa. The book is on the table.
USE OF ESTAR ¿Dónde está tu apartamento? Where is your apartment? está detrás de un edificio grande. It is behind a big building.
USE OF ESTAR Estar is also used to tell the condition or feelings of something or someone.
USE OF ESTAR For example: María está enferma. María is sick.
USE OF ESTAR Elisa y tú están ocupados. Elisa and you are busy.
USE OF ESTAR The verb estar is also used with some prepositions to say where someone or something is in relation to someone or something else.
USE OF ESTAR Some prepositions are made up of more than one word. detrás de behind delante de in front of cerca de close to,near lejos de far from debajo de underneath encima de on top of, above al lado de next to