Meeting of RRDC Chief and Council April 11, 2017 This powerpoint presentation has been revised and updated as a result of the April 11, 2017 with chief and council
Agenda 1] Report to Council on the RRDC Housing Survey. 2] Draft Housing Rental policy RRDC and Housing Committee discussion 3] Review status of IT contract 4] Review status of proposal to CanNor- extension of network 5] Review status of Duplex contract 6] Review status of renovation contract 7] Update on MAP or MDP proposal for INAC 8] Update on Health and Welfare Canada Travel Assistance Agreement. 9] Coordinated response with other governments- Response received for Minister of Housing, YTG P. Frost 10] Executive Director and capacity discussion.
RRDC Housing Survey results- communication with your citizens 1] There were in the end five different types of surveys done. 3 varieties of the long form survey for people resident in Ross River and 2 varieties of a short form survey for people not resident in Ross River. 2] Data entry has been completed of all of the RRDC Housing Surveys and has produced results . The results need to be clearly communicated to our citizens. 3] Results could also be put on our RRDC website, which nobody has updated in years. If we use our website we need to get somebody to regularly update it, as a way to inform our citizens. 4] Also could put results in a stand-alone website such as the one developed for White River First Nation. 5] It would also be helpful to do a newsletter on the results, for people who do not have internet.
Overall results from your housing survey- Ross River residents ONLY
Experienced problems with housing reported by citizens in the last year. This table shows the # of reports as a % of the total homes reported upon by residents living in the houses.
A picture of the problems reported The charts show the number of reported problems as a total # of observations. Total respondents= 146
Some real pictures of the problems …. PICTURES OF THE REAL PROBLEMS: These pictures show actual conditions in winter 2016/17 recorded in the detailed inspections conducted by GTRAX. Some real pictures of the problems ….
Would people support a housing fund to pay for maintenance? Support Creation of a housing fund Yes No Maybe No answer 104 8 19 15 Willing to pay for fund 76 49 5 16
Home ownership? Would like to own home YES NO No Answer 116 16 14
Housing Survey Results of Non-Residents Housing Survey of Non- Residents # 0f completed surveys 51 Lived in Ross River before Y N 43 7 Support an Emergency Fund 40 3 Willing to pay into fund 35 5
Actions resulting from the April 11, 2017 meeting. RRDC advisor to develop capacity development proposal to INAC. The lack of capacity in the First Nation is leading to significant problems which will deteriorate significantly with the imminent departure of the Finance Director in May 2017. This will affect relationships and the ability to respond to all orders of government and resource development companies. PowerPoint to be provided to YTG and INAC. Duplex construction is underway. Renovation contract for houses signed. Still working on award for the trailers. Follow up meetings to be held in Whitehorse with designated YTG and INAC representatives in the week of April 24-28 potentially. RRDC advisor to draw up housing rental policy draft. Develop a graphical overview. Results from Housing Survey to be communicated to citizens using a newsletter and /or website. Additional work needs to be done to sort out problems with Health and Welfare Canada medical travel.