Do You Have Extra Oil ? Matt 25:1-13
First Century Jewish Weddings had many customs unusual to us.
There was an agreement between parents many months before the wedding. There was a period of betrothal. The actual wedding at the brides home. The march or parade through town to the grooms home. Followed by a 7 day honeymoon period.
Five were called foolish The emphasis of the text is not on the bride and groom but rather on the brides maids. Five were called wise. Five were called foolish
This is not the first time Jesus divided humanity into two classes. In Matt. 7. Jesus spoke of a wise builder and a foolish builder. In Matt. 25 Jesus talked of those who used talents and those who did not. In Matt 25 Jesus divided humanity into sheep and goats. In John 5 Jesus speaks of those who have done good and those who have done evil.
What separates Humanity into these two classifications at the end of time?
The Lack of Preparation and Participation Led to
Preclusion from the celebration
There was no shortage of Oil
At the end of the parable Jesus gives a powerful Pronouncement
Because we do not know neither the day nor the Hour the son of man will return
Is your lamp trimmed and burning? Do you have extra oil? Are you READY for the Day of the Lord?