How to make a lava lamp the easy way by Jorgie A list of easy instructions ,so that all of you can do it at home !! ( with all the scientific bits left in for those science loving maniacs ) We are not making shop bought ones we are making proper homemade lamps I repeat homemade lamps!!
You will need: An empty water bottle Vegetable oil (can be any sort of oil) Clear tap water Food colouring (any colour will be just as effective) Alka seltzer A bright light (torch) Funnel Cereal/cardboard box with a hole cut in it for the torch
Step 1 What you will need in this step: Empty bottle, food colouring and funnel Put the funnel into the bottle keeping the lid, pour the vegetable oil into the bottle to three quarters of the way and screw the lid back on.
Step 2 What you will need for this step: Bottle, tap water, funnel and food colouring Open the bottle and pour the water in through the funnel add a few drops of food colouring and screw the lid on .
Step 3 What you will need in this step: Bottle, alka seltzer, funnel, bright light and a box Break the alka seltzer into quarters and put them in the bottle, screwing the lid on tightly. Put the torch into the box underneath the hole.
Step 4 Now watch it go!! The Scientific Bit The alka seltzer releases bubbles of carbon dioxide (CO2) which rise to the top and brings the coloured water with it for a ride.
Thanks for watching. Hope you had fun with this experiment!! More links below: