BELLWORK: January 24th Why did the British surrender to the colonists? List three changes made to the new American gov. List one similarity and one difference between the English Civil War and American Revolution. List three ways Louis XIV abused his power (pg. 267) THINKER: The French Revolution starts when peasants revolt against their king. What are some positive and negative effects of standing up against your government?
U.S. Constitution Set up a federal system, political authority divided between the national and state governments. Separation of powers between executive, legislative, and judicial branches. A republic with an elected president
Bill of Rights The first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Government must protect certain civil liberties, such as: Freedom of speech, religion, and the press Right to private property and trial by jury
Discussion How did the American Revolution inspire other colonies under European control?
Causes of the French Revolution
Long-Term Factors: The Enlightenment: Encouraged liberty and individual rights The American Revolution: An example of freedom and democracy Social Problems: The Estates System (hierarchy) Political Conflict: Unfair absolute monarchy Economic Weakness: Expensive wars, lavish spending by kings
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette Born in 1755 to the Emperor and Empress of Austria. After the Seven Years’ War, France needed to cement their alliance with Austria, so Louis decided to take an Austrian wife. When Marie Antoinette was 12, her entire family contracted small pox. The disease killed her brother and two sisters – who was going to marry Louis? Two years later, Louis paid 200,000 crowns ($12,000) for Marie’s hand in marriage. Immediately, French citizens did not support the marriage because there remained high tensions between Austria and France.
Marie at age 13; this portrait was sent to Louis to see if he approved
Marie Antoinette Marie and Louis had four children together: Marie-Therese Charlotte and Dauphin Louis Joseph. After Louis’ birth, fighting between Austria and France broke out
This controversial portrait was considered “improper” for a queen
Marie Antoinette’s declining popularity Louis refused to allow his wife to participate in politics Austrian family was disappointed First son (Louis) was very ill, but Marie had a second son France was in economic downturn; could not finance war French citizens felt she sided with Austria Parliament was dissolved Spent a lot of money on diamonds, clothing, palaces, and art. Famous for the saying “Let them eat cake!”
Vocabulary In your notes, define the following words: Estate Tithe Bourgeoisie Coup d'état
French Society: The Old Order Before 1789, France’s class system was made of ESTATES (orders of society) and all French people belonged to 1 of 3 estates The estates determined a person’s legal rights and status Let’s read about it! Page 336!
The First Estate Made up of clergy About 1% of the population Controlled 5 – 10% of land in France Enjoyed many privileges Did not have to pay taxes
The Second Estate Made up of the nobility About 2% of the population Owned 25% of land in France Held high positions in the government and military Owned large estates and paid no taxes Incomes came mostly from peasants living and working on their land
Made up of Middle Class (bourgeoisie), peasants, and artisans About 97% of population Middle Class (doctors, lawyers, merchants) were educated and wealthy, but had no prestige or privileges Looked to Enlightenment philosophers that spoke about freedom and social justice Peasants were forced to pay over half of their income to king, clergy and nobles Members of this estate had no voice in government The Third Estate
Causes of the French Revolution Now that you know about the Estate system and problems within France, you will read more about how this lead to revolution! Read pages 336-339 and complete the worksheet – these are your notes!
Call For Change: In 1774, King Louis XVI and wife Marie Antoinette came to power The king was faced with severe debt and wanted to tax the First and Second Estates The two estates refused to pay the taxes The king was forced to call the Estates-General in 1789
The Estates-General The Estates-General was made up of delegates from each estate and each estate was given I vote With this type of voting, the clergy and nobility would vote together and always overrule the Third Estate The Third Estate felt the vote should be based on the number of people in the estate, thus giving them the majority vote
The Tennis Court Oath Fearing a revolt, the king locked the Third Estate out of their meeting place in the Estates-General The Third Estate then declared themselves the National Assembly and began meeting in an indoor tennis court Here, they took an oath called the Tennis Court Oath—refusing to disband until they had a written constitution for France
The Storming of the Bastille The Bastille (a Paris prison) symbolized injustices of the monarchy July 14, 1789 a mob surrounded the Bastille in an attempt to steal weapons needed to defend the National Assembly The soldiers killed 98 rioters and the rioters released 7 prisoners
The Storming of the Bastille This outbreak led to the formation of a Revolutionary Government in Paris The Storming of the Bastille led to a wave of violence in France This event is considered the beginning of the French Revolution
CLOSURE List six causes of the French Revolution!
BELLWORK – 2/4 Why did the Third Estate dislike the French government? What was the Estates-General? How did they make decisions? How did Louis XVI propose to get France out of debt? Was it successful? Why did Louis XVI lock the Third Estate out of the Estates-General? How did the Third Estate respond to being locked out of the Estates-General? THINKER: If the First and Second Estate were so wealthy, why couldn’t they just pay taxes too? Why was it such a big problem to tax the First and Second Estates?
Why did people dislike Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Why did people dislike Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? List as many reasons as possible!
Marie Antoinette During the French Revolution, Louis and Marie were blamed for the majority of the country’s problems. A mob broke into their palace Marie became a widow in January 1793 when her husband was executed By this time, Marie’s health was deteriorating – she had tuberculosis and cancer. Marie was tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal and found guilty of treason. She was executed in October 1793, at the age of 37.
Homework Two of the main causes of the French Revolution were the estates system, and lavish spending by the monarchy. To review over these causes, you are going to complete a worksheet. One side focuses on the characteristics of the estate system The other side is a profile of Marie Antoinette