How to Hatch a Chick By Cheyann
Fertilized Egg Start with a fortlelized egg. An egg where the mother hen has seen a roster if not you have a plane egg.
Incubating the Egg Frist you need a incubator. Fill the incubator with water. Then plug it in. Put the temptrue to 99°,Befour putting the eggs in. Make sure to put X`s and O`s on different sides of the eggs. It`s good for turning the eggs.
Turning the Eggs Turn the eggs three times a day. If you saw the x`s you would turn it to the o. if you saw the o`s you would turn it to the x`s. It is important to turn them so they will not stick to the shell.
Candling eggs On day 7 or8 and on day 14 or 15 we candle the eggs. You put them under a the light to see how they are growing. If they`re growing well they will hatch on day 21.
The end. Aftar they hatch put them in the incubator so they will dry.