Egg the King By Olga Stepanova English Techer


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Presentation transcript:

Egg the King By Olga Stepanova English Techer Tsivilskaya Secondary School №2 Chuvash Republic 2015

You CANnot make an … without breaking eggs. cake pizza burger omelet

An egg today is better than a … tomorrow.” goose cockerel hen turkey

asteroid tractor monkey plane “Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she laid an ….” Mark Twain asteroid tractor monkey plane

“When arguing with a … , an egg is never wrong.” - African proverb stone sheep mountain hen

Do not put all your eggs in one … . plate pot glass basket

To be a "good egg" is to be a … person. tall shy nice good looking

… and eggs are best when they are fresh.” Russian Proverb Bread Water Soup Love

Do not kill the … that lays golden eggs - English Proverb goose turkey hen bird

Eggs cannot teach a … . Russian proverb goose mother hen cock

Eggs have no business … with stones. Italian proverb dancing jumping singing rolling

Eggs must not … with stones. Chinese proverb play quarrel wash sit

The End

Источник шаблона: «Хамадиева Наталья Александровна учитель-логопед МАОУ лицей «Синтон», г Чайковский Пермского края, для сайта». Фоны, кнопки, анимированные надписи – авторские (Хамадиева Н. А.) Другие источники: