Vertical Motion Model h(t) = -16t2 + vt + s
An athlete throws a discus from an initial height of 6 feet and with an initial velocity of 46 feet per second. After how many seconds will the discus hit the ground?
A diver dives from a cliff that is 46 feet above the surface of the water. Her initial velocity leaving the cliff is 9 ft/s. After how many seconds will she enter the water?
A grasshopper jumps from the ground with an initial velocity of 8 ft/s A grasshopper jumps from the ground with an initial velocity of 8 ft/s. After how many seconds is the grasshopper 1 foot off the ground?
George Washington knocks an apple off of a tree George Washington knocks an apple off of a tree. The apple falls 16 feet to the ground. How long will the apple take to hit the ground?
A rider on Supreme Scream experiences a drop from 254 feet in the air A rider on Supreme Scream experiences a drop from 254 feet in the air. They experience free fall until hydraulic breaks are activated at 75 feet above the ground. How much time do the riders experience free fall?
An angry bird launches from his sling shot, on top of a hill, with an initial height of 20 feet with an initial velocity of 22 feet per second. How long does it take the bird to hit the pig sitting on the ground?
For the Fourth of July, you attend a fireworks show at the Santa Monica pier. The firework launchers launch a firework with an initial velocity of 160 feet per second. When is the firework 400 feet high? How do you know that 400 feet is the greatest height the firework will reach ?
You throw a ball into the air with an initial vertical velocity of 31 ft/s. The ball leaves your hand when it is 6 feet above the ground. You catch the ball when it is 4 feet above the ground. How long is the ball in the air?
Ms. LaPorte goes bungee jumping in Yosemite Ms. LaPorte goes bungee jumping in Yosemite. She falls from a bridge that is 150 feet high. How long does it take for her to reach the lowest point at 6 feet above the water?
A soccer player kicks a ball that leaves the ground with an initial velocity of 6 feet per second. How long will it take to return to the ground?
You drop a penny from the roof that is 16 feet high You drop a penny from the roof that is 16 feet high. How many seconds will it take for the penny to hit the ground?
A baseball player hits a ball from 3 feet straight up into the air with an initial velocity of 80 feet per second. How many times does the ball reach a height of 99 feet?
An acrobat hanging from a trapeze bar 54 feet in the air looses her grip and falls to a safety net that is 6 feet above the ground. How long does it take the acrobat to land safely on the net?
An African cat called a serval leaps from the ground in an attempt to catch a bird. The serval’s initial vertical velocity is 24 ft/s. At what time will the serval return to the ground?
A volleyball player serves the ball from an initial height of 6 feet with an initial velocity of 24 ft/s. What is the maximum height reached by the volleyball?
Derek Jeter releases a baseball at a height of 7 feet with an initial vertical velocity of 54 feet per second. How long will it take the ball to reach the ground?