Computer Science/IM Cookbook
To Cover Webspace Transferring Files Remote Login Email Access to internal web content Practical Preparation...
To Cover Webspace
Webspace $HOME/www H:/www ~/www Translates to:<username> e.g. /u1/pg/rs46/www
Webspace Why... Have an academic web presence Reports; dissertation; computing/research interests Hosting Code Open source code you have written that you: Are proud of Think might be beneficial to someone in the world Is a public space to advertise yourself.. Summer internships; Graduate jobs Dropbox Public HTTP file server (more efficient than sending large files as emails)
Next... File Transfer
Transferring Files Why... It's more convenient than USB sticks USB sticks always get lost or broken. It's quick, once set up Tip: There's many ways to use the FTP protocol. You will soon all be using...
Transferring Files Available Service FTP The department has an FTP server Protocol: sFTP / SSH2 Host: Username & Password: Your Linux login Port: 22
Transferring Files FTP Client
Transferring Files FTP Client
Transferring Files File Browser Support
Transferring Files The Command Line Interface
Next... Remote Login
Remote Login Why... Service/Software/Hardware Access There are many packages installed on the CentOS 5.5 workstations and servers, including many compilers, utilities and software. Convenience Want to fix your mySql bug? Log in and do it ! Module Requirements Cluster access, Oracle access etc...
Remote Login Available Service SSH The department has an SSH server Protocol: SSH Host: Username & Password: Your Linux login Port: 22 Linux: ssh -Y Windows (install Putty): plink
Remote Login
Remote Login
Next... Email
Email The University uses Microsoft Exchange There exists a web interface Doesn't satisfy everyone's requirements (certainly not mine) Luckily, there are other ways to access your email: iPhone OS Android (2.2+) IMAP/SMTP for email clients The existing web interface is OK, too ! Browser compatibility ?
Email iPhone Support Full instructions on website Android 2.2+ Exchange support is very recent Documentation on doing this would be very welcome! Contact Peter Methven, I.T. Helpdesk: Credit: Peter Methven, University I.T. dept.
Email Email Client Software with IMAP/SMTP Support Examples: Linux: Evolution Mac OSX: Mail Windows: Outlook Multi-Platform: Mozilla Thunderbird On all workstations in the department, Linux and Windows. *Experimental* command line: Alpine (Linux only)
Next... Internal Web Content
Internal Web Content Some web pages are only accessible internally This is true for domains: Services VPN for Proxy for
Internal Web Content VPN Service Browse to:
Internal Web Content VPN Service Browse to:
Internal Web Content Proxy Service
Internal Web Content Proxy Service Open Proxy: Linux/Mac OSX: ssh -D 8080 <username> ssh -D 8080 Windows: Download Putty, then: plink -D 8080 <username>
Internal Web Content Proxy Service
Practical Preparation Next... Practical Preparation
Next... Operating Systems
Practical Preparation Microsoft Windows
Practical Preparation Linux (Gnome environment)
Practical Preparation Linux (KDE environment)
Practical Preparation Getting Linux
Practical Preparation Getting Linux
Practical Preparation Getting Linux.. why ? Immune from viruses Quick, stable, & secure Millions of people develop Open Source Software Access to thousands of great software packages OpenOffice; Firefox; Chrome; Thunderbird; VLC.... It's FREE !! Credit: Jonathon Corbet ( - 2009
Practical Preparation Getting Linux.. why ?
Practical Preparation Mac OSX
Integrated Development Environments Next... Integrated Development Environments
Practical Preparation Netbeans
Practical Preparation Eclipse
Practical Preparation Text Editors
Practical Preparation Software Compatibility Windows Linux Mac OSX Firefox • Chrome IE9 Opera Thunderbird Evolution M$ Office OpenOffice kdenlive
Practical Preparation Software Compatibility Windows Linux Mac OSX Netbeans • Eclipse Visual Studio Dreamweaver VLC Amarok Call Of Duty World of Goo TweetDeck Web Apps
Covered Webspace Transferring Files Remote Login Email Access to internal web content Practical Preparation...
Computer Science/IM Cookbook al/ Computer Science/IM Cookbook
Web Tutorial
:wq That's all, folks !