Travel Annual Training 2017 Foreign Travel Green Title Page April 28, 2017
FOREIGN TRAVEL TRAINING AGENDA Federal Travel Management System (FTMS) Personal Days FTMS – General Information State Department Requirement– Electronic Country Clearance (eCC) Green Interior Page Design 1 1 1
Foreign Travel -FTMS Jefferson Lab Local Approvers: Sue Ewing, Kris Burrows Sasi Wojcik, Jenita Everett Head of Organization Approvers: Joe Scarcello Heidi Derby (in Joe’s absence) Office of Science – Sensitive Countries DOE local approvers– Suzanne Hull and Brenda May Responsible Program Secretarial Officer - Tim Hallman or John Kogut DOE Counter Intelligence Briefing Officers - Barry Laken and Richard Kurz Country Clearance Approvals Non-Sensitive & Sensitive – Sasi Wojcik Green Interior Page Design 1 1 2
Foreign Travel - Personal Days The DOE policy limiting 2:1 ratio of business days versus vacation days is no longer in effect. A traveler can take as many personal days as they need while on foreign travel. Those days should be recorded on the TA as personal days Travelers will cover the costs of the personal portion of the trip. Travel coordinators should do an air fare comparison between the business portion of the trip and the entire trip (including personal days). The comparison should be dated the same day as the actual airline ticket purchased. The comparison showing air fare for the business portion of the trip versus the fare for the whole trip will determine what amount the traveler will reimburse the lab (if any). Green Interior Page Design 2 3
Foreign Travel General Information DOE Order 551.1 D, Contract Requirement for Foreign Travel All official foreign travel requests should be entered in the FTMS at least 30 calendar days before the proposed departure date. Non-sensitive country trips are routed and approved internally by Joe Scarcello as RPSO (Responsible Program Secretarial Officer). Sensitive country trips are routed to the Office of Science for review and approval in FTMS. Sensitive Countries - SC Associate Director will have five (5) business days from the date of the contractor travel submission to review the travel and approve/disapprove. Sensitive country trips will automatically be approved at the end of the fifth day if the sponsoring SC Associate Director has not taken action. Green Interior Page Design 1 24
Passport information Passport Expiration Date If you have the renewed passport information, always update this information in the traveler’s profile and not in the Trip Request (TR) in FTMS as well as in Concur. If traveler’s passport is expiring soon, then use this link to check the requirement for each country: Green Interior Page Design 2 45
Passport information A valid passport is needed to enter countries, for example, China. Green Interior Page Design 2 6
Passport Information Result - China Green Interior Page Design 2 7
Foreign Travel – SAFE Training Per DOE Order 551.1d (4)(c)(3)), personnel embarking on foreign travel for 30 days or more must take the Serving Abroad for Families & Employees (S.A.F.E.) training Effective 3/7/17 -S.A.F.E. training is offered via the Employee Self Service Online Learning Center (OLC) on the DOE training site for DOE contractor: Travel arrangers at the lab must upload a training certificate within the trip in FTMS for which training is required. Green Interior Page Design 2 8
Foreign Travel – New SAFE Training Website Green Interior Page Design 2 99
FTMS – ROUTING TEMPLATES Trip can only be routed if the template status is valid To validate, click on the radio button and hit the validate TR Routing Template Green Interior Page Design 2 10
Foreign Travel – Routing Templates After validation, go back and route your TR. Now you will be able to select the template: Green Interior Page Design 2 11
Foreign Travel – Routing Templates If a trip has been routed once, and for some reason needed to be re-routed, please DO NOT select the template again. Green Interior Page Design 2 12
Foreign Travel – Routing Templates If you select the template again, it will duplicate each approver’s name, as shown below. Green Interior Page Design 2 13
Foreign Travel – Flight Information Sensitive Countries - Provide detail tentative flight information Non-Sensitive Countries - Provide actual flight information Update the following information if there were any changes: Check the departure and return date on the TA and FTMS Notate personal days in section 3, item 39b in FTMS Attach airfare comparison to the TA and notate personal days in the comments section of the TA Provide actual lodging information Green Interior Page Design 2 14
Foreign Travel – Flight Information Let me show you an example: what is wrong with this itinerary? Green Interior Page Design 2 Incomplete return itinerary. Return flight should be added 15
Foreign Travel – Country Clearance General Information DOE FTMS (Federal Travel Management System) Travel Coordinators create trip request Log in FTMS every 30 days to keep your profile active State Department eCC (Electronic country clearance) Information from FTMS is transferred when Travel Services submit a country clearance Additional information is then provided on the State Department website Green Interior Page Design 2 16
Foreign Travel – Trip Request DOE – Foreign Travel Management System Information from FTMS is transmitted to State Department Green Interior Page Design 2 18
Foreign Travel – Country Clearance State Department eCC (Electronic country clearance) Information from FTMS is transmitted to State Department for a country clearance request via this website Green Interior Page Design 2 18
Foreign Travel – Country Clearance Embassies/Countries are requiring detailed information of travelers Canada U.S. citizens entering Canada require a valid U.S. passport Other Foreign National entering Canada can use this link to check if a visa is needed: Visas can be applied online -Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA): For more information, contact Sue Ewing in the International Services office. France (read the documents on the Travel website) For 10 or more days – travelers are required to have a Counter Intelligence Briefing Complete transportation information by air, sea, or ground Emergency contact of supervisor and family Event dates, host names, email address, phone number, Lodging address, confirmation number if possible International cell phone number Other Foreign Destination Requirements Same as France except no Counter Intelligence Briefing is required Green Interior Page Design 2 19
Foreign Travel – State Department & DOE DOE – Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS) Some fields in FTMS do not require detailed information, but the State Department requires details. For example: lodging and host address are required for country clearance. Please provide these details upon creating a trip: Traveler’s supervisor’s name, email address, office and cell phone number Family emergency contact Hotel address Event address Green Interior Page Design 2 20
Foreign Travel – Country Clearance Information A sample of Travel Coordinat0r’s attachment to the TA Green Interior Page Design 2 21
Foreign Travel – Country Clearance Information After the training, an updated template will be sent to all travel coordinators. The completed templates should be attached to Section II Item 30 in the FTMS for all future foreign trips. Some of you have also provided the information in Section I, Item No. 18. Providing information in Item 18 is not recommended any more, because the information can be changed at any time, and there are no records of change. Green Interior Page Design 2 22
Foreign Travel Information Sample -Granted Request Summary of eCC from State Department 23
Foreign Travel Questions Is this a new policy? Nope! It is DOE Contract Compliance and Regulation Requirements Green Interior Page Design 2 24
ANNUAL TRAVEL TRAINING 2017 Thank you! Jlab Travel Services