Genuine N1. Conversion Installation manual LC 120 5D 2003 TOYOTA MOTOR MARKETING EUROPE Rev. 5.3 04. March 2003, Loyds Industrier AS
Ordering part numbers Notes Not included in kit FLOORMATS Full Carpet floor - Cargo Area PZ449-J2C41-51 BASE SETS 3.0mm thick metal floor & lower separator PZ449-J2C40-00 SPECIFIC SETS Denmark - Half Top Separator PZ449-J2C46-00 Denmark - Full Top Separator PZ449-J2C46-10 Notes Tools The tools needed for the installation are: A torque meter, 10mm and 14mm socket wrench, a socket wrench extension, a knife, 10mm key, plastic wedge (for removing panels), philips screwdriver, pop rivet gun, power drill, ø5,5mm drillbit and a small wire cutter. Consumables EVA melting glue. Applied torque values 10 Nm for bolts and nuts M6. 40 Nm for larger bolts and nuts. Not included in kit PLUGS FOR COVERING HOLES Plugs (4 Pieces, Supplier Toyota) 90467-05164-B1 COVER Back door cover (GREY) (1Piece, QUP 15) PZ449-J0C42-12
Contents of this manual Product Overview Page 4 - 8 Pre- installation procedure page 9 - 11 Floor and separators page 12 - 13 Denmark Installation Kit page 14 - 16 Disconnection of curtain air bag page 17 Full Carpet Floor Page 18
PZ449-J2C40-00 3.0mm thick metal fl. & lower sep. Product overview PZ449-J2C40-00 3.0mm thick metal fl. & lower sep. QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-89152 Base Set Fitting Kit 1 05-89172 Floor 1 05-89182 Floor Support 1 1 05-89192 Floor Support 2 1 05-89202 Lower Separator 1 05-87732 Service Hatch 236x236 05-89182 Floor Support 1 05-89172 Floor / 05-87732 Service Hatch 236x236 05-89192 Floor Support 2 05-89192 Lower Separator 05-89152 Base Set Fitting Kit QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 10 5x10 NSS 5x10mm Rivet, Black 8 6x12 6k Taptite (211-06-012) Bolt 6x12 6K Taptite D 2 6x16 6k Taptite Self Tapping Bolt, DIN 7500 2 500252 Plastic-cover Fixation Eye 8 221 M06SW10 S Black 10mm Plastic Cap 2 05-89342 Seatbelt Fixation Cover 4 05-89362 Seat fixation recess cover 0,08 4952 2-sided tape 19mm 2 500250 Fixation Eye Typ 500/8mm
PZ449-J2C46-00 Denmark - Half Top Separator QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-89122 PZ449-J2C40-00 3.0mm thick metal floor & lower sep. 1 05-89142 Driver Side Separator 1 05-89392 Denmark Installation Kit 1 05-89272 PZ449-J2C41-51 LC 120 5D Carpet 05-89142 Half Top Separator QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-89162 Driver Side Separator Fitting Kit 1 05-89212 Driver Side Separator 1 05-89252 Upper Right Bracket 1 05-89242 Upper Left Bracket 05-89212 Driver Side Separator 05-89252 Upper Right Bracket 05-89242 Upper Left Bracket 05-89162 Driver Side Separator Fitting Kit QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 5 6x16 6k Taptite Self Tapping Bolt, DIN 7500 1 6x16 6k M6 Bolt, DIN 933 1 6,3x16 6,3x16mm Bolt, DIN 7976 5 6 NMU M6 Self locking nut, DIN 985-8 7 6,4x15x1,5 M6 Washer, DIN 9021 8 221 M06SW10 S Black 10mm Plastic Cap
PZ449-J2C46-10 Denmark - Full Top Separator QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-89122 PZ449-J2C40-00 3.0mm thick metal floor & lower sep. 1 05-93312 Full Top Separator 1 05-89392 Denmark Installation Kit 1 05-89272 PZ449-J2C41-51 LC 120 5D Carpet 05-93312 Full Top Separator QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-92602 Full top separator fitting kit 1 05-91282 Full Top Separator 2 05-89252 Upper Right Bracket 1 05-89242 Upper Left Bracket 1 05-91302 Upper Left Bracket Mirrored 05-91302 Upper Left Bracket Mirrored 05-91282 Full Top Separator 05-92602 Full top separator fitting kit QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 10 6x16 6k Taptite Self Tapping Bolt, DIN 7500 2 6x16 6k M6 Bolt, DIN 933 2 6,3x16 6,3x16mm Bolt, DIN 7976 10 6 NMU M6 Self locking nut, DIN 985-8 14 6,4x15x1,5 M6 Washer, DIN 9021 16 221 M06SW10 S Black 10mm Plastic Cap
PZ449-J2C41-51 Full Carpet floor - Cargo Area QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-91422 Felt 1 05-89272 Carpet 05-91422 Felt 05-89272 Carpet
05-89392 Denmark Installation Kit QTY PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 05-89312 Forward Seatbelt Cover Left 1 05-89322 Forward Seatbelt Cover Right 2 05-89382 Upper B-column Cover L+R 2 05-90842 Lower B-column Cover L+R 2 05-91542 Cover Air bag 1 05-90862 Door Handle Cover Left 1 05-91832 Door Handle Cover Right 2 05-91722 A-coloumn decal 45x20 2 60SGN01122 Clips for Door Handle Cover 2 5x16spax Screw 5x16 x-panhead 34505016 4 05-89362 Seat Fixation Recess Cover 0,64m 4952 2-sided tape 19mm 05-90842 Lower B-column Cover L+R 05-91532 Backdoor- Handle Cover 05-89342 Seatbelt- Fixation Cover 05-89312 Forward Seatbelt Cover Left 05-89382 Upper B-column Cover L+R (36,3x25,6mm) (35,9x23,5mm) 05-89322 Forward Seatbelt Cover Right 60SGN01122 05-90862 Doorhandle Cover
Pre- installation procedure 1. Remove rear seats and fixation brackets 2. Remove the rear part of the carpet. 2.b Remove rear door step . 3. Remove steps on both sides and reinstall bolts. 4.a Fold carpet temporarily to the front of the vehicle FUEL PUMP 4. Remove & discard the PE foam around the fixation points. Fixation points for support #2 5. Make 2 cutouts in the carpet for fixation points for support #2
Only for Specific Sets - Denmark step 6-11 If not specified: for Half top separator only perform instructions at LH side, for Full top separator both at RH & LH side Both at RH & LH side 6.a Remove sign ‘SRS Curtain Airbag. 6.b Remove C-pillar garnish 6.c Remove seatbelt Both at RH & LH side 7.a Remove B-Pillar garnish 7.b Remove window control panels Both at RH & LH side 7.c Remove handles (2 x 2 bolts) 9.a Install bracket 05-89242 (RH bracket: 05-91302) 9.b Align bracket with roof lining. Note Torque 10 Nm
10.a Cut off & discard indicated “ear”. 10.b Reinstall B-Pillar garnish 11. Disable the child safety switch on both doors
Floor and lower separator 1. Fasten the 2 cargo latches to the floor (05-89172) using M6x20 bolts, locknuts and washers. Note Eyelets should face towards the middle of the car. Note Torque 10 Nm 2.a Install support #2 (05-89192) in the car and fasten with two M6 locknuts. 2.b Fold the carpet back again in original position. Note The upper flange of the support should face forward. Note Torque 10 Nm 3. Install support #1 (05-89182) in the car and re-use bolts from the rear seat. Note The upper flange of the support should face forward. Note Reinstall all original bolts Note Torque 37 Nm
4.a Place the floor in the vehicle via the back door. 4.b Adjust the floor to have even spaces at both RH & LH side. 4.c Drill & rivet the floor to support #1. Note Order of drilling & riveting: outside holes first, then middle one, then the last 2. 5. Drill and rivet the floor to support #2. Note Order of drilling & riveting: outside holes first, then middle one, then the last 2. 6.a Place the lower separator (05-89202) in the vehicle via side door. 6.b Adjust the lower separator in position on the floor. 6.c Install the lower separator to the floor with 7 M6x12 bolts. Note Start from the centre of the car, working outwards.
Only for Specific Sets - Denmark step 7-11 Only for Specific Set – Denmark – Half top separator step 7-10 7.a Place the driver side separator on the lower separator. 7.b Install the driver side separator to the lower separator by using 3 M6 bolts, locknuts and washers. Note The upper left bracket (05-89242) should be placed on the front side of the driver separator. 8.a Install the driver side separator to “05-89242 Upper Left Bracket” using M6 bolt, locknut and washer 8.b Install the right bracket (05-89252) to the driver side separator. 8.c Make a mark in the roof for the fixation point, and drill a hole ø2,5mm for the mounting screw. Note The bracket should be placed on the forward face of the driver separator. 9. Install the right bracket and fasten to the roof with the supplied 6,3x16 PZ screw. 10. Tighten all bolts and mount the supplied screw caps. Note Torque 10 Nm Only for Specific Set – Denmark – Full top separator step 11 11. Repeat steps 7-10 above for RH side. Note Use 6 M6 bolts, locknuts and washers in step 7.b. Fasten the separator to 05-89242 Upper Left Bracket and 05-91302 Upper Left Bracket Mirrored both in step 8.a.
Only for Specific Sets - Denmark step 1-8 If not specified: for Half top separator only perform instructions at LH side, for Full top separator both at RH & LH side Note All the covers to be installed with melting glue, except the seat fixation cover 05-89362 1. Install “Cover Air bag” (05-91542 ) on C-Pillar (On RH & LH side). 2. Install “Forward Seatbelt Cover Left” ( 05-89312) on LH C-Pillar & “Forward Seatbelt Cover Right” (05-89322) on RH C-pillar. 3. Install “Upper B-column Cover L+R” (05-89382) in holes left by removed handles at upper side. (On RH & LH side). 4. Install “Lower B-column Cover L+R” (05-90842) in holes left by removed handles at lower side. (On RH & LH side). Only for 7- seater step 5 5.a Peel backing tape off the double side tape at back of the 4 “Seat Fixation Recess Covers” (05-89362). 5.b Install the 4 “Seat Fixation Recess Covers” over the four recesses in the floor.
6. Install “Seatbelt Fixation Cover” (05-89342) over the holes left by the removed lower seatbelt fixations (On RH & LH side). 7. Install “Decal A-column (air bag)” (05-91722) over the imprinted Air bag decal on the A-column. 8. Install “Doorhandle covers” ( 05-90862) . Mount with 60SGN01122 and screw 5x16spax. (On RH & LH side).
Only for Specific Sets – Denmark step 1 - 6 Disconnection of curtain air bag For Half top separator only perform instructions at LH side, for Full top separator both at RH & LH side (Pictures are from RH side of the vehicle) 1. Disconnect the battery -terminal 2. Loosen roof-lining and remove D-column cover. To faciliate removal of the D-coloumn cover; loosen the lower panel first. Note Curtain air bag is placed behind the roof-lining. (one on each side of the car) 3. Release the contact by pulling back the yellow locking clip. 4.a Install the “Air Bag Terminal Connector” (05-92062). 4.b Close the locking clips on the cable contact and terminal connector. 5. Attach the terminal connector to the wire with tape. Note Make sure the terminal connector does not get a chance to “rattle”. 6. Reconnect battery -terminal. Put on ignition. Make sure the SRS-lamp goes out. Replace Roof-lining and D-column cover.
Full Carpet floor 1. Place the the felt, 05-91422, in the car behind 05-89172 Floor. 2. Place the carpet on the floor and roll it out towards the rear 3. Pull the eyelets for the cargo latches through the cutouts in the carpet.