Bbm421 – Computer Games Technology Fall ’12 Lecture 7 By Umut Rıza ERTÜRK
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Resource Also probably of the best resources for game development AI Game Engine Programming – Brain Schwab Dan Witzner Hansen - Lecture Notes
What is Artificial Intelligence? (John McCarthy, Stanford University) It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable. Yes, but what is intelligence? Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds and degrees of intelligence occur in people, many animals and some machines. Isn't there a solid definition of intelligence that doesn't depend on relating it to human intelligence? Not yet. The problem is that we cannot yet characterize in general what kinds of computational procedures we want to call intelligent. We understand some of the mechanisms of intelligence and not others.
What’s involved in Intelligence? Ability to interact with the real world to perceive, understand, and act e.g., speech recognition and understanding and synthesis e.g., image understanding e.g., ability to take actions, have an effect Reasoning and Planning modeling the external world, given input solving new problems, planning, and making decisions ability to deal with unexpected problems, uncertainties Learning and Adaptation we are continuously learning and adapting our internal models are always being “updated” e.g., a baby learning to categorize and recognize animals
What is AI?
What is AI in games? AI is (traditionally) the control of every non-human entity in a game? The other cars in a car game The opponents and monsters in shooter games Your units, your enemy’s units and your enemy in a RTS game But, typically does not refer to passive things that just react to the player and never initiate action That’s physics or game logic For example, the blocks in Tetris are not AI, nor is a flag blowing in the wind It’s a somewhat arbitrary distinction
Example AI Game Scenarios Learning the habits and preferences of a human player in the context of game play Game enemy finding the shortest route to the player Learning and adapting avoidance algorithms during the game Game enemy adaptive collaboration with other game enemies toward a common game objective Generating authentic and adaptive game dialogue and commentary e.g sports Generation of game environment and levels
Perception Management Perceive (Sensor information) Think (Evaluate perceived data) Act (execute planned action)
AI Update Step The sensing phase determines the state of the world May be very simple - state changes all come by message Or complex - figure out what is visible, where your team is, etc The thinking phase decides what to do given the world The core of AI The acting phase tells the animation what to do Generally not that interesting (for this course) AI Module Sensing Game Engine Thinking Acting
AI in the Game Loop AI is updated as part of the game loop, after user input, and before rendering There are issues here: Which AI goes first? Does the AI run on every frame? Is the AI synchronized?
AI and Animation AI determines what to do and the animation does it AI drives animation, deciding what action the animation system should be animating Scenario 1: The AI issues orders like “move from A to B”, and it’s up to the animation system to do the rest Scenario 2: The AI controls everything down to the animation clip to play Which scenario is best depends on the nature of the AI system and the nature of the animation system Is the animation system based on move trees (motion capture), or physics, or something else Does the AI look after collision avoidance? Does it do detailed planning?
AI by Polling The AI gets called at a fixed rate Senses: It looks to see what has changed in the world. For instance: Queries what it can see Checks to see if its animation has finished running And then acts on it Why is this generally inefficient?
Event Driven AI Event driven AI does everything in response to events in the world Events sent by message (basically, a function gets called when a message arrives, just like a user interface) Example messages: A certain amount of time has passed, so update yourself You have heard a sound Someone has entered your field of view Note that messages can completely replace sensing, but typically do not. Why not? Real system are a mix - something changes, so you do some sensing
Requirements for Games AI They need to be fast (i.e contrary to some academic AI approaches which are ‘optimal’ – we will give you both) Games do not need optimal solutions (they need to be fun) Games may need to combine several techniques The goal is to design agents that provide the illusion of intelligence Illusion of being intelligent
Goals of Game AI Goal driven - the AI decides what it should do, and then figures out how to do it: Reactive - the AI responds immediately to changes in the world Knowledge intensive - the AI knows a lot about the world and how it behaves, and embodies knowledge in its own behavior Characteristic - Embodies a believable, consistent character Fast and easy development Games do not need optimal solutions (they need to be fun) Games may need to combine several techniques The goal is to design agents that provide the illusion of intelligenc Low CPU and memory usage These conflict in almost every way – how?
AI Techniques in Games Basic problem: Given the state of the world, what should I do? A wide range of solutions in games: Finite state machines, Decision trees, Rule based systems, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic A wider range of solutions in the academic world: Complex planning systems, logic programming, genetic algorithms, Bayes-nets Typically, too slow for games
Techniques used today Deterministic: Statistical: Finite State Machines Decision trees Fuzzy State machines Statistical: Baysian Approaches Neural Networks Evolutionary algorithms/ Artificial life
Genetic Algorithm Generate a random population of potential solutions Mate (crossover) selected individuals to create offspring Replace some individuals in the population with new offspring Apply mutation to population and evaluate against solution objective if solution found stop else go to step one Use a Binary GA or Real GA to encode problem See Haupt and Haupt (2004), Practical Genetic Algorithms for a detailed discussion and practical examples
Searching for Optimum Solutions AI systems search to find an optimum solution to a given problem The optimum solution may be known by the AI system as an objective function which is compared with a current potential solution Human evaluation may take place to provide an interactive process where each potential solution is rated as being a worthy candidate
Example AI Game Scenarios Learning the habits and preferences of a human player in the context of game play Game enemy finding the shortest route to the player Learning and adapting avoidance algorithms during the game Game enemy adaptive collaboration with other game enemies toward a common game objective Generating authentic and adaptive game dialogue and commentary e.g sports Generation of game environment and levels
Simulated AI Random movement Tracking algorithms (chase / evade) Swarming Patterns of movement Patterns linked to states Random patterns of movement linked to random states Probabilistic states and associated movement
Finite State Machine (FSM) Notion of game being in one of a finite number of states Behavior and direction of game logic dependant on current state Ideal properties for a robust FSM A reasonable number of states, each of which represents a different goal or motive within the game Lots of input to the FSM, such as state of the game environment and the other objects within the game environment
Pathfinding Searching for the shortest path between two points Search everywhere? Search and record the best routes - store a heuristic (cost) Widely used pathfinding algorithm is the A* algorithm A* works by assigning a cost of moving from one position to another in terms of finding the required point The A* algorithm is CPU intensive - but some versions have been optimized to reduce computational overheads Good examples of A* implementation in Brackeen’s book ‘Developing Games in Java’
Fuzzy Logic True / False used in traditional logic Fuzzy logic seeks to give an input to a fuzzy system a fuzzy truth as to its membership of vaguely defined collections of fuzzy states. Fuzzy logic allows for set membership values to range (inclusively) between 0 and 1, and in its linguistic form, imprecise concepts like "slightly", "quite" and "very". Specifically, it allows partial membership in a set.
Discrete Value Ranges Cold Cool Warm Hot 1 -10 10 20 30 0C
Fuzzy Sets Heat Value Ranges Cold Cool Warm Hot 1 -10 10 20 30 0C
Fuzzy Associated Matrix A fuzzy associated matrix FAM is a matrix that shows the membership grades of all the elements of a fuzzy relation. This is a convenient way to view fuzzy relations.
Fuzzy Sets Centriod The final stage is defuzzification into ‘crisp’ output is value derived from a fuzzy centroid 1 -10 10 20 30 0C
Two Measures of Complexity Complexity of Execution How fast does it run as more knowledge is added? How much memory is required as more knowledge is added? Determines the run-time cost of the AI Complexity of Specification How hard is it to write the code? As more “knowledge” is added, how much more code needs to be added? Determines the development cost, and risk
Different games need different methods Action Games (lead a character through a set of levels) Fighting Games Physical combat Sports Games (icehockey and football) Racing Games (Car, bikes, speedboats) Adventure games ( plots based on exploration and problem solving) Role Playing games (D&D) Board games (Chess, checkers) Strategic games (i.e. military type battle scenarios) Simulation Games (simcity)
Cases Chess: Large search trees Packman: Random FSM (weighted randomness) Smart environments: Information is not coded in the NPC but in their environment
Is AI in Games really only about the players in the game? What about the surroundings? Interaction methods?
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