Assessing Listening Ningtyas Orilina A, M.Pd
1. Definition Rubin (1994: 210) defines listening is a process of decoding the sounds, from the smallest meaningful units (phonemes) to complete texts. The phonemic units are decoded and connected together to construct words, words are connected together to construct phrases, phrases are connected together to construct utterances, and utterances are connected together to construct complete, meaningful text. That is to say, meaning is arrived at as the last step in the process. A chain of incoming sounds trigger schemata hierarchically organized in a listener‘s mind— the phonological knowledge, the morphological knowledge, lexical and syntactical knowledge (syntactical knowledge aids to analyze the sentence structure). Thus, the listener makes use of ―his knowledge of words, syntax, and grammar to work on form in the bottom-up processing
Continue... Rost (2002: 3-4) defines listening is a process of receiving what the speaker actually says; constructing and representing meaning; negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding; and creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy. Barney (1984) defines listening is a highly-complex solving activities in which listeners interact with a speaker to construct meaning, within the context of their experiences and knowledge.
Continue... Underwood (1993:1 ) says that “listening is the activity of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from something we hear. To listen successfully to spoken language we need to be able to work out what speaker mean when they use particular words in particular ways on particular occasions, and not simply to understand the words.”
2. Construct It can be concluded that listening is a highly-complex process of decoding sounds, from the smallest meaningful units (phonemes) to complete text, negotiating, responding, and creating meaning, within the context of experiences and knowledge through involvement, imagination and empathy to get meaning from something that we hear.
3. Aspects
Develop and use a battery of listening Rubin (1994: 210) Rost (2002: 3-4) Barney (1984) Underwood (1993:1 ) Brown (2004: 121) Aspects A process of decoding the sounds a process of receiving what the speaker actually says something we hear Recognizing constructing and representing meaning interact with a speaker to construct meaning get meaning Use facial, kinesics, body language, and other nonverbal clues to decipher meanings understand negotiating meaning with the speaker and responding a highly-complex solving activities the activity of paying attention to Recognize the communicative functions. Responding creating meaning through involvement, imagination and empathy context of experiences and knowledge Infer situations, participants, goals using real-world knowledge inferencing Develop and use a battery of listening guessing the meaning of words from context Guessing
4. Indicators Menunjukkan gambaran umum suatu teks; Menentukan tujuan teks; Menyebutkan informasi rinci dalam teks, baik yang tersirat maupun tersurat; Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan tertentu dalam teks; Menunjukkan respons yang tepat sesuai dengan tuntutan dalam teks;
No Indicators Number of Items Total 1 Find the communicative functions 8, 10 2 Find the explicit information of the text 5, 3 3 Find the implicit information of the text 6, 9 4 Respond the spoken English (expression) 3, 4 5 Differentiate sounds 1,2
5. Test Instrument
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