Student Exchange Program Dongseo University
The Program
The aggrement is in the nature of a student exchange between Universitas Ciputra and Dongseo University. Both university agrees to send maximum of 5 students to their counterpart to study for 1 year (2 semester). The recipient university will cover cost for courses and accomodation arrangement. The arriving students will cover the cost of traveling and food allowance. Courses that the student takes will be converted to similar courses on the origin university.
Dongseo University, Busan, South Korea
International Cooperation Hall Electronics and Information Building Health Care Center Applied Engineering Building Industry & Academy Cooperation Hall Tourism & Social Welfare Hall Liberal Arts Building Business Administration Building Design Hall Green Hall Dream E Valley Student Union Building New Millenium Building U-IT Building Sohyang Theater Cultural Center Minseok Sports Center University Chapel The Student Apartments International House Minseok Library Dongseo Language Center Student Plaza Global Village Dongseo University, 47 Jurye-ro, Sasang-gu, Busan 617-716, Korea / TEL : 82-51-320-2092,2093 / FAX : 82-51-320-2094
Courses - Compared
DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses Year/ Sorted by Section Course Code Courde Title Lecture- Remark Semester Practice- Credits 1-Jan Courses Required by University Policy 112849 채플1 (Chapel 1) 1-0-P 116937 기본영어1 (Basic English for Communication 1) 2-0-2 116974 인성교양특강1 (Character Education 1) 1-0-1 Required General Education Course 132496 실용한자 (Practical Chinese Characters) Required Basic Course 212101 디자인학개론 (Introduction of Design) Required Course for Teaching Position 214567 드로잉기법 (Drawing Techniques) 1/2/2002 215180 색채와디자인 (Color Study for Design) 216066 조형연습 1 (평면) (Plastic Practice 1) 2-Jan 112850 채플 2 (Chapel 2) 116938 기본영어 2 (Basic English for Communication 2) 112862 정보처리일반 2 (Information Processing 2) 3-0-3 117045 인성교양특강 2 (Character Education 2) 213823 디자인사 (Design History) 216187 조형연습 2 (입체) (Plastic Practice 2) 216188 발상과 표현 (Conception & expression) 216189 디지로그디자인 (Digilog Design) 1-Feb 112851 채플3 (Chapel 3) 112855 영어회화 1 (English Conversation 1) Select 1 116945 중어회화 1 (Chinese Conversation 1) 137038 글쓰기와 의사소통 (Writing & Communication) Required Course by Major 313216 기초시각디자인 1(Basic Visual Design 1) 2/2/2003 Elective Major Course 322937 포토그래피1(Photograpy 1) 322949 일러스트레이션1(Illustration 1) 322935 시각디자인론(Visual Design) 324675 기호와타이포그래피1(Logo & Typography 1) 327598 디지털 그래픽 디자인 1(Digital Graphic Design 1) DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses
DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses 2-Feb Courses Required by University Policy 112852 채플4 (Chapel 4) 1-0-P 112856 영어회화2(English Conversation2) 2-0-2 Select 1 116946 중어회화2(Chinese Conversation2) Required Course by Major 313217 기초시각디자인 2(Basic Visual Design 2) 2/2/2003 Required Course for Teaching Position Elective Major Course 322938 포토그래피 2 (Photograpy 2) 1/2/2002 322950 일러스트레이션 2 (Illustration 2) 320939 디자인 Creative방법(Design Creative Method) 324679 기호와타이포그래피 2 (Logo & Typography 2) 327599 편집디자인(Editing Design) 327600 디지털 그래픽 디자인 2(Digital Graphic Design 2) 1-Mar 116877 채플5 (Chapel 5) 1-0-1 112869 영어회화3 (English Conversation 3) 116947 중어회화3 (Chinese Conversation 3) 112877 현장실습 (Field Studies) 0-0-P 321671 시각매체디자인 1 (Visual Media Design 1) 323281 디자인 매니지먼트 (Design Management) 323413 패키지디자인 1 (Package Design 1) 324681 기획과광고디자인 1 (Design Planning & Advertising 1) 325324 웹인터렉티브디자인 1 (lnteractive Design 1) 전공연계프로젝트 1 (Co-Work Project With an Major's 1) 327602 비쥬얼트랙프로젝트 2 (Visual track project 2) 2/8/2006 DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses
DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses 2-Mar Courses Required by University Policy 116878 채플6 (Chapel 6) 1-0-1 113103 영어회화4 (English Conversation 4) 2-0-2 Select 1 116948 중어회화4 112877 현장실습 (Field Studies) 0-0-P Elective Major Course 321672 시각매체디자인 2 (Visual Media Design 2) 1/2/2002 327603 현대미술과 디자인 (Modern Art & Design) 323416 패키지디자인 2 (Package Design 2) 324685 기획과광고디자인 2 (Design Planning & Advertising 2) 325327 웹인터렉티브디자인 2 (Web lnteractive Design 2) 320938 서비스디자인 (Service Design) 0-4-2 327605 비쥬얼트랙프로젝트 3 (Visual track project 3) 2/8/2006 1-Apr Required Course by Major 317606 시각졸업연구1(Visual Design Undergraduate Research1) 1/4/2003 Required Course for Teaching Position 327607 지역연계프로젝트1(Co-Work Project With Local Companies 1) 321014 3D 영상그래픽스 1 (3D lmages graphics 1) 327608 브랜드아이덴티티 (Brand Identity) 2-Apr 전공이수 317609 시각졸업연구2(Visual Design Undergraduate Research 2) 지정 320954 3D 영상그래픽스 2 (3D lmages graphics 2) 325335 디자인포토폴리오 (Design Portfolio) 326207 디자인마케팅론 (Theory of Design Maketing) 총계 44-76-82 DongSeo, Design Division, Visual Communication, Courses
Universitas Ciputra, Existing 2010 3 4 5 6 7 8 Entrepreneurship 1 – 2 SKS Entrepreneurship 2 – 2 SKS Entrepreneurship 3 – 2 SKS Entrepreneurship 4 – 2 SKS Entrepreneurship 5 – 2 SKS Entrepreneurship 6 – 2 SKS Business Practice – 5 SKS Final Project – 8 SKS 2D Design – 4 SKS Visual Communication Design 1 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 2 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 3 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 4 – 5 SKS Visual Communication Design 5 – 5 SKS Research Methology & Academic Writing – 2 SKS 3D Design – 4 SKS Letterform Design – 2 SKS Typography 1 – 3 SKS Typography 2 – 3 SKS Communication Process – 2 SKS Packaging Graphics – 3 SKS Drawing 1 – 3 SKS Drawing 2 – 3 SKS Sketching – 3 SKS Perception Psychology – 2 SKS Ilmu Budaya Dasar – 3 SKS Citizenship – 3 SKS History of World Art & Culture – 2 SKS History of Indonesian Art & Culture – 2 SKS Design Methodology – 2 SKS Printing Process – 2 SKS Indonesian Language– 3 SKS Ilmu Alamiah Dasar– 3 SKS Aesthetic 1 – 2 SKS Aesthetic 2 – 2 SKS Design Appreciation – 2 SKS Cross Culture – 2 SKS Religion– 3 SKS News & Magazine – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 1 – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 2 – 3 SKS Computer Graphic 3 – 3 SKS Digital Content Creation 1 – 3 SKS Digital Content Creation 2 – 3 SKS Web Design– 3 SKS General English – 2 SKS Academic English – 2 SKS Basic Photography – 2 SKS Intermediate Photography – 2 SKS Advanced Photography – 3 SKS Video Editing 1 – 3 SKS Video Editing 2 – 3 SKS Sequential Art– 3 SKS Advertising – 3 SKS Art & Craft – 3 SKS Universitas Ciputra, Existing 2010
Universitas Ciputra, 2011-2014 Graphic Design 2D Design 3D Design VCD1 VCD5 (BP) Final Project 8 6 48 33.33% Graphic & Publishing Letterform Design Typography 1 Typography 2 Graphic & Publishing 1(3) Graphic & Publishing 2(3) 5 3 15 10.42% Comic & Illustration Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Illustration Comic & Illustration 1 (3) Comic & Illustration 2 (3) 9 6.25% Games, Animation & Multimedia Computer Graphic 1 Computer Graphic 2 Computer Graphic 3 Digital Content Creation 1 (3) Digital Content Creation 2 (3) Photography, Film & Television Basic Photography Intermediate Photography Video Design 1 Digital Imaging (3) Video Design 2 (3) Art & Packaging Art & Craft (3) 1 0.00% Entrepreneurship E1 Personal Selling & Branding E2 Digital Marketing E3 Entrepreneurial Retailing E4 Innovative Venture Creation E5 International Entrepreneurship MKDU Basic Natural Science Indonesian Language General English Citizenship and Leadership Religion & Ethics Basic Social and Cultural Science 18 12.50% Supplementary Skill Communication Process World Art & Culture Design Appreciation 11 21 14.58% Creative Insigth Printing Process Perception Psychology Packaging Design (3) Web Design (3) Infographic (3) Advertising (3) Graphic on Product (3) 144 100.00% Universitas Ciputra, 2011-2014
Student Data
Universitas Ciputra 1st Delegation First Delegation is consisted of 5 students from 2008 intakes, serving semester 5 and 6 respectively. Name NIM William Ng 20308024 Victor Tang 20308020 Naomi Gandakesuma 20308903 Ivette Tanzil 20308019 Winnie Tjahjana 20308008
Korean Class Execution Semester 1 Course Name Types Credits Semester Description Business Management - 3 Theory for Business Management Design History 2 Theory for design history Plastic Practice 2 Design Creating poster for a product design concept, either from existing design or designing on their own Digilog Design Designing toys (theme: wood car toys, pull toys) Conception & Expression Designing conceptual poster, typographic poster Service Innovation Design Product Design 6 Designing system and workflows on a given location (re-design park services and weight scale) Understanding Korean Culture Learning Korean Language and Culture
William Ng – Semester 1, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result 3 SKS Business Management A+ Entrepreneurship 5 2 A 2 SKS Design History Communication Process Plastic Practice 2 Digital Content Creation 1(*) 3 B+ Digilog Design C Digital Imaging (*) Conception&Expression VCD 4 5 Service Innovation Design Understanding Korean Culture Total 15 SKS 18 SKS
Victor Tang – Semester 1, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result 3 SKS Business Management B+ Entrepreneurship 5 2 2 SKS Design History Communication Process Plastic Practice 2 A+ Digital Content Creation 1(*) 3 A- Digilog Design C+ Digital Imaging (*) A Conception&Expression VCD 4 5 Service Innovation Design Understanding Korean Culture B Total 15 SKS 18 SKS
Naomi Gandakesuma – Semester 1, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result 3 SKS Business Management B+ Entrepreneurship 5 2 2 SKS Design History A+ Communication Process A Plastic Practice 2 Digital Content Creation 1(*) 3 Digilog Design D+ Digital Imaging (*) Conception&Expression VCD 4 5 Service Innovation Design Understanding Korean Culture D Total 15 SKS 18 SKS
Ivette Tanzil – Semester 1, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result 3 SKS Business Management A Entrepreneurship 5 2 2 SKS Design History B+ Communication Process Plastic Practice 2 A+ Digital Content Creation 1(*) 3 Digilog Design B Digital Imaging (*) A- Conception&Expression VCD 4 5 Service Innovation Design C+ Understanding Korean Culture Total 15 SKS 18 SKS
Winnie Tjahjana – Semester 1, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result 3 SKS Business Management A+ Entrepreneurship 5 2 A 2 SKS Design History B+ Communication Process Plastic Practice 2 Digital Content Creation 1(*) 3 Digilog Design B Digital Imaging (*) Conception&Expression VCD 4 5 Service Innovation Design Understanding Korean Culture Total 15 SKS 18 SKS
Korean Class Execution Semester 2 Course Name Types Credits Semester Description Color Study for Design Design 2 1 Color theory (similar to our 2D design) (painting practice for color implementation) Branding Korea, Branding Busan - Fundamental Design Design fundamental (products, electronics, axonometric, cars, cityscape) Architecture Class Conceptual design of an office building (concept, models, booklet)
William Ng – Semester 2, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result SKS Entrepreneurship 6 2 Advertising 3 Packaging Design Video Editing 1 VCD 5 5 Total 16 SKS
Victor Tang – Semester 2, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result SKS Entrepreneurship 6 2 Advertising 3 Packaging Design Video Editing 1 VCD 5 5 Total 16 SKS
Naomi Gandakesuma – Semester 2, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result SKS Entrepreneurship 6 2 Advertising 3 Packaging Design Video Editing 1 VCD 5 5 Total 16 SKS
Ivette Tanzil – Semester 2, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result SKS Entrepreneurship 6 2 Advertising 3 Packaging Design Video Editing 1 VCD 5 5 Total 16 SKS
Winnie Tjahjana – Semester 2, History Credits Dongseo University Universitas Ciputra Subject Result SKS Entrepreneurship 6 2 Advertising 3 Packaging Design Video Editing 1 VCD 5 5 Total 16 SKS
Student Activities
International Sports Day, Cultural Exchange between International Students. Sunday, 21 November 2010. International Sport Center
International Camp, Cultural Exchange between International Students International Camp, Cultural Exchange between International Students. Friday, 17 December 2010 – Sunday, 19 December 2010. Gwangju Resort
Auditorium Chapel, Introduce Indonesia to other students Auditorium Chapel, Introduce Indonesia to other students. Friday, 25 March 2011
Entrepreneurship in Ciputra’s Way, GKI Ebenhaezer, Knowledge sharing with Indonesian worker in Busan . Friday, 22 May 2011
1st Delegation Evaluation Positive Feedback Concern Students show a good feedback on expanding their horizon, soak up new information dan cultural understanding Students didn’t get the design course that supposed to be received during their 5 and 6 semester due to language barrier, instead they enroll courses based on language availibility, not on needs Students developed a good working relationship between people and cultures Students needs to take several design course from Indonesia, while good in theory, in practice they missed the interaction Students able to try on hands several unique projects that isn’t available otherwise Students have difficulties practicing Entrepreneurship (5 and 6) Students learn to be discipline -
Recommendation We still recommend to continue student Exchange Program Students will be allowed only for 1 semester instead of 1 until the language barrier between courses implementation is resolved Better design student learning experience in Dongseo Invite other students from different majors
Suggested Next Delegation Semester 1 Course Name Types Credits Semester Description Visual Design : Kim Dong Hyun Design 2 3 - Industrial Design : Kang Bum gyu, Lee Sung Pil Product Environmental Design : Lee Yoong Sin, Park Boo Mi, Yoon Ji Young Environment Design ?? : James Song Computer Engineering : Seok Hyun Tae, Kang Dae Gi