Encontro de Ciência 2017, 3-4-5 Julho, Lisboa AgroNET: Alentejo Agricultural Research and Extension Network Despacho conjunto 2515/2017 de 27 de Março: Ministros Adjunto, da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior,do Planeamento e das Infraestruturas, da Economia, do Ambiente e da Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural Teresa Pinto Correia and Mário de Carvalho, ICAAM, Universidade de Évora
AgroNET: how is it structured » an entity with no legal status Partners: *University of Évora – ICAAM (R&D Unit on Mediterranean Agrarian and Environmental Sciences) * INIAV (National Institute Agrarian and Veterinary Research, Ministry of Agriculture) – ELVAS delegation Coordination: University of Évora Goals: to implement a scientific and technological network in order to develop applied research and development in agriculture in the region of Alentejo. through coordination between public and private entities, research programs and contracts, and human resources. Priorities: agro-silvo pastoral system Montado; olive groves and olive oil; vineyards and wine; irrigated agriculture; knowledge transfer.
AgroNET: what is the context Alentejo: NUTS 2 region, 30% of national territory BUT 55% of total national UAA (Utilized Agricultural Area) characteristic Mediterranean climate with s strong interannual fluctuations + strong spatial variations in soils: a mosaic of bio-physical conditions supporting production systems a fragile environment requiring the improvement of soil functions
a context under change Water productivity is crucial. 155 000 ha equipped for irrigation in Alentejo 8% of total agricultural area (UAA) Water is expensive and limited Water use should not compromise territorial cohesion Water productivity is crucial. Increased diversification of production systems »» lack of knowledge on the functioning of these systems and their adaptation capacity to climate change »» needed to support the long term sustainability of the production units
AgroNET: what are the expectations National priorities for research (Compromisso com a Ciência e o Conhecimento, MCTES 2016): »» strenghtening agrarian research to enlarge, decentralize and specialise development strategies adapted to the different ecological regions of the country Research answering to questions emerging from practice » the production system as the basis Strenghtening agrarian research requires, in coordination: 1) infrastructures; 2) human resources; 3) research programes for an effective contribution to the development of the sector, also 4) knowledge transfer »» particularly complex in a context of multiple indidividual economically small entreprises The most demanding = human resources but societal impact limited, as there is a A LONG TERM GAP: the infrastructures » set of experimental plots replicating the different ecological conditions of the regions and the different production systems. Decapitalization of existing public infrastructures Lack of human resources – research and technical staff Dispersed plots in private land – fragile in face of contextual changes »» Long tem experiments and data almost impossible
AgroNET: what is nedeed A POSSIBLE START: one experimental station for irrigated agriculture In Mediterranean soils »» 33% of Alentejo UAA and 85% of Alqueva irrigated area + soils with most potential for irrigated production Fields, equiped with water and electricity + agricultural equipement » available Location close to the research unit – proximity as a condition MODALITY SIZE COST (exc.TVA) Field equiped with fixed sprinkling 10 hectares 100 000 euros Field with drop irrigation 3 hectares 24 000 euros Pivot 14 hectares 65 000 euros Meteo station and equipement for measurements 20 000 euros TOTAL for installation 209 000 euros Maintenance and operations 2 full-time technical staff
AgroNET: how to progress a budget is needed and long term commitment is key equally important: Installation + Maintenance and Operations It can only work with an integrated strategy linking 1) infrastructures; 2) human resources; 3) research programes and 4) knowledge transfer » can not be done by researchers alone »» can not be supported by short term / project based research funding »»» a joint effort within the public sector: agriculture and research a mater of long term political commitement
Many thanks Muito obrigado www.icaam.uevora.pt