Napoleon’s Rise to Power


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Presentation transcript:

Napoleon’s Rise to Power 1804 - 1807

The government of the Consulate Council of State Proposed the laws. Served as a Cabinet & the highest court. Tribunate Debated laws, but did not vote on them. Legislature Voted on laws, but did not discuss or debate them. Senate Had the right to review and veto legislation.

Lycees System ofEducation Established by Napoleon in 1801 as an educational reform. Lycées initially enrolled the nation’s most talented students [they had to pay tuition, although there was some financial help available for poorer student]. Lycées trained the nation’s future bureaucrats.

Ulm and Austerlitz ULM: France defeated Austria. -Berlin -Austria 1805: France   Britain Austria Russia (3rd Coalition) ULM: France defeated Austria. AUSTERLITZ: France defeated Austria & Russia.

Napoleons Major Military Battles Austria/Prussia, Britain and Russia created what was called the third coalition. This coalition was set up to fight Napoleon when he marched his troops eastward. Napoleon’s quick speed and fast pace allowed him to surprise the 3rd coalition military at Ulm. He was able to get in behind their line of retreat and capture 60,000 prisoners while the battle was going on in the forefront. When the 3rd coalition military retreated, Napoleon pursued them with fleet of foot.

Napoleons Major Military Battles Napoleon pursued the 3rd coalitions army to Austerlitz. Here he dealt the Austrian/Prussian, Britain and Russian army another huge blow by flanking them on both sides and thus attacking on a three prong front. Napoleon was able to kill, capture or wound 30 percent of the Austrian/Prussian/Russian/British army.

Trafalgar (Admiral Horatio Nelson: Fr. Navy lost!)  Britain France  1805: Sea Power

Battle of Trafalgar

Napoleon’s Major Campaign For the second time Napoleon tried to defeat the British at sea. He sent his navy to Trafalgar, just west of Spain, to attack the British Fleet. There he meet, for the second time, Admiral Horatio Nelson. Like before at the Nile, Admiral Nelson annihilated the French navy. After this second humiliating loss, Napoleon choose to keep his battles on Continental Europe.

“Crossing the Alps,” 1805 Paul Delaroche

BERLIN DECREES is created (“Continental System”) Jena Confed. of the Rhine 1806: France   Prussia JENA: French Troops in Berlin! BERLIN DECREES is created (“Continental System”) 4th Coalition created

Jena In 1806 Napoleon took his military across the Appalachian Mountain’s and into Jena (located in now-a-day Germany). Here a new coalition army was waiting for him, the 4th coalition – it was mostly made up of Prussians, Austrians and Russians with a few extra smaller satellite states. It was to no avail, the 4th coalition was still fighting like a military from the 18th century (1700’s) and Napoleon’s shock tactics help lead to another victory in Europe.

Jena The result of the victory at Jena led to the continental system. GOAL  to isolate Britain and promote Napoleon’s mastery over Europe. Berlin Decrees (1806) British ships were not allowed in European ports. Order in Council (1806) British proclaimed any ship trying to get to Continental Europe would be seized by the British Navy when it tried to enter the continent of Europe. Milan Decree (1807) Napoleon proclaimed any ship stopping in Britain would be seized when it entered the Continent. These edicts eventually led to the United States declaring war on Britain and attacked Canada  WAR OF 1812.

The Continental System

Friedland 1806: France   Russia Poland 1806: France   Russia FRIEDLAND: France defeated Russian troops : France occupied Konigsberg, capital of East Prussia!

Napoleon’s Major Military Campaigns France went head to head with Russia to occupy Polish territory. Russia alone could not defeat Napoleon’s grand army and lost. By the end of 1806, Napoleon had complete domination of Europe. He conquered and ruled Europe from the western banks of France, to the edges of the Prussian- Russian borders.