ITU’s 150th anniversary 17 May 2015
About ITU150
About ITU 150 1865 Our story begins in 1865 in Paris. Delegations from 20 European countries met to sign an agreement on the international telegraph service. It was a remarkable conference, “a real Peace Congress”. On 17 May 2015 ITU will be celebrating 150 years since the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention and the creation of the International Telegraph Union, ITU’s predecessor For a century and a half, the Intentional Telecommunication Union has been at the centre of advances in communications - – from telegraphy through to the modern world of satellites, mobile phones and the Internet.
The first International Telegraph Convention was signed on About ITU 150 The first International Telegraph Convention was signed on 17 May 1865 ITU is born The story of ITU is one of international cooperation, among governments, private companies and other stakeholders. The continuing mission is to achieve the best practical solutions for integrating new technologies as they develop, and to spread their benefits to all.
About ITU 150 First we saw the telegraph and the telephone, then radio and television, followed by satellite communications and the internet – heralding a new era of ubiquitous connectivity over the past twenty years. 150 years is only a brief interval in the recorded history of mankind. Yet those 150 years have been extraordinarily significant in terms of human progress and discovery. One of the most remarkable advances of the past 150 years has been the incredible increase in both the speed and variety of human communications.
A year-long celebration
A year-long celebration
A year-long celebration 2015 will be a commemoration year for all ITU Membership – including governments, private companies, and other stakeholders.
Theme: ICTs: Drivers of Innovation A year-long celebration Theme: ICTs: Drivers of Innovation The celebrations of ITU150 will aim at Bringing visibility to ITU’s mission and strategic goals; Celebrating ITU’s contribution to build a connected society; Looking into the future challenges of the ICT sector.
January – ICTs, drivers of innovation February – Youth and innovation A year-long celebration – Sub-themes per month January – ICTs, drivers of innovation February – Youth and innovation Save the date: 13 February 2015. World Radio Day in Geneva, hosted by ITU March – Standards and innovation Save the date: Fully Networked Car event in Geneva April – Girls and Women and innovation Save the date: 23 April 2015 - Girls in ICT day May - ICTs, drivers of innovation Save the date:17 May 2015 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (150th anniversary of ITU)
June – Innovation and the digital dividend A year-long celebration – Sub-themes per month June – Innovation and the digital dividend July – Accessibility and innovation August – Innovation to bridge the digital divide September – Navigation and innovation October – Big data and innovation November – ITU as a platform for innovation December – Future innovation
A world-wide celebration
Sample of activities that will be organized throughout 2015 A world wide celebration We invite all ITU Membership, the ICT sector, academia and other stakeholders to organize national celebrations during 2015 around the theme of ITU’s 150th anniversary To date more than 80 activities have been reported to the ITU150 secretariat Sample of activities that will be organized throughout 2015 Competitions Forum Conferences Workshops Interactive seminars for children Publications Projects Award ceremonies Setting up smart schools
Submit your activity online to complete the map! World-wide map Submit your activity online to complete the map!
STAMPS Argentina Brazil Belarus Bolivia Bulgaria Croatia Ethiopia Georgia Indonesia (Republic of) Kenya Kuwait Moldova (Republic of) Monacco Mozambique Nicaragua Oman Portugal Russia Switzerland Thailand
Get involved! ITU 150th Anniversary smartphone Application ITU150 poster competition ITU150 Activities Golden Book ITU 150 video greetings Social Media 17 May Event
Special Exhibitions for ITU150 event “Be part of history”(Argentina ) “ITU history - Togo history” (Togo) ”The Submarine Cable in a sea of connectivity” (Portugal) “Exhibition about history of ICTs” ( Côte d'Ivoire )
Support from ITU150 team The toolkit and visual guidelines are available for ITU membership to support the preparation for ITU150 celebrations. Promotional and Video materials Contact us at
Sponsors ITU150 Partners. Thank you.
Let’s make 2015 the international year of telecommunications and ICTs! A world wide celebration Let’s make 2015 the international year of telecommunications and ICTs!
Thanks! For more information