RESULTS Overview and Advocacy Training


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Presentation transcript:

RESULTS Overview and Advocacy Training

What is your name? What interested you in coming? 2 Let’s Get to Know You What is your name? What interested you in coming?

Write Down Your Thoughts on These Questions? 3 Write Down Your Thoughts on These Questions? When you hear the word “poverty”, what do you think of? Do you feel that most people experience poverty because of circumstances beyond their control? Do you feel that the government should play a role in ending poverty?

Because no one should have to live in poverty. 4 Why do we do this? Because no one should have to live in poverty.

5 What is RESULTS? RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed everyday people. Together we use our voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty.

Empowering People As volunteers, we receive training, support, and inspiration to become skilled advocates. 650 active volunteers in about 110 communities around the country Everyday people who want to make a difference In 2016, our activists had… 171 face-to-face meetings with U.S. House members and 78 face-to-face meetings with U.S. Senators Over 550 strategic media placements, including editorials, Op- eds, and letters to the editor Nearly 200 outreach and community events around the country

7 Advocacy Works!

8 Being Effective In time, we learn to effectively advise policy makers, guiding them towards decisions that improve access to health, education, and economic opportunity. Just in the last few years, RESULTS volunteers helped… Expand and protect the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit Protect SNAP (formerly the Food Stamp Program) from deep cuts Increase and protect investments in Head Start and child care Ensure that health care reform expanded coverage (Medicaid expansion) and access to care (community health centers)

What You Get from RESULTS 9 What You Get from RESULTS Volunteer advocates are backed by in-depth research, the legislative expertise of RESULTS staff, and detailed training. We learn to write letters, work with the media, and meet with members of Congress. Education on the issues Training to be an effective and powerful advocate Strategic, targeted actions Ongoing support to help you be successful

What We Ask of You RESULTS Agreements Meet monthly National webinar 10 What We Ask of You RESULTS Agreements Meet monthly National webinar Action Meeting Stay connected with each other Engage others

Anti-Poverty Programs Make an Impact! The impact of safety net programs is often ignored…

SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamps) Serves over 43 million people per month In 2015, SNAP lifted nearly 4.6 million people above the poverty line, including about 2.1 million children SNAP is one of the most efficient government programs More than 99 percent of benefits go to eligible households

Federal Programs are Key for Fighting Hunger

Your Voice is Needed Now! Congress wants to drastically change the structure of SNAP, led by Speaker Paul Ryan Convert SNAP to a “block grant” to states just like they did to welfare in the 1990s (TANF) Eliminates SNAP’s flexibility in times of crisis SNAP expands and contracts based on the level of need Congress ignores the needs of states Congress has not increased TANF funding in 20 years* States use the money for other things In 1996, 70 percent of welfare spending was for cash assistance to families; today it is 25 percent * Congress temporarily increased TANF funding for one year in 2009

You can be EPIC! ENGAGE the listener into the conversation Use the EPIC Laser Talk to help you create a powerful message ENGAGE the listener into the conversation Identify the PROBLEM you want them to address INFORM (or ILLUSTRATE) about the solution to the problem State a clear and specific CALL TO ACTION

RESULTS Advocacy Training 16 E = Engage Engage: Engage the listener into your conversation with a shocking statistic or by thanking them for something specific. (1-2 sentences) Nearly 1 in 5 children in the U.S. live in households that are struggling against hunger.   RESULTS Advocacy Training

RESULTS Advocacy Training 17 P = Problem Problem: Specifically identify the problem they can address. (1-2 sentences) Yet leaders in the new Congress want to drastically change food assistance in the U.S. which could lead to more people in poverty. RESULTS Advocacy Training

I = Inform or Illustrate 18 I = Inform or Illustrate Inform/Illustrate: Inform the listener about the solution to the problem and/or share a story that shows what the problem or success can look like. Good place for a story. SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) is the first line of defense against hunger in America. The U.S. Census reports that SNAP lifted 4.6 million people out of poverty in 2015. But Congress wants to undo SNAP’s success by changing it to a lump sum grant to states, which will undermine its effectiveness and force people deeper into poverty. RESULTS Advocacy Training

RESULTS Advocacy Training 19 C = Call to Action Call to Action: Make a specific, targeted request in the form of a YES or NO question. Will you urge congressional leaders to protect SNAP from cuts or “block grants” that will weaken the program and increase hunger in America?  RESULTS Advocacy Training

20 SNAP EPIC Laser Talk Engage: Senator Johnson, nearly 1 in 5 children in the U.S. live in households that are struggling against hunger. Problem: Yet leaders in the new Congress want to drastically change food assistance in the U.S. which could lead to more people in poverty. Inform: SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) is the first line of defense against hunger in America. The U.S. Census reports that SNAP lifted 4.6 million people out of poverty in 2015. But Congress wants to undo SNAP’s success by changing it to a lump sum grant to states, which will undermine its effectiveness and force people deeper into poverty. Call to Action: Senator Johnson, will you urge congressional leaders to protect SNAP from cuts or “block grants” that will weaken the program and increase hunger in America? 

RESULTS Advocacy Training 21 E = Engage Engage: Engage the listener into your conversation with a shocking statistic or by thanking them for something specific. (1-2 sentences) As an anti-poverty advocate, I am alarmed about proposed changes to Medicaid.   RESULTS Advocacy Training

RESULTS Advocacy Training 22 P = Problem Problem: Specifically identify the problem they can address. (1-2 sentences) Block granting or capping Medicaid spending would result in lost coverage, rationed benefits, and end the program as we know it. RESULTS Advocacy Training

I = Inform or Illustrate 23 I = Inform or Illustrate Inform/Illustrate: Inform the listener about the solution to the problem and/or share a story that shows what the problem or success can look like. Good place for a story. The House health proposal would harm tens of millions of children in low-income families, seniors, people with disabilities, and others who rely on Medicaid. It would also effectively end the expansion of Medicaid under the ACA – while shifting $370 billion in Medicaid costs to states over the next ten years. Under this plan, no one’s health care is safe. [If you have a personal story, please share it!] RESULTS Advocacy Training

RESULTS Advocacy Training 24 C = Call to Action Call to Action: Make a specific, targeted request in the form of a YES or NO question. Will you talk to Congressional leaders to voice your support for protecting the structure and integrity of Medicaid? RESULTS Advocacy Training

RESULTS U.S. Poverty National Webinar Medicaid Laser Talk Engage: As an anti-poverty advocate, I am alarmed about proposed changes to Medicaid. Problem: Block granting or capping Medicaid spending would result in lost coverage, rationed benefits, and end the program as we know it. Illustrate or Inform: The House health proposal would harm tens of millions of children in low-income families, seniors, people with disabilities, and others who rely on Medicaid. It would also effectively end the expansion of Medicaid under the ACA – while shifting $370 billion in Medicaid costs to states over the next ten years. Under this plan, no one’s health care is safe. [If you have a personal story, please share it!] Call to Action: Will you talk to Congressional leaders to voice your support for protecting the structure and integrity of Medicaid? RESULTS U.S. Poverty National Webinar

26 EPIC Laser Talk Now you try

Now Make a Phone Call Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or find direct numbers at: and leave this message (or your version of it). Hi, my name is _____ and I’m a constituent. My zip code is _____. I’m calling to ask Rep./Sen. __________________ to stand up for hungry children and families. Nearly 1 in 5 children in the U.S. live in households that are struggling against hunger. Yet leaders in the new Congress want to drastically change food assistance in the U.S. which could lead to more people in poverty. SNAP (formerly Food Stamps) is the first line of defense against hunger in America. It lifted lifted 4.6 million people out of poverty in 2015. But Congress wants to change SNAP into a lump sum grant to states, which will undermine its effectiveness and force people deeper into poverty. Will Rep./Sen.___________________ please tell congressional leaders to protect SNAP from cuts or “block grants” that will weaken the program and increase hunger in America?  Don’t be afraid to adjust, make it your own, and talk about your OWN reasons for caring about hungry Americans!

Take Action Today! Tell Congress to Protect Medicaid Call your Representatives and Senators and leave this message: My name is _______________ and I am a constituent from ______________. I am calling because I am alarmed about proposed changes to Medicaid. The House plan to block grant or cap Medicaid spending would result in lost coverage, rationed benefits, and end the program as we know it. It would harm tens of millions of children in low- income families, seniors, people with disabilities, and others who have no other access to health coverage. It would also shift $370 billion in Medicaid costs to states, including ______________ [your state], over the next ten years. Under this plan, no one’s health care is safe. I urge Rep./Sen. ______________ to tell Congressional leaders to strongly voice his/her support for protecting the structure and integrity of Medicaid. Call the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or find direct numbers at: and leave this message (or your version of it). If you cannot get through to leave a message, go to: and send an e-mail message about protecting health care for low-income Americans! Take Action Today! Tell Congress to Protect Medicaid RESULTS U.S. Poverty National Webinar

If you want results, RESULTS Wants You 29 If you want results, RESULTS Wants You RESULTS advocates are not paid lobbyists: we are volunteers. We come from every corner of the country and round the world. We prove that every voice has power – and that by bringing all of our voices together, we can change the world.

To learn more about RESULTS, visit 30 Get Involved! The RESULTS ___________Group meets each month to take action. Next Meeting Date: Time: Location: Local Contact: To learn more about RESULTS, visit