Using the bioBakery Curtis Huttenhower ( Galeb Abu-Ali ( Ali Rahnavard ( STAMPS 2017 08-08-17 Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Department of Biostatistics
The bioBakery: a next-generation environment for microbiome analyses Environment for meta’ome analysis Shotgun metagenomes/transcriptomes Taxonomic and functional profiling Experimental design, statistical analysis Pre-built one-click environments to run: On your laptop graphically On a server remotely On the cloud (Amazon / Google)
Launching the bioBakery on Google Cloud Lauren McIver Workshop Usage Web Browser
Launching the bioBakery on Google Cloud Lauren McIver Connect to the VPN first! In the instance list, find your number. Connect to that instance. Make sure you can launch a terminal and run a command. (I recommend echo hello world) Make sure you can upload and download a file. student biobakery