LA County leads the world in youth incarceration, including having the world’s largest juvenile halls, Probation camps (youth prisons), county jail system, Probation Department, and Sheriffs Department. LA County is also #1 in the U.S. in deportation. LA’s Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall
Cost of Incarcerating Youth Place Cost Los Angeles $233,600* Chicago $204,400 San Diego $127,750 Houston $84,680 * Probation Camps
Youth who are incarcerated are: 13% less likely to finish high school 22% more likely to end up in prison as adults Aizer, Anna, and Joseph J. Doyle Jr. Juvenile incarceration, human capital and future crime: Evidence from randomly-assigned judges. No. w19102. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.
Why did we prioritize youth centers, youth jobs and peacebuilders? YJC youth leaders investigated the budgets for all 57 law enforcement departments within LA County, interviewed young people on their experiences with the police, and surveyed 1,200 residents on a 50 mile march from Sylmar Juvenile Hall to Norwalk. 5
FY 2015-2016 Percentage of Budget Allocated to Police City FY 2015-2016 Percentage of Budget Allocated to Police City of Los Angeles 52.6% Charlotte, NC 43.2% Dallas, Texas 40.5% Chicago, Illinois 39% San Diego, CA 37% Houston, Texas 36% Indianapolis, Indiana 28% Phoenix, Arizona 22% Portland, Oregon 16% New York City 15% Law Enforcement Spending by City - L.A. is U.S. Highest
Law Enforcement and Youth Development Spending by City Total Population Youth (10-24) Police Spending Per capita spending (Police) YDD Spending Per youth capita spending (YDD) LA youth population* City's per capita YDD expenditure Boston 617,594 156,725 $323,509,388 $524 $30,376,147 *$194 $156,968,755 New York 8,175,133 1,606,307 $9,397,668,398 $1150 $503,156,380 $313 $254,199,625 San Francisco 805,235 114,395 $544,721,549 **$676 $99,881,170 $873 $700,963,366 Los Angeles 3,928,864 810,421 $2,566,431,967 $653 $36,303,119 $45
Law Enforcement and Youth Development Spending by City Total Population Youth (10-24) Police Spending Per capita spending (Police) YDD Spending Per youth capita spending (YDD) LA youth population* City's per capita YDD expenditure Boston 617,594 156,725 $323,509,388 $524 $30,376,147 *$194 $156,968,755 New York 8,175,133 1,606,307 $9,397,668,398 $1150 $503,156,380 $313 $254,199,625 San Francisco 805,235 114,395 $544,721,549 **$676 $99,881,170 $873 $700,963,366 Los Angeles 3,928,864 810,421 $2,566,431,967 $653 $36,303,119 $45 LA City with 5% of LAPD & LACA 3,928,864 810,421 $2,438,110,369 $621 $174,039,374 $215
Campaign Goals Establish Youth Development Departments for LA City and LA County Redirect at least 5% of suppression (LAPD, LASD, DA, City Attorney, County Probation, and County portion of courts’ budget) to the Youth Development Departments in order to fund: 100 Youth Centers 1000 Peacebuilders (Intervention Workers) in schools and communities 50,000 youth jobs Free Metro Passes for all students K-College