Did you know? Millennials Boomers Matures Attended college 61% 46% ?? Married 26% 48% 65% 84% of millennials say having a meaningful impact on the world is more important than professional recognition or wealth 84% donated to a social cause in 2014 84% own a smart phone – and use it on average 45 times per day
Educating the Overly Informed Millennial Generation Hawaii Strategy Institute March 5, 2016 Sally Pestana, Kapiolani Community College .
Session Goals Understand how generational differences are formed Articulate the importance of recognizing generational differences in the classroom Responding to the need for teaching skills addressing generational differences Helping all students respect the differences among the generations
Largest living generation!! The Generations The Matures (1920-1945) – Age 71+ The Baby Boomers (1946-1964) – Age 51 to 70 The Gen Xers (1965-1980) – Age 35 to 50 The Millennials (1981-2000) – Age 15 to 34 Largest living generation!!
Generational Differences Influence: Habits Values Attitudes Behaviors Expectations Motivational buttons Communication preferences
Matures (1920-1945) Duty, honor, country Conformity, consistency, and commitment Tom Brokaw’s “Greatest Generation” Hard times and then prosperity Save – then pay cash Hardworking; doing a good job is most important Education was a dream Nuclear family Matures, sometimes referred to as the “silents” in the literature were raised during the depression. Commitment is a huge value for this generation. Think back to a grandparent or parent that worked in the same job for three, four or five decades. This generation is known for rarely leaving an employer on their own volition – most stayed with the same company their entire career.
Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Raised in prosperity by depression era parents with significant impact Raised to be independent and “go out and get a job” Work ethic = Long hours / “workaholics” Success defined by number of hours at the office Competitive – only one winner Education was a birthright Buy now, pay later Important to realize how matures impacted BB. Raised by depression and war era parents. They were taught to do what you need to do to gain financial security, thus avoiding the challenges their parents faced. BB raised to always save and work hard. Told to get a job that will leave an impact on society and has benefits. BB Created the term workaholics. Millennial view – “Gosh, now I realize why my bosses are here all the time. They have no other life. Now I feel sorry for them. How sad.” BB have few hobbies – too busy working. Some are taking on hobbies post retirement. Did not receive much affection, and thus are not very demonstrative. Discipline was the rule. There was only one winner. First generation Americans tend to have more BB characteristics – regardless of their generation. BB most direct influence on MILs
Gen Xers (1965-1980) Had two working parents (often children of divorce) / “latch-key kids” Saw parents laid off leading to distrust Self reliant, independent, and resilient Want their passion to be their profession Technologically adept and flexible Work ethic = “Measure me by my outcomes.” Money is important but control of time is the goal Save, save, save Frustrated that “boomers” won’t turn over responsibility to them
Millennials (1981-2000) Raised by boomers who used opposite child rearing practices as their depression era parents Grew up in merged families, and/or had grandparents with strong influence Protected - raised by “helicopter” parents Participation generation - everybody gets a trophy “Techno-kids” – taking multi-tasking to a new level
Millennials (Continued) Work ethic = Get paid to get the job done, NOT to be in the office Expect flexibility, fun, and meaningful work - with their first job Optimistic, energetic, and demanding Empowered and spontaneous Enter job market confident of their own value Family and friends come above their careers Years of self-esteem building have given this generation the sense of being wanted and special. BB told their children to find a job that makes you happy! LOTS of feedback as contrasted with the BB philosophy of “no news is good news”.
Millennials (Continued) Education is a huge expense Earn to spend Encouraged to “Find a job that makes you happy” Work, think, and travel in groups Value education, relationships, achievements, and diversity Want and need constant and immediate feedback and will give the same
Generations of U.H. Faculty (Contrasted with a large national engineering firm) Matures (Age 71+) 4% (0%) Baby Boomers (Age 51 to 70) 47% (15%) Gen Xers (Age 35 to 50) 36% (31%) Millennials (Age 15 to 34) 13% (54%) *Depending on which report you read
Faculty’s Role Be aware of stereotypes and understand how they shape other’s perceptions of you, and you of them! Be prepared to teach millennials the importance of generational differences, as they will be working with some boomers and many Xers during their careers
In the classroom… Flexibility is critical Use clear and straightforward language with everyone, but especially with millennials because millennials don’t respond to subtleties Millennials grew up in an instantaneous world, with Google immediately answering their every question and helicopter parents at their beck and call – they bring those same expectations into the classroom
In the classroom…. Have career goals, positive attitudes, technological savvy, and collaborative inclinations Value communication and information and respond well when told the “why” behind the teaching and assessment methods you use View higher education as an expensive but economically necessary consumer good
In the classroom…. Higher education is not a privilege earned by hard work and outstanding performance They (or their parents) "purchase" it for the purpose of opening well-paying occupational doors on graduation Feel entitled to their degree for the cost of the credits Those whose grades slip in college feel their self-esteem threatened and may react with depression, anxiety, defensiveness, and even anger against us. In addition, they hear a lot a "bad news" from us in their classes: that they didn't learn enough in high school to handle college, that knowledge bases are full of holes and unsolved mysteries, that their beliefs and values are subject to question and debate, and that both college and the real world demand that they work and prove their worth.
In the classroom…. Want to know that you care about them -- “They will care how much you know, when they know how much you care”. Accustomed to near-constant interaction, and want to relate to you Used to having clear expectations set Respond well to structure, discipline, rules, and regulations
Golden Rule vs. Platinum Rule Treat others as you would like to be treated. Communicate with others using their preferred method of communication. Rotary phones Touch tone phones Cell phones Texting
Communication Needs Boomers communicated with family and friends via snail mail and long distance phone Millennials prefer to communicate by text message or e-mail -- they don't expect to have to talk Or write formally Lots of room for teaching and growth
Messages that Motivate “Your experience is respected” – satisfaction comes from a job well done “You are valued and needed” – satisfaction comes from money and title recognition “Do it your way – forget the rules” – satisfaction comes from freedom “You will work with other bright, creative people” – satisfaction comes from constant feedback and doing meaningful work
Work Ethic Duty before fun Workaholic – works efficiently, quality important, not afraid to question authority Eliminate the task! Desires structure and direction, but skeptical What’s next?! Goal oriented, multi-tasker
You are leap years ahead! Closing Thoughts You are leap years ahead! So much more to know!! http://pewresearch.org/millennials/quiz/ Pestana@hawaii.edu Share one thing that you heard in the last hour that gave you an aha moment with your nieighbor. It might be something related directly to your classroom, or perhaps something that explains your parent, or your child.