Effective Touch Point Planning


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Presentation transcript:

Effective Touch Point Planning ATM Semester 2 Tutorial 2 By Dildara Gapparova / Pavel Galkin

Agenda Identify all Target consumer touch points Develop brand touch points Select touch point media Sense check touch points

Brand Positioning and Strategy Communication Development Communication Process Brand Positioning and Strategy Master Idea Touchpoint Planning Communication Development Set KPIs and follow-up Implementation

Touch Point Planning Process 1. Identify all target consumer touch points 2. Develop brand touch points 3. Select touch point media 4. Sense check touch points

1. Identify all target consumer touch points

Identify all target consumer touch points Target Consumer Clock Dec Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Nov Jan Oct Sep

Best Email Send Time: General Advice Example of mail marketing Best Email Send Time: General Advice Daytime vs. Nighttime. While this one may be obvious, it’s usually better to send out your email campaigns during the daytime. You know, when people are awake. Not asleep. Mad Mondays. The general consensus is that should avoid sending out email blasts on Mondays. Why? People are already bummed out about the end of the weekend. They march into the office and are flooded with emails they’ve collected over the past few days. What’s the first thing they do? Delete those emails of course! Weekends. Historically, weekends are the days when people have their day offs and trying to relax, so it is obvious that during Weekends there will be low open rates, so most marketers avoid it. Prepare in advance. While 23% of emails are opened within 60 minutes after being sent, there are some lingerers who may not check out your email until a day or two later. To be safe, send out event-oriented emails 3-5 days prior to an event. That’s the Advice. Now Ignore IT. Source: http://www.wordstream.com/ Online Advertising agency

If you’re targeting the young people Know Your Target Group!!! If you’re targeting the young people You would probably ignore the general tip about not sending emails at night. Evening emails could work just fine for younger audiences. Friday could be a great choice if you’re in the entertainment industry, cause young people are looking for fun things to do over the weekend. Weekends don’t have to be off-bounds either. What if you’re interested in reaching your target audiences in cold-weather climates? For sure they spend plenty of time checking emails on Saturday and Sunday.

Conclusion There is no proper and correct answer to “WHAT IS THE BEST TIME TO SEND AN EMAIL CAMPAIGN?” Because there is no single “best time” to send an email Everything depends from your targeted audience.

Exercise: Create Target Consumer Clock Dec Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Nov Jan Oct Sep AGE Group: 18-25 AGE Group: 25-35 AGE Group: 35-50 AGE Group: 50 +

2. Develop Brand Touch points

Touchpoints can be developed in layers Tell me: TV, Cinema, Outdoor Talk to me: DM, Digital, RM Let me experience: experience days, sampling Let me recommend: Viral, word of mouth Touchpoint

Communication layers may depend on CDF Awareness Consideration Trial Occasional use Loyalty One way Two way Experience Advocacy Various ways of communication can be effective at different stages of funnel depending on firm’s objectives

Internet provider – Consideration Airline Company- Awareness Exercise: Choose Picture TEA - Trial Clothes - Loyalty Internet provider – Consideration Airline Company- Awareness

3. Select Touchpoint Media

Touchpoint media selecting process Key criteria for selecting touch points media 1. Market Matrix Impression Reach 2. Brand Matrix Cost to reach target consumer Brand fit

Low Impression score High 1. Market Matrix Measure media effectiveness of the media in the market Reach – How many people in the market can the media reach? Impression – What is the quality of the impact made by the media within the market? Good for mass brands and awareness building The most promising media Avoid Good for communication to narrow target group and stand out from clutter Low Max reach % High Low Impression score High

Low Cost per of Reach High Negative Brand Fit Index Positive 2. Brand Matrix Measure media effectiveness for the brand How effectively does the media fir the brand? How much will it cost to use the media to reach the target consumers? Avoid Balance cost vs. impact consider for niche targeting Considered wide-reach media only for awareness building The most effective media for a brand Low Cost per of Reach High Negative Brand Fit Index Positive

Media scorecard Media scorecard used to compare media effectiveness for Market & Brand Market Brand Type of Media Impression Hi (5) – Low (1) Reach Hi (5) – Low (1) Cost effectiveness Hi (5) – Low (1) Brand Fit Hi (5) – Low (1) Overall score