Thermag VII, Torino, Italy TORINO, 14th September 2016
LIFE CYCLE OPTIMIZATION PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE OPTIMIZATION: evaluates the economic and environmental dimensions, taking into consideration the technical requirement. Methodology: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): environmental impacts evaluation Life Cycle Costing (LCC): total costs analysis LIFE CYCLE THINKING TAKES INTO ACCOUNT THE ENTIRE PRODUCT’S LIFECYCLE
LIFE CYCLE THINKING APPROACH Product Lifecycle Life Cycle Assessment standardized method, which quantifies all the relevant emissions and resources consumed, and the related environmental impacts over the entire lifecycle of any product Life Cycle Costing sum of all recurring and one-time (non-recurring) costs over the full life span or a specified period of a product
LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a structured, comprehensive and internationally standardised method, which quantifies all the relevant emissions and resources consumed, both directly and indirectly, and the related environmental and health impacts and resource depletion issues that are associated with the entire life cycle of any goods or services (in general terms, of a product) [ISO 14044].
LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT – FRAMEWORK GOAL AND SCOPE DEFINITION including the system boundaries and level of details INVENTORY ANALYSIS (LCI) an inventory of input/output data with regard to the system being studied. IMPACT ASSESSMENT (LCIA) providing additional information to help assess a product system’s LCI results so as to better understand their environmental significance. INTERPRETATION discussing the results as conclusions, recommendations and decision-making in accordance with the goal and scope definition.
LIFE CYCLE COSTING Life Cycle Costing (LCCs) are the sum of all recurring and one-time (non- recurring) costs over the full life span or a specified period of a good, service, structure, or system. They include purchase price, installation cost, operating costs, maintenance and upgrade costs, and remaining (residual or salvage) value at the end of ownership of its useful life.
SIMULATION TOOLBOX CONCEPTUALIZATION The ELICiT Simulation Toolbox is a set of computer-based tools allowing the assessment of economic and environmental information that are summarized into a calculation sheet. Functional Group analysis On-site data acquisition Environmental/Economic assessment Final elaboration and decision support
SIMULATION TOOLBOX SELECTED INDEXES PERFORMANCES CATEGORY INDICATOR PERFORMANCES Temperature [°C] Energy consumption [kWh/y] COSTS Production Costs Usage Costs Disposal Costs ENVIRONMENT Abiotic depletion Global warming Ozone layer depletion Human toxicity Fresh water aquatic eco-toxicity Marine aquatic eco-toxicity Terrestrial eco-toxicity Photochemical oxidation Acidification Eutrophication ReCiPe COSTS ENV IMPACTS
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 1: Functional Group analysis (FOCUS ON MAGNETIC REFRIGERATOR) Alternatives (different design or different material) PUMP Option 1: Gear Pump, with a well-known technology but higher energy consumption Option 2: CR Pump, which has the potential to be more efficient up to 20% than the Gear Pump HEAT EXCHANGER Option 1: Natural convection based heat exchangers Option 2: Forced Convection based heat exchangers. A fan through an air duct ensures the homogeneity of temperature inside of the cabinet REGENERATORS Option 1: LaFe13SiCo alloys Option 2: LaCFe13SiMnH alloys Option 3: LaCeFe13SiMnH alloys Option 4: MnFeSiP alloys PERMANENT MAGNET Option 1: Ferrites: this alternative has been excluded because, from a previous study of Navarro et al. 2014, has greater impacts in many environmental impact categories compared to the Neodymium magnets Option 2: NdFeB. Option 3: CeNdFeb with a small part of Cerium.
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 3: Assessment Environmental assessment: LCA Goal and Scope definition Life Cycle Inventory implementation (On site data input, databases) Life Cycle Impact Assessment (SIMAPRO) Interpretation Economic assessment: LCC Plan analysis Select model Apply LCC model Document results Prepare Life Cycle Cost Analysis Implement Life Cycle Cost Analysis
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – LCA Focus The simulation toolbox results are related to the upstream and core processes, while, as far as the downstream processes are concerned, only the energy consumption of 73 kWh/year in the functional unit lifespan of 10 years has been included. The environmental indicators reported in the toolbox are: Acidification Marine aquatic ecotoxicity Abiotic depletion Terrestrial ecotoxicity Global warming (100a) Photochemical oxidation Ozone layer depletion (ODP) Eutrophication Human Toxicity ReCiPe Fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity Human Health Ecosystems Resources
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation CONVENTIONAL vs MAGNETIC: - magnetic cooling technology represents a viable alternative to gas compressor technology (16.000 mPt vs 11.500 mPt based cooling system) - the permanent magnet score could be reduced using, for example, permanent recycled material With metal foam, NdCeFeB, LaFeSiCo
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation MAGNETIC SYSTEM : - In absolute terms, the biggest impact is related to the permanent magnet - As future guidelines for designers, the design of a permanent magnet should minimize the process impact and should use recycled material EXAMPLE OF CONFIGURATION REGENERATORS LaFeSiCo PERMANENT MAGNET NdFeB VALVING SYSTEM Option1 ELECTRIC ENGINE NOT INCLUDED In absolute terms, the biggest impact is related to the permanent magnet. As future guidelines for designers, the design of a permanent magnet should minimize the process impact and should use recycled material. In this way there will have a substantial positive impact. Due to the prototype nature of the regenerators that still use a semi manual process to be assembled, the impact of the production process is proportionally far bigger than the material extraction and transformation phase on the ReCiPe indicator. With the new automatic assembly line it is expected to reduce considerably the process component impact.
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation PERMANENT MAGNET: - The graph shows how the use of Cerium instead of Neodymium has significant decrease on the impacts. - The Neodymium extraction and transformation processes represent about 80% of the total impacts. For this reason, a solution with the highest possible percentage of Cerium instead of Neodymium may decrease the total impacts in all the categories.
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation REGENERATORS: - considering the ReCiPe indicator, Mn extraction process has a high impact on the final results. So its presence, if necessary should be reduced as much as possible compatibly with the sought cooling machine performances. - The analysis of other indicators may change the results. - LCA has been chosen as first environmental toolbox methodology, due to its comprehensive evaluation of different environmental indicators, in order to have a full picture of the impact.
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation PUMP RESULTS: - The two pump alternatives have two big differences, the weight and the energy efficiency. - The CR Pump has the lower env. Impact due to the higher energy efficiency
SIMULATION TOOLBOX – STEP 4: Interpretation HEAT EXCHANGER RESULTS: - two different convection systems: the first with a fan (forced convection) the second with a fan (natural convection) - The option with the forced convection has higher impacts due to the energy consumption during the usage phase. - The differences on the impacts are caused by the energy consumption of the forced convection
CONCLUSION Decision Support Toolbox, used during the design and build of magnetically cooled domestic refrigerator prototypes. At the current development stage of a magnetically cooled domestic refrigerator (Technology readiness level, TRL6), the environmental impacts of the cooling system of the magnetic cooling system was estimated of the same order of magnitude of the conventional cooling system, which uses the gas compressors. Thanks to the DST preliminary results, the designers can focus their efforts towards the improvement of the functional groups such as the permanent magnet, in order to achieve better results than the conventional devices. The DST ensures an interactive environment where designer can evaluate different configuration scenario of the same product. Moreover, the DST will be enlarged with new processes and material databases.
Thank You. Rossella Luglietti rossella. luglietti@polimi Thank You! Rossella Luglietti #MagneticCooling