Keys to Prayer: encountering god & unlocking his Power in Our World
Keys to Prayer Series March 5: Session 1 – Understanding Prayer March 12: Session 2 – How and What Do I Pray? March 19: Session 3 – Pray Like This March 26: Session 4 – Praying by the Book April 2: Session 5 – Taking Prayer to the Streets Saturday, April 8 – Prayer Walking Walnut Ridge Tomorrow at Places to Prayer Walk
Use 2 Timothy 3:16-17 as our guide As we study the Bible, ask God to: Teach you the lessons He has for you. Rebuke you of any false thing in you or help you confront falsehoods. Correct you and show you what He wants to add to or remove from your life. Train you in righteousness by showing you what Bible verse or spiritual truth He wants you to apply to your life this week.
Origins Prayer-walking: Praying on Site with Insight by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick (1993) Could include other forms of locomotion A “rock-moving” job
Definition: “Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information, in cooperation, against opposition, for glorification.” –Dr. Dan Crawford
Prayer-walking is intercession 1 Timothy 2:1 What is intercession? 78% of prayers in the Bible are intercession. Intercession prayers are offered To the Father To and in the Name of the Son In and with the Holy Spirit.
Prayer-walking is intercession on location You can pray anywhere, but being on location changes the way you pray. Praying on location gives a sense of Presence. Often praying in enemy territory.
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information Research before you go Become aware of physical surroundings that God might use as prayer promptings.
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information Research before you go Become aware of physical surroundings that God might use as prayer promptings. Look for home conditions, basketball goals, toys, military indicators, cars, people you see, gardens, outdoor equipment, businesses, handicap adaptations, tools, etc. Soccer Camp Story
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information, in cooperation Matthew 18:19-20 Prayer-walking can become a concert! Amos 3:3; Acts 12:5-17 Think about your prayer partners: those with you, those somewhere else, those on the field in ministry, God Himself.
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information, in cooperation, against opposition Prayer-walking engages in spiritual warfare (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Thess. 2:18) Be prepared for opposition Be prepared for distraction Be prepared for spiritual battle (2 Cor. 10:3-4; James 4:7) Be prepared to use spiritual weapons (Eph. 6:10-20)
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information, in cooperation, against opposition, for glorification. Psalm 108:5 Psalm 46:10 Get prepared: Joshua 3:5 Don’t be afraid: Isaiah 41:13 Trust God: Isaiah 65:1 Watch God work: Habakkuk 1:5 Be His ambassador: 2 Corinthians 5:20
Prayer-walking is intercession on location, with information, in cooperation, against opposition, for glorification.”
What did you learn? As we studied the Bible, . . . what lesson did God teach you? did God rebuke you of any false thing in you or help you confront falsehoods? did God correct you and show you what He wants to add to or remove from your life? did God train you in righteousness by showing you what Bible verse or spiritual truth He wants you to apply to your life this week?
Let’s take a prayer walk.
What did you learn?
Saturday, April 8, 10:00 AM Meet in the MAC to pick up your map. Wear walking shoes. Enlist someone to come with you. Let’s pray for our city.
Keys to Prayer: encountering god & unlocking his Power in Our World